Template content header in the latest version 2024.4.3 unstable 
Autor: Ross P.
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I have just tried to resize a menu in the Template content header in the latest version 2024.4.3 and it won't do anything but flicker, jitter and shake so it appears to be unstable.
Has anyone else had this problem. Sorry unable to supply an image but if I can explain it, its like the old movies where the frames just flicker. It only seems to happen if you select an item like an image or the menu in the area but once it starts to can't change or amend anythin as it jus flickers, jitters and shakes.
Gepostet am
I noticed this too, possibly a bug if the inserted object comes to the edge of the header area or extends beyond it.
Thanks Daniel
The current details are not the full size of the area available, but because I have changed a page name on the menu I just need it to be a bit wider so The menu itself shows and not the hamburger menu.
Appreciate your thoughts and perhaps that might be affecting it with regards the smaller screen configurations which I think may be a bit larger than the header areas.
Kind regrards
KolAsim can provide additional code so that the menu items are closer together and more menu items can be displayed on one line. KolAsim probably needs the link to the website for this.
----- Before -----
Homepage Short Looonger Looooooonger
----- After ------
Homepage Short Looonger Looooooonger
Thanks again, as requested here is the link to the website: https://dollshouses.co.nz/
Look forward to your thoughts
Hello Ross,
I am sorry about the issue.
We have noticed an issue similar to what you describe, and are working on a fix: when working on WebSite X5 on a smaller window rather than full screen, so that a scroll bar appears in the working area.
Could you please check if this occurs also when the software is opened at full screen? If so, and the flickering still occurs, do you have any objects that are partially outside of the work area?
Thank you.
Hello Eric
Thank you for your help and support. I have now managed to get it sorted as earlier it would not allow me to select or move anything in the content header so I started at the lower screen sizes and worked my way back to the full screen readjusting the image and menu sizes to fit within the allocated area.
What I may have to do is resize the images I use for the various screen sizes.
Are you able to advise me what the correct image sizes should be please?
Thank you again for your help
Kind regards
(It > En) ... I think you have solved your problems exposed in "subject"...
... in case you are interested in what Daniel exposed, ...let me know...
... for other questions I think it is better to open a new dedicated Topic...
Hello KolAsim
Thank you and yes I would be interested in the code if you could provide it please.
Thanks for your help
The objects in the template appear different than in previous version (202419), but publish ok. I checked the object margins and they are the same in 202443 as in 202419.
Something is amis......
... OK ... >> code:
/** === menu elastic -- K[267724] === **/
.template-object-wrapper:not(#imHeader_pluginAppObj_04_wrapper):not(#imStickyBar_pluginAppObj_04_wrapper) > div .label-wrapper {width: auto !important; min-width:0px;padding: 0 3px 0 3px; margin:0px !important;}
Resolvido definitivamente com a atualização de hoje.
Hello KolAsim
Thanks for the code, that looks fantastic and something I could use often on my websites, but do I put it on the Page Properties/Expert (not me) and what section please.
Sorry but you are dealing with a real novice when it comes to using code!!
Kind regards
Today I noticed that when we change the result on the project, that bug also appears. sticky bar... We opened the old project and wanted to change the resolution, and bam... the screen on the sticky bar module overview explodes on the screen... Unfortunately, we realized that it is impossible to add a higher resolution than 1920 in the application... Why on earth. .. 10 resolutions are too few to cover quality multiple devices...
@ Ross P.: In WebSite X5 ...
1 Settings > Statistics and Code / Code
Custom code:
Before the closing <HEAD> tag
... insert KolAsim's code here.
... paste the code here:
>>Step 1 - Settings > Statistics and Code > Options in the Code section >
▪Custom Code: > 3rd (third) option > Before closing the HEAD tag
A very big THANK YOU to all who replied and have helped with this problem I encountered.
You have taught me something today as I have never been to need alone used the "Statistics and Code" but I am picking that that would be a good place to paste the Google Analytics code instead of going through and adding it to every page manually as per the 3rd option you give??
As trhe saying goes... "You are never to old to learn".
You are all so helpful a great support team and I wish you a very happy day, stay safe and well and no doubt being me I will have more things in the future that you will I am sure be able to help with.
Kind regards
... OK ... ciao ...