E commerce coupon query 
Autor: Derek K.
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Is it possible to set up a product that can only be purchased when someone enters a coupon code
Gepostet am
Hello Derek,
Coupon can be global to the order or also by product
Hi Axel,
Thanks for this however it does not acheive what i want as the product can still be purchased without the coupon code. My understanding is that the coupon code only allows a product discount after the item has been selected.
HA ok... You would like to control if the coupon code is fulfilled before to add it into the cart
is it ?
Hi Axel,
I am setting a web page that has customer offers and I can control this by giving customers access by logging in but I am thinking it would be easier to manage by giving customers a coupon that would allow them to buy the product thus avoiding them to have to log in. I am thinking though that this may not be possible with WebsiteX5.
OK I undertsand.
But now, it is not really in relation, but with my just test now not possible to have x different coupons for x different products in same order !!!! We can use just ONE coupon.
With your solution of customer access by a login, (it is a little bit heavy), it is possible if there is ONLY ONE product on the page after the authentication. But your approach is better by a coupon (simple).
Hello Derek,
I will ask to our nice expert if he has a little code to do that
Hey @KolAsim,
Do you have solution on my demo by example to check if the coupon code is not empty during an order to force the user to put a coupon code. Just if something is fulfilled.
The coupon code itself will be checked by the activate button
Demo: https://wsx5demo.Afsoftware.fr/boutik.php
And these products at the bottom of the page have a coupon code
And your order is like:
The goal is to check if the coupon code is not empty. the activate button will check if the coupon is OK or not.
So just to check if the coupon field is fulfilled.
Thanks you
@Giuseppe, Andreas,
An idea by scripting
Hello Derek,
Answer is here. Only ONE coupon by order !!!!!
So now, hope one of specified experts can be help you with a little code to control the content of the coupon before to pay.