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Marion B.
Marion B.

Unable to complete the export?  en

Autor: Marion B.
Besucht 1022, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

the message I am getting when trying to save the project to my pc is:

"it is not possible to complete the export.

(C:\useres\owner\documents\incromedia\website x5v12-evolution\

flc (frankston ladies choir) (1)\library\i5s51k31my218w5b9ypi04237z324fyb)

Gepostet am
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


Are you attempting to export the website to disk, or attempting to create an iwzip (export project)?

In either case, can you try by selecting a different folder not within the website x5v12-evolution folder (eg make a foler flc in documents and export to there).

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
Marion B.
Marion B.

I'm trying to save the project so i can upload it to the newer version of websitex5.

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Gepostet am von Marion B.
Marion B.
Marion B.

I'm also getting this...

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Gepostet am von Marion B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Marion, I am local to you (near Phillip Island). If you wish to contact me directly my phone number is on my website at

Can I assume the project can be opened in website X5? After opening, can it be edited if required and save without errors? And does the project update to the web without error?

(or are you trying to fix a corrupted project?)

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
Marion B.
Marion B.

yes, everything is good when I edit then save... with what has happened I am a bit wary of updating to the web...

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Gepostet am von Marion B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Marion, as I said above, create a folder somewhere and try export to disk. If that works (or doesn't) try export project (but do not include backups/previews/etc). Please let us know if either or neither works.

It sounds like a file (pdf, image?) inside the project may be corrupt, but because you are not updating that page it is not affecting normal saves.

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..