WebSite X5Help Center

İsa Yüksel
İsa Yüksel

Cannot change database parameters  en

Autor: İsa Yüksel
Besucht 1296, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

After a Long Time I Bought Websitex5 Updated Version I Opened My Site With A Lot Of Content I Optimized It When I Came To The Loading Section, I Encountered a Database Error. The Database Information Gives Incorrect Warning (I haven't been playing with the database information for a long time) and this database information cannot be deleted and cannot be edited. You couldn't find it. So In Short, Delete From This File From This Folder We Want Simple Help Like You Can Rewrite Your Database You Couldn't Offer A Healthy Solution Like The Secret Of The Planet. You're saying that if you open it in your old version, it wouldn't be healthier if you offer the option to save according to the old version while saving iwzip. I Can't Access My Site Right Now I Can't Update And I'm Waiting For A Simple Solution To Fix This Database Error

You also have help in 9 languages, but you did not put a Turkish option there. You do not value your customers in Turkey enough. Or You Don't Want To Have Turkish Customers.

Gepostet am
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Nutzer des Monats DENutzer des Monats EN

At WebSite X5 under ...

5 Export > Export the website to the Internet / Parameters

_______/ data management /_______

... the information on the database can be entered and changed.

WebSite X5's instructions can be translated into almost any language using browser add-ons. I myself use Firefox as a browser and use the free add-on "Simple Translate".

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
İsa Yüksel
İsa Yüksel

You said that the program was transferred with different ftp connection programs instead of ftp connection, I do not fully understand

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Gepostet am von İsa Yüksel
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Nutzer des Monats DENutzer des Monats EN

The files are uploaded from WebSite X5 to the web host's web space via an FTP connection.

The FTP settings are entered here, see

----- WebSite X5 -----

5 Export > Export the website to the Internet / Parameters

/ FTP parameters /___________________


The FTP settings vary from customer to customer and from web host to web host, so the exact FTP information must be determined in the web host's customer area.

The web host's support may be able to help with the FTP information.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Elisa B.

Hi there, 

do you mean you can't find the section where to update the database parameters or do you mean you found it, but you can't edit them?

Please let me know. Kind regards.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Elisa B.
İsa Yüksel
İsa Yüksel

Upload to the Section Website is in the parameters section, but the database information cannot be edited, so it cannot be loaded

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Gepostet am von İsa Yüksel
İsa Yüksel
İsa Yüksel

I was using the old version of the program and I got the new version, the new version automatically opened my website that I was constantly updating. Database information cannot be changed in the parameters section of the program, so I cannot load my site, how can I eliminate this problem, how can I make the database information changeable.

programın eski sürümünü kullanıyordum ve yeni sürüm aldım, sürekli güncellediğim websitemi yeni sürüm otomatik olarak açtı en son yükleme kısmına geldiğimde veritabanı eşleşmemesi gibi bir sorunla karşılaştım. Programın parametreler kısmında veritabanı bilgileri gri şekilde değiştirilemiyor haliyle bundan ötürü sitemi yükleyemiyorum bu problemi nasıl ortadan kaldırırım veritabanı bilgilerini nasıl değiştirilebilir duruma getirebilirim.

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Gepostet am von İsa Yüksel
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Nutzer des Monats DENutzer des Monats EN

Has WebSite X5 been reinstalled?

Click on the username above and select "My Profile", then go to "Download" and download WbSite X5. The license key is also there.

There are 5 different websites listed in the community profile - which website is causing the problems?

Unfortunately, the translated text of the post is a bit difficult to understand in my native language, so I can't understand everything and have to guess what might be meant.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

Incomedia ekibinin veritabanı verilerini düzenlemesini veya silmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Bunu yapmak için, 5. adımda 'Dışa Aktar'da 'Projeyi dışa aktar'ı seçerek bir iwzip dosyası oluşturun ve bunu örneğin wetransfer'e veya bir buluta kaydedin. Projeyi indirmek için bağlantıyı özel bir gönderide paylaşın (kırmızı göze tıklayın) ve Incomedia işinizi görecektir.


You can have the Incomedia team edit or delete the database data. To do this, create an iwzip file in step 5 'Export' by selecting 'Export project' and save it to wetransfer or to a cloud, for example. Share the link to download the project in a private post (click the red eye) and Incomedia will do the job.

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Gepostet am von Franz-Josef H.