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hafiz aziz H.
hafiz aziz H.

Help guide on setting database  en

Autor: hafiz aziz H.
Besucht 1185, Followers 2, Geteilt 24  
Tags:: database

Hello there.. I'm having a problem in order to make a register form. when i uploaded into internet, and I try to submit the form, it state that "Unable to connect to database. Check your connection paramenters." Could anyone help me and give me a guide what should i do and how do i setup the database. tq

Gepostet am
Samantha M.

Dear Hafiz Aziz,

In order to make the Members Area work correctly, it is important that the host Server supports PHP and sessions. You can get this information on the Server diagnostics in the WebSite Test section of the online Control Panel.

Please check and let me know!

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Gepostet am von Samantha M.