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Stephen C.
Stephen C.

Page Path  en

Autor: Stephen C.
Besucht 905, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

In the template setup for text etc there is a setting for the font used for "Page Path".  What is Page Path and where is it used? I can't find any reference to it.

Gepostet am
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

According to the instructions, the page path should have a function. But a 6 year old post says it has no function in WebSiteX5.

Maybe the Incomedia staff can tell you how to use the page path.

----- Guide -----

Page Path: this is the text that appears immediately below the Page Title, and it shows the path to this page in the website ("breadcrumb navigation") that leads to the page itself. The Program adds the path automatically.

----- German post translated with Google -----

Andreas S. Moderator Nutzer des Monats DE

... Breadcrumb Navigation does not exist in WSX5 and has never existed! ...

Gepostet am 03.03.2018 00:21:07


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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Stephen C.
Stephen C.

If it doesn't exist in WSX5 why is there a setting for it?  That simply does not make sense!

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Gepostet am von Stephen C.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

I've now found a clue that the page path is about the levels.



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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.



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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Stephen C.
Stephen C.

That makes sense, but where is the setting to make it display? I can toggle the Page Name on/off in the Template settings for Font etc, but I still cannot see how to make the Page Path display, as per your example.

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Gepostet am von Stephen C.
Elisa B.

Hi Stephen, 

you can activate the Page Path display on Step 2 > Text Style


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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
Stephen C.
Stephen C.


Even with the Page Path marked as Visible I still cannot get anything to appear on my pages.  The Page Name appears correctly but not the Page Path!  Is there perhaps another setting that needs activations as well?

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Gepostet am von Stephen C.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Are there also levels under “3 Sitemap” and do these levels also contain pages?

The page path is only displayed when the pages of a level are displayed.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Stephen C.
Stephen C.

Thank you Daniel. This now finally makes sense!

I don't think that I will want to use this function on my websites, but I was curious why I couldn't understand it or get it to work

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Gepostet am von Stephen C.