Ada Compliance 
Autor: Mr. Doctor Dust Mite .
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Is there some way you could make the site respond to using the TAB KEY on the keyboard. Pressing the TAB key should cycle thru the menu buttons as well as thru any hyperlinks on a page. Also cycling thru fields on forms pages.
This is probably all you will need to become ADA Compliant, as most readers can read the text, CTRL Mouse Scroll zooms.
Funny, if you hit the TAB key while on this page, you will see exactly what I am referring as you press the TAB Key several times. Thats it.
Should be lines of code imbedded. Maybe some sort of toggle or something similar to the existing "Optimize Feature" which searches and adds the code where it needs to be.
Just need the TAB Key ability here guys. Thats it.
Please HELP!!
Gepostet am
Totally agree, already asked for this but still no go.
It must be a legal requirement nationally now.
It is not something new. ADA Compliance came into law 1992. It has morphed thru the years but has always been a national / federal ruling. It has now flowed over to the UK and is becoming global.
This portion is WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and were guidlines prior to the following dating back to 1995 are now the law of the land:
Must be compliant:
Directive 2016/2102 requires websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies to conform with WCAG 2.1 Level AA. New websites must comply from 23 September 2019 on, old websites from 23 September 2020 on and mobile applications from 23 June 2021 on.
What we care about here is at the bottom, Website Usability. A lot of this is house cleaning, but Website Usability requires underlying code.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Title III of the ADA requires that every owner, lessor or operator of a “place of public accommodation” provide equal access to users who meet ADA standards for disability.
Website Compliance with ADA for 2020
Under the most recent WCAG standards, accessibility includes the following the ADA compliant website requirements:
1. Website presentation –
2. Website Appearance –
3. Content Alternatives –
4. User Control –
5. Website Usability –
Risks of Non-Compliance
Plaintiffs are getting judgments against businesses for discrimination based on non-compliant websites, and businesses are finding themselves having to pay out monetary damages and cover the expense of compliance.
Common problem areas of non-compliant websites include:
Stefon, can you help see this thru?
Try using css with the element ": focus" there are several editing possibilities and also in other programming languages.
Place it before closing the / head tag
:focus {
background-color: #000;
outline: 3px solid #ff4800;
input:focus {
background-color: yellow;
button:focus {
background-color: #ff4800;
Although it also depends on the browsers and if you have used css in buttons, fields, etc.
I hope it works for you.
Thanks Miguel, that worked great .
It works good with menu's that are one deep and the hyperlinks on the page, forms as well as capatcha.
If it encounters a multiple level menu it just by-passes over it though. Any ideas on hitting the multi level menu's?
I would say we need a more integrated method. Something embeded in either Settings or Template Menu. There are some sharp people there and if the competitors can do it, which they already have, then Incomedia can do it as well.
Word Press integrates it already. I would really hate to have to migrate everything over to Word Press but the law has really left everyone with no choice. If evryone moves to Word Press or another product those customers will be lost forever. Really hate to see that happen with all the hard work already put into this.
We really need some feedback on this from actual Incomedia Engineers. What are we doing here???
Good afternoon
I can see that the matter is currently being discussed on this other topic with my colleague already. Please keep all the information concentrated on a single topic as to be sure not to lose any piece of feedback
Thank you