Autor: X5 Croatia
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Need help from X5 programers... Please read my private posts... I'ts a rush.
Gepostet am
Are you on holliday or something?
. . . keep in mind please . . .
You will get support within 24/48 hours (except weekends and holidays)
I have that in mind. I'm sory to desturb you but, (incomedia) are responible to sel aplication that work... Before selling you realy need to test yours forms, php script's, user panels...
Read my post to browse button problems in log in panel for customers...
. . . i cant read private posts - im not Inco-employed
I wait for someone from Incomedia because i send a problem / resolving situation to them... But no answer. Btw i tell you if you create a user panel for log in to your customers pay attentione on php scripting forms because when the php is in the log in mode for customers is buggy!!!