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Terrance O.
Terrance O.

Setting up the consent form to send the data to Iubenda  en

Autor: Terrance O.
Besucht 1348, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

I am updating all of my privacy, cookie and consent policies to be in compliance with the GDPR and the new US state laws for 2023. I am setting up a contact form page and a consent agreement that needs to be connected to Iubenda. Can someone help me set up the "Load" javascript on that contact page? I think I need to add it to the footer but the instructions in Iubenda are not real clear.

Gepostet am
Terrance O.
Terrance O.

Jujst another note. I am taking the consent data code from Iubenda and inserting at the end of the privacy and cookie solutions code in page/properties/expert and in the head data page. Is this correct? Screenshot enclosed.

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Gepostet am von Terrance O.
Terrance O.
Terrance O.

To clarify. I am just doing this on the contact page. I also wondered if I should have both the privacy and cookie solutions banner and the consent code on this page or just have the Consent code? Please advise.

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Gepostet am von Terrance O.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

The users who both use Lubenda and live in the USA would have to comment on this.

I live in Germany and only know about the data protection declaration according to EU-DSGVO and cookies in Germany.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Terrance O.
Terrance O.

So many questions, sorry. I am enclosing a screen shot of Iubenda's example that looks like the tail end of a form object code. Their other examples show that. As your form object is set up already, I am at a loss on where to insert this piece of code on each page. They suggest the footer of each page. As you folks are in the EU, you may have a better idea of what I need to be compliant with EU regulations. Thank you

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Gepostet am von Terrance O.
Terrance O.
Terrance O.

My target audience is the US and the UK to include Ireland so my compliance regulations need to be met for those countries. I am all set with the new regulations for the US but this new EU GDPR stuff is becoming frustrating to code in with WebSite EVO. A little help please?

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Gepostet am von Terrance O.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

For Cookiebot there is a guide for WebSite X5, see


For the data protection declaration page, I have a data protection generator in German, which can also output the text in English, see


There may also be users from UK or Ireland here in the forum who can give tips or link instructions.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Terrance O.
Terrance O.

That is very interesting. I have embedded multiple obect codes in accordance with Iubenda's scanner telling me that I need a Privacy Policy, a Cookie Policy, a Terms and Conditions policy and last but not least (the one I am having all the trouble with) a consent database in order to comply with the EU GDPR.

This CookieBot object is all you needed to be compliant in Germany?

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Gepostet am von Terrance O.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

In Germany und the EU:

1) Normally, a cookie consent tool, such as Cookiebot, is used for cookies to obtain consent for various purposes where cookies are set.

2) There are data protection generators for the "Privacy Policy" page, which are usually free (except Premium) and used to create this page, which is then usually linked in the footer area.

3) In the EU there is still an imprint obligation, i.e. detailed information on the operator of the website, which is then usually linked in the footer area, see

Porsche imprint as example >>

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

For shops in Germany, there are also general terms and conditions, instructions on cancellation and many other things. Here you almost have to be a lawyer to avoid expensive warnings.

A small foretaste of the legal situation for online shops in Germany, see

In German (translate with Google if interested) >>

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

I don't know whether there are any simplifications if a company based in the USA wants to sell something to EU customers.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Terrance O.
Terrance O.

I see. Thank you. This falls in line with what Iubenda has been telling me. They say I need a Privacy Policy for the US, a Cookie Policy, Terms agreement, and a Consent Database for the EU. I am not selling anything but I am collecting a little bit of information so all those are required according to their seminar I went to a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully someone on Website X5 will respond soon as my deadline is January 1st.

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Gepostet am von Terrance O.
Stefano G.

Hello Terrance

Cookiebot should definitely be enough. It takes care of storing consent for your pages and provides a good support service to help you set it up.

I would advise contacting them directly while checking our guide to get all of the information you need. Should you encounter any kind of problem that they report must be solved in the software, please get back to me here

Thank you


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Gepostet am von Stefano G.
Terrance O.
Terrance O.

I replied in the other post. I will reach out to CookieBot today to get more information. Thank you.

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Gepostet am von Terrance O.