Issue with orders being processed without receipt of payment first. 
Autor: C. Thaemert-FoxSee attachment
Website in question: -- I am on the latest edition/update of WebsiteX5 Pro.
I believe the problem is that the customer thinks he is done when the page with the Order Number and Date are displayed, making it appear that they have finished, not questioning the payment or not sure how they would send the payment.
How can I “edit the Step 4 pages (2) on the eCommerce portion” of my Website? If I can move the BuyNow button to the page before the Order number and Date are shown to the customer, that could probably solve most issues.
Please assist me in correcting this problem. I can write HTML code, but do not know how to access the files to make code changes. Also, there seems to be a CSS page for every HTML page. I don’t want to create a mess editing where I should not be.
I hope I have made my problem clear enough to understand.
Thank you.
Carol Thaemert-Fox
Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
@ C. Thaemert-Fox
I have recently added a credit-card payment gateway plug-in made by Axel (very active & known WSX5 user: - and there you can set that (in the case of credit card processing) - the buyer could be redirected to the payment site immediately or within some seconds (automatically) or manually by clicking on the link.
But this works ONLY for this specific payment gateway (PG) - and not for WSX5 built-in PGs...
Axel sells this solution for a very affordable sum - so you can check with him about it.
Please note:
to be able to use this PG plug-in - you should be granted the access by the payment processing company first!
Good afternoon
If you believe that the final page's text can be somewhat misleading to your customers, you can freely edit any text in there to make it as clear as possible that he is still supposed to pay
Go here in Step 1 and edit the text that appears on that page. You can modify any default text in the software to improve clarity
Let me know if this helps
Thank you
I tried all suggestions with no good result. The problem has been narrowed down to 2 different things. One is when a buyer enters her order and then changes her mind or she did not click on the buy now button to finish paying for her order. Two, the buyer gets to PayPal and changes their mind not to order.
In either case, an order number and order is generated and sent to the person who fills the order. The order is completed but we did not receive any payment through PayPal.
I checked the box that says "Send order confirmation AFTER Payment" It sends the order through to the customer and the person filling the orders. The order looks as though it is paid. I am not sure what to do to keep an order from generating until PayPal processes a payment for the order. I am at the point where I may have to look for another eCommerce software and then figure out how to merge it into my site template so it looks like one website. Wix may work, but I am having to learn Wix first. .... start over!!
I do not have any other ideas. If you have another route I can take, please let me know. Last year,n2019, we gave away $1500 in merchandise that was not paid for. So far this year, we have processed about $500 in orders not paid for. It could easily be more, but I am trying to intercept orders and verify them at PayPal. It is time-consuming and a hassle, but we cannot keep losing money on these orders. I cannot believe that others are not having any problems with this. I use the Pro version and have all the latest updates.
I need to open another store on one of my other websites now, but am leary to do so until I get this problem resolved with this one. We have multiple people working with the website, so it is hard to keep up with everyone.
If anyone out there has had a similar experience and was able to resolve it, please tell me how you fixed it.
Thank you.
PS. Could the Changes to the Shopping Cart have any impact on my issue? The "Shopping Cart Search" was added and the "Shopping Cart" is still there also; Is there something I should have done to combine these? ...or did the software update take care of anything that needed to be changed?
Good afternoon
The problem seems peculiar. I would like to suggest a way around this.
If I understand correctly, you proceed to elaborate on the order as soon as you receive an order number. Having the order number though gives you no guarantee that the order has been paid yet though.
If you've set an Order confirmation to be sent after payment. This should be true for the administrator too.
I've just tested this with an account ***. I definitely did not perform the payment and I did not receive any email stating that the order was over, so it seems to be working fine
I mean, you should be sure that the payment went through only when you receive an email stating so. This is of course true for PayPal but not for other systems that do not support this kind of functionality in the software as of now.
What you mean is that, if I finish an order, but decide not to pay, you're already getting an email as a website administrator indicating that the order is there?
Keep me posted on this here
Thank you