Contact form object with database 
Autor: Dan N.I use contact form object for to create forms that are connected to a mysql database. That is OK. BUT. First problem is that i want to have dropbox with the name of countries that i want to get from a database. I would like to have like PHP code for example
"$sql = "SELECT * FROM Country WHERE 1"; $result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result))
echo '<option value="'.$row[0].'">'.$row[2].'</option>';
I can do it and it works but I when I go into website x5 and make a change of anything then that page will be overwritten and I have to enter the same code to the same page every time. I would like to pinpoint that code in the page. Or if there is another way to get around it.
The next problem is that when I have entered all the data to one table then I want to use the ID of that row to be able to make a Entity-Relation between two tables. As i see it that is not possible with WebsiteX5. Or could I in som way enter php code in to the script?
You could adjust the country selection in the language center (country_names and country_codes) so that only the desired countries can be selected.
We use this in the shop.
Where: 1 General settings - Website language - Icon on the right (sheet with pen)
The best thing to do is to open one post per question, I can't answer the second question.
It is not just about the country codes. The point is that I need to make man different forms and depending on a db select statement I would like to go to different forms and enter different into enteties. I need to make forms and connect them to a database Not just enter data to a database but also read and do different things.
I have been working on doing my own forms by using JSON. The code reads the JSON file and create the form. Depending on whick form to use I can easily change to different forms. The forms are created oaccording to JSON file struckture and are done so on the fly. My purpose was not to create a software to create forms but to be able to manover beetween different inputs. The webpage have become a more interpreter then the webpage itself. Just like there was once BASIC interpreters. WebsiteX5 is god for static pages but not good for dynamic ones.