V2019.1.7 beta preview 
Autor: Nigel P.
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I to have this problem, I had upgraded to Beta 2019.1.7. This worked OK last week but now the preview is screwed ie it doesnt work. Uploading the site shows the details correctly via any browser.
I have tried the ctrl+preview suggested but no difference.
I re-downloaded 2019.1.6 and checked that and it now has the same problems.
I suspect a Windows 10 upgrade or patch.
zip file attached
Gepostet am
Nigel, is the existing site online so we can compare what you had with what you now have/
On the face of it you simply have to go to step 2 template content and adjust the header content for each resolution?
Or are you saying the content has recently changed dramatically or can't be modified?
Hi Esach, I have checked against another project, it has the same problem, see attached image.
At the same time I reuploaded the website to the site www.platinum-ltd.com. No problems there.
I have not changed the content in X5, just uploaded it. The details appear normally in the software for all views ('Template Contents', images, text).
Its the Preview, only, that is affected. See image attached
Nigel, I have split your posts off as a separate subject. As you say, this only occured after installing the beta version, so I have marked this for Incomedia's attention (I have not installed the beta version to test).
As an interim measure, after opening the preview, does the problem occur with your own local browser?
Hi Esach, I did wonder at the outset whether to make this a separate posting from Anita's but there were similarities.
Yes, the image of the web page was from the Firefox option.
I am now uninstalling the product and will try installing the product as a fresh install. Will keep you in the loop
Hi Esach, Reinstall did not solve it
It is extremely odd that this affects both the preview and the local browser. Your current version of Windows is?? To use inbuilt preview, you used CTRL+PREVIEW, when using Firefox, did you do CTRL+F5?? (to clear the cache in both cases).
If you have time can you export to disk (step 5), and browse to where you saved it then open index.html? Done this way, does the site look correct after ctrl+f5??
If not, can you copy the site to a USB stick and open the site on a different PC? Result??
PS you can embed screen shots here by copying to memory (prtscrn) and pasting into post (ctrl V), if you use irfanview or lightshot you can crop before paste. Lightshot is great (& free)
Hi Esahc,
Have reinstalled the X5 software on another PC and it functions OK. How do I determine what to do next on my live PC where the problem appears in all the projects that i am working on (6).
I am also getting a message 'Specified project is in use or has not been closed correctly. Do you want to continue?
This is after the project has been saved so there is another possible problem as a flag has not been set when saved. The date stamp of filing is also left unchanged.
i presume that Incomedia have instructions on doing a reset / tidy up on the datafiles, if they could provide me any information thay may have on this.
Thank you for your help on this.
Nigel, please ensure you regularly create an iwzip (rename it at creation to keep multiple fall back positions) through step 5 export project.
Please ensure you are not using any 3rd party av/malware/firewall etc (make sure onedrive is also off). These have been known to block proper functionality of WX5 (AVG pops up a lot) when they mis-identify new versions of WX5 working files as threats or in the case of one drive, try to sync content (and stop files being saved). I am not aware of there ever being an issue with Windows Defender.
If all else fails, do a clean install on your main PC. Uninstall WX5 and then delete c:\users\yourname\appdata\local\incomedia\website x5 - pro. Download and re-install.
Do NOT remove or delete your projects (normally in documents).
Hi Esach, before changes I generally copy the project item to a backup, which I presumed would include the backing up of all the iwzip project files.
I have been thinking about this problem and it all started when, In readiness for an SSD upgrade, I copied the X5 project data to another partition on my hard disk.
I changed the file location parameters in X5 to look at the relocated X5 project files on the new drive
This started the problem with the previews, whereby images etc disappeared.
I reset X5 back to the default drive but the problems still persisted.
Even though I have X5 set to back data up when previewed, the date stamp on the project is remaining static. This is the same when I also save at exit, the X5 process looks as though it is going through the backup but nothing is being written ie the project save date is unchanged.
Reopening the project results in in an error message flashing up. ('Specified project is in use or has not been closed correctly. Do you want to continue?’). No changes have been applied from previous sessions, as far as I can make out
Suspect the problem is in the change of data file location from the standard default to the new file location within the X5 program code.
I have not had any problems with av/malware/firewall and Onedrive in any version since V8
Nigel, if you are using step 5 export project - that's great!! If you are relying on the built in backup then this WILL end in tears. If you are carrying out your own backups by copying the whole project directories elsewhere, then this is almost as good as an iwzip, but not quite (eg in the case of catastrophe and the loss of a hard disk, you can replace the disk and reinstate the project, but will you have the source files/images? The iwzip includes them)
Since you have "moved things around" there could be a corruption in the working files of WX5, have you uninstalled WX5 v2019, removed c:\users\yourname\appdata\local\incomedia\website x5 - pro and then downloaded and re-installed the beta version?
When you first open WX5 after install, immediately set the working directory. Now check you can open an existing project and then see if you can create a new project. Does it work??
You may not have issues with av/malware/firewall and Onedrive, but I can assure you many people here still do on occasions.
Hi Nigel.
What if you try as follows:
Step 1 ->
Change this resolution to 1151 (for example, it would be okay to change whatever resolution by 1 pixel)
Launch the preview.
Is the issue fixed? If so, you can bring the resolution back to normal.
If not, I might need to investigate this project further
Try this out and keep me posted on the result
Thank you
Hi both,
I am now able to preview the items correctly, not sure what happened but will keep monitoring. I have now upgraded to Beta 2019.1.7. Files are being backed up as we speak.
Thanks for your help