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Orla H.
Orla H.

Iwprj2 Projects not loading  en

Autor: Orla H.
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I accidentally deleted the Incomedia files on my c drive while trying to create room to export an IWZIP file. I had the files synched to OneDrive so I wasn't worried as I could retrieve the files. To cut a long story short, I have no IWZIP files for my two largest websites (which took a TON of work) as I thought I had the necessary backups in place between use of OneDrive and a backup D drive I use.  However, when I tried to open the projects, to my horror I got error messages! Please see the attached files and the error messages for both sites - with the error reading the same for both.  I'm praying that you might have a quick fix for this - maybe an additional file that needs to be added or removed in order to make the project upload work so I CAN create an IWZIP file of each. I am heart sick at the prospect of having to recreate these websites (although I have so far managed to find an October 2019 IWZIP of one of them which will help - but the site was completely rebranded a few months ago so TONS of work to do).  Similar situation with the other site where I modernised and refreshed the look with a little more content added.  The sites are and (which has hundreds of choir tracks per song posted).  Please HELP from the bottom of my heart! Please let there be something simple I need to do to open these projects.

Thank you,


PS I have read everything I can find on this topic but nothing specific to help with my situation

Gepostet am
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

There are no files attached so we cannot read the error messages.... 

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Nutzer des Monats IT


Scusa se rispondo in italiano , ma puoi facilmente tradurre con Google...

Se ho capito il problema, dato che non hai postato il messaggio di errore...

Non puoi importare i file iwprj2

Ma non occorre reimportare... se hai le cartelle di lavoro dei progetti. E tu dici di avere le copie su Onedrive.

Quindi basta che copi le cartelle di lavoro dei tuo progetti nella posizione richiesta da Website...

Verifica in apertura di website la cartella di lavoro in PREFERENZE.

..... verifica...

supponiamo sia

c:\user\TuoNome\Documenti\incomedia\Websitex5 Professional\

e le cartelle di lavoro dei tuoi tre progetti (che devono contenere TUTTI i files di lavoro del progetto) si chiamino




Copia tutte le cartelle con le sottocartelle e tutti i file contenuti nella directory

c:\user\TuoNome\Documenti\incomedia\Websitex5 Professional\

Dopo la copia avrai

c:\user\TuoNome\Documenti\incomedia\Websitex5 Professional\TuoProgetto01

c:\user\TuoNome\Documenti\incomedia\Websitex5 Professional\TuoProgetto02

c:\user\TuoNome\Documenti\incomedia\Websitex5 Professional\TuoProgetto03

con tutte le relative sottocartelle...

riapri Website e ti ritrovi i progetti...

...spero di essere stato chiaro...

Se non ho capito attendi altri interventi... 

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Orla H.
Orla H.

Thank you Claudio and Franz-Josef.  I could only attach one file to my message so I pasted all 4 images into one jpg. I'll now post each of the 4 jpgs to show the files for both sites and the error messages for both sites when I tried to open.  I had done the step Claudio mentions (see the file path on the attached and tried to open but with these error messages "the file is corrupted or invalid" for both seems to be pointing to library.xml as the problem for both?).  I'm hoping that maybe there's a bit of code that needs to be added (or deleted) to allow the projects to be opened?  These files are synched to OneDrive constantly so should be 100% accurate. Separately, I have since found an October 2019 IWZIP of the Canbeltos website as well so at least I have both of these websites opened and working on WX5 if I need to rebuild from that date but that is SO MUCH WORK I have to do! Thank you SO MUCH for your help.


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Gepostet am von Orla H.
Orla H.
Orla H.

2nd image

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Gepostet am von Orla H.
Orla H.
Orla H.

Image 3

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Gepostet am von Orla H.
Orla H.
Orla H.

Image 4

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Gepostet am von Orla H.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Unfortunately there is no other way:

The library.xml is the file in which all integrated objects (pictures and other files) are listed. If this is damaged, the only thing that will help you is an iwzip file of your project, which you can then import, or a current backup of the hard drive with a project directory that has a valid library.xml ...

An iwzip should be created regularly and should have the name changed to include the date and time of creation so you have multiple fallback situations. 

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
Orla H.
Orla H.

Thank you Franz-Josef. Not what I wanted to hear but at least I know what I have to do.

Take care,


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Gepostet am von Orla H.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Nutzer des Monats IT

Ma non hai le copie su Onedrive ? Se si ricarica quelle a prima del disastro...

Tieni conto che Onedrive NON deve essere attivo mentre lavori altrimenti crea problemi.

Il backup lo puoi ripristinare anche manualmente

qui trovi la procedura:

Ovvio che se crei regolarmente il file iwzip , quella è la scelta migliore per il ripristino.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Orla H.
Orla H.

Thank you Claudio - I had tried that but the backup folder did not show in the drop-down list even though I pointed to the correct file path in the preferences. I think the OneDrive files must be corrupted for some reason. I have actually swtiched off synching with OneDrive for Incomedia files as my projects are too big (I think that might be the problem as I have literally hundreds of song tracks and many videos on these sites). I will make regular IWZIP files from now on and I would recommend that the criticality of this regular procedure is emphasised for users - maybe with a reminder message every month or so "Have you backed up your project with a recent IWZIP file?" or something like that.

Back to the drawing board for me! :-(


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Gepostet am von Orla H.