Ecommerce product card 
Autor: Václav Vaněk
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Is there some possibility to make more detailed product card? When i click on product, i can only see bigger photo of this product but not additional info about product like dimensions, weight, colors ... Not good to have all descriptions on product card in SMALL screen. How to do bigger detailed product card is my question.
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Hi Václav,
you can enter all details you like in text area of details tab.
Sorry, that's no answer to your question.
... but it's possible to create an own page with all the details you like.
Thank you for answers but it is impossible to make and FILL extra page for each of my products :-( To many informations to write.
Hi, it's possible...
You can do this in two ways:
1) Create in STEP 1 Settings / Advanced / E-commerce Cart / Products a Product called, for example, PRODUCT X, then go to STEP 3 MAP and create a new specific page (it will be the page with all the product details), make it hidden and, in STEP 4 Page, insert in this page all the elements you want (text objects, gallery objects, image objects etc. with which you will describe the product) and, finally, among the various objects, where you prefer, insert the "Product catalog object" in which you go to associate the PRODUCT X created previously in STEP 1 Settings / Advanced / E-commerce Cart / Products but showing only: price, quantity, "Add to Cart" button and any product variants . Here is my online example:
2) Use the new "Details" function present on the latest version 2021.2 in "Product Settings" (STEP 1 Settings / Advanced / E-commerce Cart / Products). Here is a very well done video tutorial by Alexej H.:
Best regards
It is exactly what i want to know. Thank you very much Giuseppe :-)
But nothing
This is an example of product "Details" pages created with the new "Details" function as shown in Aleksej's video ...
Click on the product photos to view the respective detail pages:
One more question. I setup your second way:
2) Use the new "Details" function present on the latest version 2021.2 in "Product Settings" (STEP 1 Settings / Advanced / E-commerce Cart / Products). Here is a very well done video tutorial by Alexej H.:
I filled up all what i saw in video. On product page in e-commerce. I inserted some text and picture about product. Let the Website will generate info page with bookmarks. But when i run preview, click in my eshop on product name, new page is generated but nothing inside is visible?
Hello Vaclav
Is the page which is not working currently online? if it is, let me know the URL here and I will verify that for you
If it is not, I would like to ask you to turn the topic private and I will ask for your project specifically to verify the page which seems to be presenting issues
Double-check this and keep me posted here
Thank you