X5 Pro 2024.1 Tutorial for new user 
Autor: Matthew E.
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I am looking for a training tutorial for X5 Pro 2024.1 and cannot seem to find one. Is there one that exists that you can direct me to?
I would also want to work with an experienced user on a consulting basis for 5 to 10 hours to help get me started. If you are interested is assisting me, please send an email to: *** with: "X5 Pro Consultant" in the Subject Line and we can set up a zoom call. I am in NJ, USA, eastern time zone.
Gepostet am
If no helper can be found, this video (80 minutes - 49.95 euros) can also be used as help. It was created with version 2023.2, but little has changed from the recently released 2024 version.
>> https://www.incomedia.eu/en/website-x5-in-80-minutes.php
Matthew - new features
Esahc - Thank you for your response, but I watched that video before posting my request. It described the new features, but I am looking to learn the existing features and instructions that I expect to get with a package that I purchase; a beginner tutorial.
Daniel W suggests a video that I am not confident would work for me because I also watched a video on YouTube from a 2023.x version that was also not helpful as many menus in the 2023 version were different than in the 2024.1 version.
Esahc - Is there a video tutorial you can point me to that is a beginner tutorial for 2024.1?
Thank you both,
I only noticed minimal differences in the menus that are not worth mentioning.
The 2023 video can also be used as a tutorial for the 2024 version. But I don't want to persuade anyone to buy the 2023 video, maybe Incomedia will create a new video in 2025.
Try this https://guide.websitex5.com/en/support/home
or https://webx5.pro/website-x5-video-tutorial.html
or Go to youtube and search for Website X5
or In youtube search for "Aleksej Khoroshevskij incomedia"
Better still . . . . .
Ask a question here!! (most of us love answering questions). It does not matter how hard or simple the question is, you will be surprised how quickly you will get a response, just try ask only one question per post, and mark the answer correct if it is.
If you choose a free template that you can modify to your requirements you will know more after a few sessions than any tutorials will teach you.
As Daniel said, variations between v2023 & v2024 are extremely minimal, in fact one of the joys of Website X5 is that the proceedures have not changed much over it's entire development. A v11 tutorial on creating a website is just as relevant today as it was then, but responsive websites did not hit their stride until about v13.