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Herbert O.
Herbert O.

Sidebar in X5 v2019.1.6  en

Autor: Herbert O.
Besucht 1524, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

In X5 evo 12 the sidebar was as I build it up and it showet the Menu  correct. Now in X% v17.1.2 and the latest update to v2019.1.6 the sidebar appears as a Hamburger Knob adn klik on it the sidebar appears as in evo 12 but is very unstable and vanishes often. How to change the Hamburger knob so my Menu is shown as in evo 12. As you see in the Attachment the 603dcf42-7556-402c-aed4-88635503a content_k33r83rt.png does not exist at all neither in evo 12. So where can I find the correct content for the menu as I made in evo 12?   

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In v12, the Menu was Part of the Template, Currently Menu is a separate Object that can be used more freely and also several times.
If the Content for the Menu takes up more Space than was specified, the Hamburger Menu will automatically follow. This applies to each of the 4-10 responsive Views
You can adjust the Width of the Sitebar In the template or adjust the Font size and more in the Content of the Sitebar, always per responsive Upheaval
Read also In the Help to the Functions of the Menu, the Sitebar and the Stickybar.
From v12 to v2019 a big Jump has happened over 6 Major Versions and so some Adjustments are now necessary.


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Gepostet am von JJ. JUAG
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Herbert, your profile does not indicate which versions of WX5 you own (except for a very old WX5 v8 evo). Have you used the correct email address for the most recent purchase/registration?

You need to go to step 2, template content, sidebar. Here you will find the menu object. Using the handles, drag it bigger so all the wording displays. If there is insufficient space for the full menu text the toaster bars always appear.

You will need to do this for all resolutions, although for small tablet and mobiles it is best to dispense with the side menu and place it in the header.

(oops sorry JJ, I didn't realise you were replying, but I will leave my post up in case it helps Herbert)

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..