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P. S
P. S

Website not updating  en

Autor: P. S
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I have had a similar problem in the past, but can't remember how i solved it!

When i upload my website, it is not being updated from the previous version. I.e. when i preview, everything is fine, but i have an accordian object on a page, that is not being updated.

I have tried uploading everything, not just the changes - i have also tried updating a different page, this works fine.

Why would some pages or obects not get updated?

(I have cleared the browser).


Gepostet am
Andre E
Andre E

Are you sure you see the correct page?
Goto the page by using the menu.

If this works then you have several pages with different extensions (html and/or php)

If you add something and the page needs to change to php, x5 does not remove the html page so if you type that one in, you wont see changes.

Remove all files from your webserver from time to time (i do it once a year) then check website with refresh to be sure it's empty, then do a full upload, then refresh and chack again.

Hope this helps,

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Gepostet am von Andre E
P. S
P. S

Hello Andre,

Something strange is happening here.

I tried going to the page via the menu, same result. I removed the sire using Filezilla, then uploaded everything. Still the page viewed on Edge is different (older) than the new page when previewed within Werbsite X5.

I tried Firefox also, no change.

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Gepostet am von P. S
P. S
P. S


I have change some text on other parts of the page, changes correctly everytime.

It seems to be the Accordian text object that is not updating correctly!

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Gepostet am von P. S
P. S
P. S

I have tried everything. The accordian object just will not update.

I tried adding another identical object on another page, and it also does not update.

Can anyone advise if this is a known issue?

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Gepostet am von P. S
Andre E
Andre E

I just tested the accordion object, uploaded -> ok chenged a picture -> preview ok , uploaded online ->ok

is the object set to latest version? (check manage button, step4 and check the object) update if needed

Else add it to another page, doe it work there correct?

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Gepostet am von Andre E
P. S
P. S

Thank you Andre,

This is the Accordian Text Object. Everything set to latest version. Already added to another page same issue.

If i make a change to the text in the object, upload, not changed on site. Browser cleared, tried removing site, uploaded everything. Exactly the same.

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Gepostet am von P. S
P. S
P. S

I have now proven that the object does not work!

I have replicated the Accordian Text on muliple pages, and on two seperate sites. It seems to update once, after major changes to the site, but then any changes to the text within the object are not updated, even though a text object on the next row does update everytime, proving the page is the correct version.

Can i please get a comment from Incomedia? It's is just pointless me spending hours testing this.

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Gepostet am von P. S
Stefano G.

Hello PS

Could it be that the Objects currently on the page have become corrupted for some reason?

What if you remove those completely and create two new Objects. Do they update instead?

Please perform this test in two different pages if possible. This can better help me understand whether something might be going wrong with the page or the Object specifically

Keep me posted on this here

Thank you


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Gepostet am von Stefano G.
Andre E
Andre E

Besides Stafano's good advice you may also want to try it in a complety new project into a test page/folder online.

Maybe there is something in your project, sometimes it help to expeort the project, import the exported project and check again.

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Gepostet am von Andre E
P. S
P. S

Hello Stafano,

I created a new accordian text object, on a new page, without any changes, uploaded, all fine.

Then made a change to one letter, uploaded, the object was not updated. 

I am also seeing two different versions if leave www from the domain name, i am not sure what is going on.

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Gepostet am von P. S
P. S
P. S

Update - After doing nothing, 20mins later i open the page again and the object is now updated, without any other changes.

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Gepostet am von P. S
P. S
P. S

So, not for the first time, i am left with two options: 

1, Rewrite the website, in case that object has some how become corrupt.

2, Not use the accordian object.

By the way, the full template was purchased from the store.

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Gepostet am von P. S
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


I know I am late to this party, but does clearing the browser cache (ctrl+F5) show the change? If not and the site is not too large, ctrl+preview inside wx5 before update to internet. If that fails, does full upload (not new and changed) fix the issue.

It sounds like wx5 is updating a file within a folder, but for some reason not identified as changed. Perhaps changing text inside an accordion object fails to update the date and time?

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
P. S
P. S

Thank you Esahc,

Clearing the browser does not have any effect, tried firefox, edge and IE.

Tried Ctrl+Preview, and full upload, no change.

I don't understand the bit about www and non www.

It is really strange becuase i am also sure the object has updated it's self over time on some attempts, if that's possible. I am trying so many different test, it's getting confusing and the results don't seem to be consistent.

For example, if i do a change now, it may update, then when i do it again straight away, it won't.

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Gepostet am von P. S
Andre E
Andre E

Try my suggestion's it might help you to find out if it's x5 or something else. It could also very well be that your provider is checking items and that they create a buffer where scripts are slower then plain text. This might be your answer.

As stated before i tested with my provider with no problems at all, if there is something in x5 with this we would have had way more posts here in the helpdesk about this.

So resuming:

It might be something in the project itself, so try a brand new project in a test folder to tackle this!

If this gives same result and after 20 min, the data is online, it might be a provider problem and you should leave it, it is not a very bad thing that it's a bit slow on certain scripts (like pdf or accordion abject).

If the newly made projects works good then it is definatly in your project, try the export option or complete un install and install for the objects.

If it helps it's good if not then you need to make choice to start all over in a new project or leave it, i would go for option 2 if the project remake is a lot of work.....

But start testing / debugging to get the knowladge you need to solve this!

Best Regards,

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

My apologies if this sounds dumb, but I once had a weside that would only update if I waited 18+hrs because the timezone was wrong.

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
P. S
P. S

This seems to be the problem, if i leave it for a while, it updates.

I had no idea that certain parts of a page could take longer to update.

I will leave it as is.

Thank you all.

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Gepostet am von P. S
Andre E
Andre E

Good call!

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Gepostet am von Andre E