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Gabriel E.
Gabriel E.

API in addition to paypal and "pay now" button html  en

Autor: Gabriel E.
Besucht 2201, Followers 1, Geteilt 25  

Hi, I have clients who wish to use payment gateways which require I use a LOGIN and a TRANSACTION CODE api instead of html code for pay now buttons, which is what the software offers as the only alternative to paypal. Is it possible to integrate this into the current software? If not, can your techies create an update which integrates this?

Gepostet am
Michele C.

Hi Gabriel,

at the moment thsi option is not provided by our program, you can suggest it opening a post marked as "idea", this is the way we collect users' idea for the future releases of WebsiteX5, thank you for understanding.

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Gepostet am von Michele C.