WebSite X5Help Center

Adrian B.
Adrian B.

Published file not accessible  en

Autor: Adrian B.
Besucht 307, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Modifications to web site are not displayed in browser (but shows correctly in preview) - so I changed the html "file name", and the page with the modified name shows as being on the server - but if I enter the complete url on a browser it is not available....

Any ideas welcome


Gepostet am
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Nutzer des Monats EN

And what if the export function of WebSite X5 is used?

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Nutzer des Monats ITNutzer des Monats PT

maybe a host's cache problem

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Adrian B.
Adrian B.

When I upgraded from shared to VPS on this server, the FTP path changed - but the "old" folder on the shared server was still alive.....

I updated my FTP credentials and problem solved - thank you for the suggestions - got me thinking.


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Gepostet am von Adrian B.