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B S.
B S.

Overlay menu not shown and working in latest versio of Evo X5 2022 3.7  en

Autor: B S.
Besucht 1362, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Hello everybody,

I updated today the latest Evo X5 ( version 2022.3.7) 

unfortunately the overlay menu button does not work  anymore and it won't show up in te example page.
I never had this problem before with earlier versions..Does Anybody has an idea what may cause this problem ?


Gepostet am
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Unfortunately, the overlay menu costs 16 credits, otherwise I would have tested it.

Let's wait for the other Evo users who have the overlay menu.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

In the program, under Step 2 - Template > Template Content and under Step 4 - Creating Pages, you can click the Add Objects button to show the list of objects on the Object Management window. Check here whether the object is installed or whether an update needs to be installed.

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

Thanks for the quick response, both Daniel and Franz Joseph,
I bought and used the overlay menu in 2020/2021 since then there where no problems....
In answer to Franz-J. reaction in step 2 as well as step 4; both times i can chose for the  overlay menu in the Object window....then i can select it,  and place it the content  template...also i can move  it  from  left  to  right..or  up  and  is  also  possible  to  select  it and  and  make the personal settings  likesize  , coulor   etc..the  problem  is  that  it  is  not  working  and  cant be  seen  back  in the previeuw  page...

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

The overlay menu only works for one level. did you assign a level? Are there other pages below this level? Is this layer visible so not set as hidden? Also note that only one level is displayed in the overlay menu and therefore further pages in sub-levels are not displayed.

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

Yes i know how it works with one previous versions you selected the overlay button and placed it in te the template content; when you checked the preview page you could directly see where you had positioned the the latest version there is nothing in the preview well when everything is most empty (just started ) , as well when you make selctions in step 4 creating both cases the button don't show the example page.

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Unfortunately I don't have the program available at the moment. But I can check it in the morning.

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

That would be great! Thanks a lot!

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Do I understand correctly that you drag and drop the Overlay Menu object into the page and the hamburger button does not appear in the preview? In my tests, this works both when editing the template and also a page content and the object is displayed in both places in the preview.
Could it be that something from the header or footer is covering the overlay menu in your project? Have you ever created a new project and tried it there? If the page with the missing overlay menu is already online, can you please share the URL so that we can see and analyze it ourselves?

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

It is correct that i drag and drop the overlay Menu button in for example the template content.....and nothing is shown in the preview page. I also tried it with a sticky bar ....same previous versions there where no problems at all. Each website that i built the overlay menu button works correctly, even when  there are no pages created, the menu button icon shows up in the preview page. I installed the latest version ( 2022.3.7 ) for the second time this morning , unfortunately with no positive result.

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

But this is a very strange behavior and unfortunately I cannot reproduce it in my WebsiteX5. Can you upload screenshots of the template content and template structure?

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

i am cleaning my laptop and everything related to website x5 Evo ( made some back-ups)....after that i will make a new and fresh installation with the latest version.  I will let you know what the result of all of that will be....

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Gepostet am von B S.
B S.
B S.

New install , Unfortanetly nothing is changed. The overlay button won't show up.  It is a testing site and in every other sites and Evox5 Versions i worked with it was perfect.
Here some screenshots.......

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Gepostet am von B S.
B S.
B S.

Another file (s) 

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

On picture Schermafbeelding 2023-02-23 115328.png you can see that you only have the homepage and four empty layers. However, the Overlay Menu object only displays the pages of the layer selected in the Overlay Menu settings. No layers that are in the selected layer range are displayed.

The following pictures show a sitemap with pages and levels and as a second image what the overlay menu shows.


Only the pages can be seen there...

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

In the older versions , when i selected the overlay Menu object in step 2  without selecting and making pages concerning the menu; in the preview page you could see the overlay menu icon there where you dropped it in step 2. I do have 2 laptops, and they are current both running on version 2022.3.7 . It is strange but at one laptop the icon can be seen after been selected and dropped in step 2 , and in the other one not unfortanetly....even after re-/ clean intall...etc...

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

That's really weird. Can you create an iwzip file from the project on the laptop it works on and import that into the other laptop? What is the result then?

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

I'v just tried this, with no result. After chose for import project i'v selected the Iwzip file from the other laptop. Immediatly there was an error ( see the screenshot below ) It is in dutch and it says : There has been an error made by removing the project. The chosen directory or file name are ( both ) to long.The filename may not have more than 260 characters and the folder name not more than 248 characters.

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

This message is due to Windows limitations. Accordingly, directory and file names must not be longer than 260 characters. Your target directory, including the file name, is probably too long in terms of the overall size. Either choose a different destination or shorten the file name or both.

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

When i use both options the problem is not solved, it is hard to say why but with a clean intallation , and after a windows update and a fresh start up with a new website in Evo X5 the same problems keeps coming back , the icon of the overlay menu won't show up, in the preview page, so the whole button can't be used.

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

It is of course difficult to say anything about this if we cannot see it ourselves. Please show us the following screenshots:
1. Draft page from step 2 Contents of the template with the Overlay Menu object pasted
2. The settings in the Object Overlay menu
2. Preview of the page in which the Object Overlay Menu is not visible

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

I'v made soms screenshots from a blank/ new page with the overlay menu button selected made in version 2022.3.7. Earlier this day i installed the 2022.2 version on this laptop and there are no problems at all. What was different from working with te latest version is that by step 2 ( in the 2022.2 Version ) i had to add the overlay menu object from the list and then chose Install ( i bought it more than a year ago ) after shown up in the objects list i selected and placed it, and  it immediately show up in the preview site. no problem at all. After that i cleared the 2022.2 version and mad a clean install with the 2022.3.7 version. When i created a new website , go to step 2; the overlay menu button was present and ready in the list of objects to chose and select.Once i selected it and placed it in the template content.and....again there is nothing to see at the preview page ( see the screenshots ).......

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Thank you,  I will check it tomorrow morning.

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Have you ever created a new project and tried to insert the Overlay Menu object there?
Is it still the same project structure that you submitted with the Schermafbeelding 2023-02-23 .zip file?
Insert a new page and check whether the same effect occurs on this page.

The only option I can think of is that you have hidden the head in the "Graphics" area of the start page properties (Step 3 "Sitemap").

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

I created  new sites, imported other earlier made websites etc. etc. even then the overlay menu button won't show is not recognized in the latest version..  i tried many options.with creating pages, without...checked the settings over and over again...... ; on the other laptop it is still working in every possible way, new creations, earlier sites..when i start over ther creating a new site and my first step is , drag and dropp the overlay button in the head( template content ) it will be immediatly show up in the preview page............

I checked the settings in step 3 : they where correct, so that is not the problem

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Gepostet am von B S.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Since, as you wrote above, you tried it on two laptops with the same WebsiteX5 version and it works on one laptop and not on the other, it can only be a problem on exactly that laptop. If possible, reinstall Windows and then install WebsiteX5 and your other programs.

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.
B S.
B S.

i guess that is probably the main reason why it's not working on one of the laptops.........( each time the same ) Past week i run and installed a majo2 windows 11 update and hoped that the issue with X5Evo would be solved.....after the windows update  still it did not work so i made a fresh / new install of X5Evo ...still i's not working ; maybe i should try a clean windows re-install.....a lot of work...i will think about it.

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Gepostet am von B S.
B S.
B S.

Problem is solved! By one of the two laptops i use : After a few delete / uninstall en new installations of several x5 Evo versions, the same problem kept coming back : the overlay menu button didn't work in the latest 2022.3.7. version. Started the topic here and the most reasonable and thinkable solution was to make a new windows ans WebsiteX5 installation. Everytime for deleting the app i used the Windows option : uninstall/removing the program...This morning i tried a program that was specialized and sosbetter and more thorough to clean  the whole app ; it removes also what is left after a windows uninstall like the registry left abouts , different folders etc etc. after hat i made a new and fresh website X5 2022.3.7 installation i started the program and immediatly everything worked. 

Thanks for responding all te time on this topic,  especially Franz Joseph H.

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Gepostet am von B S.