Blue phone number 
Autor: Joerg S.
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Hello, I need help to set a better color for the phone number.
Inside WSX5, I set the number typo to white, and Firefox and Opera shows it as it should.
But the iPad set it automatically to blue.
Please help. Need to deactivate the automatic blue thing :(
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<a style="font-size:22px;text-decoration:none; color:#FFFFFF" href="tel:+4941316997989">Cell.: +49 413 169 979 89</a>
Hi, thanks for the info.
But I don´t know, where I´ve to out it in.
You have to insert this line into the text object and additionally activate the button with the HTML code!
Wonderfull, that works.
But how can I say which font I need, bold or not?
Thanks so much.
... > ITALIC +> BOLD +> 24px +> Arial +> red
<a style="font: italic bold 24px Arial; color: red; text-decoration:none;" href="tel:+4941316997989">Cell.: +49 413 169 979 89</a>
Vielen Dank, das funktioniert super :)