An error occured 
Autor: Valerie K.
Besucht 1986,
Followers 1,
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Have you had this experience. I wonder if you can help.
I cannot open my project at all it just says. An error occured while loading the project. Then another message comes up. There is an error in XML document. When I click on OK it just does nothing. Is this something serious or can I rectify it. I don't even know what I did. If you can help I will be so grateful. thanks so much.
Kind regards
Gepostet am
First things first.
Please restart your PC.
Now run wx5 and try open your project, if unsuccessful, try again, but this time select your project and then select backup. Pick a suitable candidate (assuming one or 2 exist) and then click redo.
(this all assumes you do not have a recent iwzip file)
If this works then please immediately check your project (do a preview) and when you are happy go to step 5, export project.
This will create a quality, reliable and complete backup complete with all source files. The generated iwzip is self contained. It can be used on any PC. Please visit step 5, export project regularly, it is the only safe backup (each iwzip can be renamed at creation time)
If you can not open the corrupted/broken project with the above procedure, please advise and we will try offer further assistance.
Thank you so much,
I am going to try. Will let you know
Sadly I did not duplicate the project while it was still ok. I tried to make a duplicate now but it is giving the same message. I am afraid I am to blame completely. I have put video's in to the digital shop these took hours to upload so I have really sabataged myself it seems.
Thanks for your help.
Valerie, were there no backups at all? (start wx5, select project with single click then click backup, if a backup exists select it and click redo)
Thank you all for your help.
I am afriad that this is going to be a big lesson for me. Duplicating my project and backing up is more than essential. Thanks again. Take care and best of luck.