Deleting scripts, css, objects from template which are not in use 
Autor: József Z.Hi, would be great to make possibility in 'step 5 - website optimization' to delete all objects, scripts, css from the 'index.html' code and also from the website directory which are not in use!
For example when you like a template from 'wx5 marketplace' where is implemented e-commerce + blog but you do not need them, and delete e-commerce and blog pages in 'step 3', at the end, when you upload your website to the hosting server and test it with SEO or page speed tools, many mistakes will appear which pointing to missing (or unnesecery) components.
Result will be that your site is extra slow, cos all website visitors must wait till browser load 'e-commerce' and 'blog' scripts and other things what arent in use!
I found only 1 solution:
---> you must build up your website twice
first from liked template, and the second one, which will be uploaded to the hosting server is made from scratch acording that template. In this situation isnt any leftover and SEO and speed test are nearly perfect! Problem is that you doing double-work in this case.
However you should not upload your website via ftp in this case, cos before uploading you must also delete unnecesery files (pictures..etc) from the website directory folders. Because pictures what you use in ww5 preview mode will stay for ever in website directory.
Any help or other trick?
Thanks in advance!
Seconded... especially the cart components, which are loaded unnecessarily in the event that the website is not an ecommerce one.