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Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.

Error 404  en

Autor: Handelsonderneming S.
Besucht 1026, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Our website is producing errors 404 and I don't know why. I attached the log file with the errors.

Our website is

Gepostet am
Dieter D.
Dieter D.

Looks like there is something broken with the hosting.
"Unable to find the file "/var/www/vhosts/" shows that there is this file missing at the server. Try to export your X5 project to the server again.

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Gepostet am von Dieter D.
Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.


I deleted everything and exported the project again but with the same result.

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Gepostet am von Handelsonderneming S.
Dieter D.
Dieter D.

Ah, I see the real problem:

"/var/www/vhosts/" is actually the wrong location!
The x5cart.php is located in the /cart subfolder. Should be "/var/www/vhosts/"

Incomedia has to look into that. Seems like the shop part is looking into the root dir instead into the /cart directory. :-(
A moderator has to look at this post and flag it for the INCO team...

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Gepostet am von Dieter D.
Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.


I don't use a shop on this website!


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Gepostet am von Handelsonderneming S.
Dieter D.
Dieter D.

That's weired.

Where on your site do you get the error? I clicked through the menu, all seems to be working well.

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Gepostet am von Dieter D.
Dieter D.
Dieter D.

Ah, now I get it! You get the 404 errors in the server logs!
I thought you get an 404 error on acessing a page on your site.

This is not caused by X5, this is automated bots trying to get into specific pages on your site (that are probalbly known as vulnerable). As you don't have the pages it produces the error in the log. All fine, no harm.

You could remove the "Generator Tag" from your website (in the X5 basic settings) so it is not so easy spotable as an X5 generated site and maybe the scans for the "x5cart.php" of the bots will be less or stop in the future.

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Gepostet am von Dieter D.
Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.


Yes I get the errors at the back. But when there are to many errors the IP is blocked from where you are visiting our website and you can't reach our website anymore! Yesterday nobody in our office could reach the website because of a IP block. I had to contact our hosting company to unlock it and they said that they put our IP on a whitelist but we had to solve this problem.

Also when I am visiting the website instantly there is a error 404 in the log on the page I visited! Is this also caused by bots?

I will remove the Generator Tag and hope this helps.



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Gepostet am von Handelsonderneming S.
Dieter D.
Dieter D.

In any case it is rather not a problem of the website I'd say.

The log you posted says a device tries to reach the page /cart/x5cart.php from the IP with a GET request.
Usually this is a bot like a search indexer or one trying to find vulnerabilities.

It could be a device at (your company office?) trying to reach this specific page at your website ( with a GET request out of a different reason. That could be some fault built in a software (test?) or some maleware.

If your office is I'd try to get some network logs (maybe you have to use some network sniffer/logging software for that) to find out which exact computer / device is accessing the  website at exactly the time of an error log message. This computer / device I'd then inspect very carefully to see what is causing this irregular traffic.

If you find out it is your computer you work with X5 on, that's when I'd suspect the X5 software itself doing something...

If the IP is not you but some external unknown device, I'd suspect a bot.

Good luck in narrowing down the issue!

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Gepostet am von Dieter D.
Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.


I am getting errors visiting the website at our office but also visiting the website at home and also with mobile internet (4G) 


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Gepostet am von Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.

Our hosting company is telling us that the problem is caused by our website so please incomedia can you look into this problem.


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Gepostet am von Handelsonderneming S.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

I have marked this post for Incomedia's attention.

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.


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Gepostet am von Handelsonderneming S.
Stefano G.

Hello Handelsonderneming 

It is probable that this is caused by some cart logic which is effectively only used when you have at least one product on your website

If you don't, this will perform operations anyway, possibly causing the warnings you're noticing

Keep in mind that these won't cause any harm to the website's SEO, so you can safely ignore those for now. In the meantime, the developers are working on this to verify if they can be hidden completely in a future release

Thank you for your feedback


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Gepostet am von Stefano G.
Handelsonderneming S.
Handelsonderneming S.


Due to the many 404 errors we get an IP Block and our hosting company had to unblock us. 

So ingnoring isn't the solution I think.


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Gepostet am von Handelsonderneming S.
Stefano G.

Hello Handelsonderneming 

I apologize if my answer seemingly implied the issue was being ignored. As I mentioned, the developers are working on this to verify if they can be hidden completely in a future release

As of now though, it seems very extreme that your hosting would simply block your IP due to 404 errors. It is not common of a hosting to do something like this, so I would simply recommend contacting them about this so that it doesn't happen anymore

In the meantime, we will keep looking into this

Thank you


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Gepostet am von Stefano G.
Luis S.
Luis S.
Stefano G.
Hello Handelsonderneming  I apologize if my answer seemingly implied the issue was being ignored. As I mentioned, the developers are working on this to verify if they can be hidden completely in a future release As of now though, it seems very extreme that your hosting would simply block your IP due to 404 errors. It is not common of a hosting to do something like this, so I would simply recommend contacting them about this so that it doesn't happen anymore In the meantime, we will keep looking into this Thank you Stefano

This is a critical bug, when and if the fix comes, will it be available for all users no  matter if they are under update timeframe?

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Gepostet am von Luis S.
Stefano G.

Hello Luis

Should the situation be taken care of, it will be solved in the current version only, as per every update unless the issue mentioned actually impedes working with the software.

For example, if the issue made the cart unusable, or emails wouldn't work at all is an example of a blocking bug that would be fixed in the version where the bug was found originally

In this case though, since the situation expressed by Handelsonderneming has been noted as a peculiar decision of a specific web-hosting by the developing team, it will not be released for a previous version as well

I remain available here 


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Gepostet am von Stefano G.