"In use or not closed" error message 
Autor: Adrian B.
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Running X5 pro under parallels on M2 Macbook.
When I open a project, I always get the "in use or not closed correctly" error message. This includes projects opened, no changes made, and then closed with no changes made, and then re-opened.
Gepostet am
Hello. I sent a notification about your question to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Probably a compatibility issue. I do not see such a situation in Windows 11 (Intel Core i5-12600K).
Hello Adrian
Does this happen even with projects newly created?
If yes, it might definitely indicate some kind of incompatibility that won't let the files be saved as Windows normally would
Unfortunately, since we do not officially support MacOS systems, it is unknown to us if this can be caused by an incompatibility with the new M2.
Should there be news on this, it will be made known to the community
Thank you
I have not tried from a new project creation; only import, edit, publish and try to save.
I believe the issues will be more on the parallels software side, as there are other strange drives showing up in the list on the windows side.
I have advised parallels and will try again whenever they make a new upgrade,
Thank you