Rss Feed Returning Wrong Path 
Autor: Gwenda K.
Besucht 1831,
Followers 2,
Geteilt 13
Hello, I am trying to send the contents of the blog to RSS. I have ticked to box to create a RSS stream. However nothing is being created. I tried by using the step 4. RSS but this is in addition to the blog? Doesn't the blog automatically create an .xml file for the feed from the blog posts? I have read the manual but I seem to be missing a step. Also when I did put in an entry into the step 4, it returns the following path which is incorrect for the blog feed : It should be:
This same problem is occuring in the email notification of Comments that are posted. Can you please advise how to correct this. Many thanks in advance.
Gepostet am
Hello, I've managed to solve to RSS feed for the blog, by translating some of the other posts back into English. Thank you for the previous posts. I used the correct path to subscribe being:
However I still have one problem and that is in the email that is sent to the Administrator to advise that a Comment has been made. The link in the email to the post is always incorrect. Is there any way to fix this? Many thanks in anticipation of your assistance.
Hi Gwenda,
Make sure your public path is correct in:
....and you have inserted the correct Web address in General Settings!!