Since update, not able to download and install templates 
Autor: Sven L.
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I just updated Website X5 Pro and when I try to install a template for a new project I receive the following message: Setup was unable to create the directory "D:\\Documents\Incomedia\WebSite X5 Templates\Formula" Error 2: The system cannot find the file.
Tried with other templates, same problem.
When I try to open an existing template, I receive the screen that it needs to update to conform with new version, but it cannot find my backups, even though they are there.
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Ist D: dein Start- oder Installationslaufwerk?
Welches Windows verwendest du?
Gibt es Sperren die das Speichern verhindern bei diesem Pfad?
Schlägt dein Virenkiller quer und blockiert den download?
This is the same directory that I used before update. D is the main drive that I use. Have not changed anything from before the update, so would say that it does not block anything.
Then the upgrade went wrong!
Best uninstall again and in your profile on the left download the current version of you download and install it.
So I have uninstalled and reinstalled the new version. I receive the same error. I will now download the previous version and hopefully that will work
I have installed version 2021.3.5 and have been able to open up my old projects and create new ones with a template. I will try and update again in the near future. Maybe you have some ideas about the problem
Hello Sven
It seems really weird that it wouldn't work since both versions should share the same folder
What if you install the new version again and when you open it up you check under "Preferences" ? Can you make sure that both versions are using the same folder to store projects?
Also, can you try and start the software as administrator and perhaps add it as an exception to any antivirus you might have?
Try this out and keep me posted here
Thank you
Will do, will get back to you. Thanks