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Marcin C.
Marcin C.

E-commerce in the Agency version  en

Autor: Marcin C.
Besucht 90, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Hello, can the Agency version be registered to 5 different emails? The point is that in the pro version in the store, after providing the administrator's email, the message to the customer with the order confirmation is sent from the email to which the program is registered. Can this be changed somehow?

Gepostet am
Eric C.

Hello Marcin,
could you clarify what you mean by "the message to the customer with the order confirmation is sent from the email to which the program is registered"?
Notifications originating from a website come from the address that has been set for the sending of e-mails in Step 5 - Export ---> Parameters ---> E-mail, whereas the address used for registering the software is the one used for your account with us.


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Gepostet am von Eric C.