** V9 LINK FAULT ** 
Autor: Cheeky Man
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Here's a self explanitory link fault in V9??
It was an incremental update I inserted??
The only way of solving this was to do a "FULL" upload?? If I had a 1000 pages I would have had to upload the lot for one link!!!
Have I to start doing this for every small change....
(......and I did refresh the page!! Several times too)
Gepostet am
Here's the "LIVE" Link:
Hi Frank!
Thank you for the video, but I need more info in order to help. What did you do before this started? Could you please describe everything you did step by step? I saw the video but there is no audio, I need to know what happened before.
I just went to my header graphic inserted an image with a link on to my existing guestbook... Previewed and it worked! Went to X5 Export, did an incremental update and when finished clicked on View website on the Internet!
Didn't work so I refreshed the IE 9 Browser... didn't work again.... went back did another partial upload and nope nothing. In the end I had to do a "FULL" upload for it work.....
Here's another: www.frankscybercafe.com/camvid/linkv92.wmv (Mouseovers only not working - No Links involved)
I also use other website builders and they seem to perform flawlessly on this issue??
Win 7 HP - SP1 64Bit 4GB Mem i5 Processor - Fully updated!!
Thanks for the info. We tried to do exaclty the same thing but nothing strange happened. Could you please send us your project file so that we may test it?
Please send it to file@answers.websitex5.com and add my name + this post number in the email object.
I will write back as soon as I have news!
This sounds similar to the problem I was having. See http://answers.websitex5.com/post/26331
Frank, in case it happens again check the datestamps on the files in the temp and upload directories.
I didn't get an answer from Incomedia but I am still interested to know how and when the upload files are generated. My suspicion is that changed files are not always copied into the upload directory.
Hi Tony..... Thanks for that. I see what you are inferring my friend and it's not only the updating of the files there are other things happening to my X5 also... Methinks I'll take a back seat on this as my advice is usually pushed aside when the staffs involved!!
Have Loaaaaaaads of Fun!! Byeeee!!
Dear Frank,
I will be very happy to help you but as I wrote above, I need to see your project. Your advice has never been pushed aside, as you know we need to recreate exactly the same issue in order to understand what has gone wrong and fix it.
Please let me know as soon as you have sent the project.
Dear Tony, thank you for your feedback.