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Frank Ifeamazi
Frank Ifeamazi

Multiple language on website  en

Autor: Frank Ifeamazi
Besucht 4731, Followers 2, Geteilt 40  

How can i add multiple language in my website.


Gepostet am
Lisa F.

Hello Frank,

in order to create a multi-language website, you need to follow these steps:

1- Create your 1st website in (ex.english) with a welcome page (in step 4) where you decide the languages you wish to build your website in: ex.

Language:                                               Path:

English                                                    en

French                                                    fr

2- Complete the project and export it (in step 5).

3- Start a new project (adjust the english if you wish) without the welcome page, set the general settings - content language into fr, for example, and change all the english text into French

4- Once you are finished, go into Step 5 (''WebSite Export to Internet'') and create a new folder. Please add exaclt the same file name as the one you created previously in the language list (ex. fr) and export that file.

kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Lisa F.

I could not match TR and ENG file. Firstly I had done Turkish web site project, after I created English project altough Program is not allow to put a same name. How can I do it? Please help me.

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Gepostet am von SELEN A.
Lisa F.


when you create the first project you create it with a welcome page. In the setting for the welcome page you create the language list. There is a path for the english language.
This is the path you have to use to export the file.

kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Lisa F.

Thank you Lisa I guess, I'm doing it.

Best Regards,

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Gepostet am von SELEN A.
Fred T.
Fred T.

I have a question about this as well.

I  do not really wish to have a welcome page on my website to select the language. I wish people to just come right onto my home page, in my native language, and select it from there if needs be.

So I put two small images in my main header, two flag images, one dutch, one english, since that´s the two languages I wish to publish my site in.

I have done it like this before with Evolution 8, and then I would just have the dutch language be my main one, so I link the flag image to the normal site url. so

The english version of the site, I just made by duplicating my dutch one, reverting it to english, and then I uploaded it to a folder inside the root, named EN.

So that english flag, I have linked to the url with the main website adress, plus  /EN added to it.  so

Now, this is really weird, because sometimes it works, on some of the pages on my site, and sometimes it doesn't. I can click the images sometimes, and other times they appear not to be clickable.  I tried in several browsers, and it's the same result.

Have I done something wrong, am I going about this the wrong way, or is there a limitation that prevents this from working this way? I am now using evolution 9, so perhaps something has changed?

I would really prefer not to use an additional welcome page, but just to use two flag icons on my main header instead, that are always active, no matter what page someone is on. Is this still possible, and if so, can you point me in the right direction? Because I have no clue how it is that on some pages, it works, and on others it does not. (for example, it never seems to work when on the home page. And on other pages of the site, it's on and off.)

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks very much, in advance

Kind regards,

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Gepostet am von Fred T.
Lisa F.

Hello Fred,

can you please provide us with the URL of your website?

kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Lisa F.
Lisa F.

Hello Fred,

I tried your website, and for me it worked. I used FF.

kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Lisa F.
Fred T.
Fred T.

Hello Lisa,

Thanks for your reply, however, it still leaves me with the same problem, I fear.

It also works for me in FF, some of the time, but not on all the pages, all the time.

Could you perhaps try the following:

Open my site, the dutch default one, click on the british flag, and after it changes, without going off of the home page, right away try to click on the dutch flag to go back.

if I am not mistaken, this will not work and the icons will not be clickable. If you go to any of the gallery/slideshow pages, it does work for me, but not on the home page.

And in IE, it is worse, there it will alternate between working and not working, on several pages. And of course I can't only rely on FF with my website.

Also I have asked several friends with several different browsers and they all confirm that the icons dont properly function all the time.

So is there anything else you might be able to help me with, regarding this problem?

Thanks very much

Kind regards Fred

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Gepostet am von Fred T.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


You only need an English Flag on the Dutch page and a Dutch Flag on the English page!! And they don't work for me on the English site.... I'll do a remote to help you see below:



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Gepostet am von Cheeky Man