Exported Project to Disk, getting Generic Error when placing "test order" 
Autor: HCR E.
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After export to disk, when I run my project, index.htm., after selecting a product to buy, filling out all the information, I select payment method of PayPal, when I click on Buy Now buttong (Step 3) the page returns a "Generic Error" rather than transfer to PayPal for order completion.
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Hello.This is probably normal.The site must be on the server and with a real domain name.
As explained by Aleksej as well, it is very possible that the website might need to be online in order for this aspect to work correctly. It might very well depend on the particular configuration of the web server you're using locally if you're using any.
Would it be possible for you to upload your website to some online webhosting and verify the functionality there? Should it still present the same exact problem, please let me know the URL to the website here so that I might verify the problem for you personally
Thank you
Website is now published and I'm still getting the same "generic error" when trying to complete the transaction by clicking on the Buy Now button.
It appears that I'm getting the error instead of proceeding to .html#step4 from .html#step
Our website is www.buy-hcrelectronics and it seems that the generic error is actually a 404 error on
I checked the site in Mozilla Firefox 66.0.2 (64-bit) and got this error.
We has published our website to our hosting system and are still seeing this same error, can you check above for a screenshot and the exact error I'm seeing?
Thank you
I analyzed your website and found an error that is reported by the cart when you get the Generic Error.
"The requested URL /cgi-bin/php/cart/x5cart.php was not found on this server."
Now, this error might lead to two possibilities:
1_ At step 1 inside the software, did you insert the full and correct URL to your website? If not, this might cause issues to the system
2_ Your hosting configured his PHP in a way where the correct path to the x5cart.php file is written wrong, and unfortunately this is something that has to be solved by the hosting support, and for which the Staff can unfortunately provide no support
Please verify these two pieces of information and keep me posted on the result
Thank you
I'm confused, why would php work perfectly up to that point in the cart, fail going from step 3 to step 4, but if I go to the navigation line and backspace http://www.buy-hcrelectronics.com/cart/index.html#step3 with http://www.buy-hcrelectronics.com/cart/index.html#step4 the site continues with no error?
It could be due to the fact that perhaps the server isn't returning the proper URLs to the PHP logic of the website.
Unfortunately, it is hard to determine just by looking at the site, and the additional tests I mentioned above could help in the process.
Please get to those when possible and let me know the results so that I might proceed to further analyzing the matter for you
Thank you