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Norman C.
Norman C.

Website Test Failure  en

Autor: Norman C.
Besucht 1419, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

I'm on BlueHost shared hosting and I'm failing the Website test when I go to my on line Control Panel.  I have set up a subdirectory of my public_html (comments) and set it's permissions to 777.  I entered the path to 'comments" in Step 2 Data Management.  I uploaded the site to BlueHost.  All is working well with the site, except I can't manage the Blog because the CP is showing as Website test failed.   The public_html is set to 755 and I don't want to change it to 777 for serurity reasons. Any suggestions about how to fix this would be most welcome.  

Gepostet am
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Norman,

Do you mean Step 1 Settings > Advanced > Data Management > Writing Access Folder?

If not, could you post a screenshot of the setting you refer to?

Have you checked your BlueHost server error log for details?  In most cases this will lead you straight to the cause of the trouble, or at the very least give you a valuable clue.

Where is the 'comments' folder that you created in relation to the WebSite X5 document root?  Is it one level down?

Do you use an .htaccess file?  If so have you checked for any rules which might prohibit access to your 'comments' folder?

Are you running a minimum of PHP 5.6 on your BlueHost server?

Kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Norman C.
Norman C.

Thanks for your attention to this problem.  I guess I wasn't clear enough the first time.  So, let me try again.  I am trying to configure "Comments" so they'll work on the Blog.  Here's what I've done so far:

1. On my Bluehost server, set up a subdirectory of the public_html directory named "comments" and set the peermissions to 777.  The problem is that the public_html permissions are set to 755.  I don't want to reset that to 777 because that seems very unsecure.  A screenshot of that is attahed as Bluehost Contral Panel public_html folder.

2. Set up the Blog in Step one and configured the Page in the Article page tab.  A screenshot is attached labeled Blog Artical Page Settings

3, In Step 1. Settings/Advanced/Data Management, set the Server folder as A sreenshot of that is attached as X5 Data Management Entry.

4. Logged on to my on line contral panel and got an error message that the directory didn't pass the webtest.  A screenshot of that is attahed as Website X5 Control Panel with error message.

5. Checked PHP verstion - 7.2.7

I don't know of any issues with .htaccess file.

How can i get this to pass the website test so I can properly manage comments?



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Gepostet am von Norman C.
Norman C.
Norman C.

Another attachment

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Gepostet am von Norman C.
Norman C.
Norman C.

here's azip with all attachments.  I don't think they all attahed to original message

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Gepostet am von Norman C.
Paul M.
Paul M.
Norman C.
3, In Step 1. Settings/Advanced/Data Management, set the Server folder as A sreenshot of that is attached as X5 Data Management Entry.

This entry should be made simply as comments  -  can you edit this field, reupload to the server and test again, Norman?

Just to be clear, you don't want an absolute path in the Server folder with write access field  -  in other words, simply type:


as opposed to

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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Norman C.
Norman C.

That fixed it.  Thanks so much for your help.  Have a good day.

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Gepostet am von Norman C.
Paul M.
Paul M.

You're very welcome...  and you! smile

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Gepostet am von Paul M.