Bug on Page Elements 
Autor: MD Kamrul Hassan
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Grettigns every one..
please check out the attached images
what ever element i put on last row.. it's show same issue/problem (a blank object before that row)..
after checking please help me out..
best regards
Gepostet am
this forum also has issue with attachent, it does not attached on first time. even later i ried to attached zip file but it says :
"The filetype you are attempting to upload is not allowed."
while it stated that zip file is supported :(
btw.. please check the following link for the file :
best regards
Hello Kamrul,
I think the problem is related with some custom html codes you used on the page, maybe some tags not correctly closed or something like that.
Hope you understand we cannot help very much with custom user code because the problem could be too many and are not generated by the program.
Still, if you want provide me with the url of the page that has this error I can try to help you, thank you
sir, i did recheck thoruch and found the problem..
if i used "Enable HTML Code" in text object and use following code :
"<A NAME="purchase"><A>" and that's why it shows that error..
i use that code to go to a positon directly; you can try this link :
yes you are right, that tag is not closed.. but the problem is .. if i close that tag like this:
"<A NAME="purchase"></A>"
then that link don't working :( ; i mean i can't go directly to that position..
hope you may help me out?
please sir, leave a reply asap
I can tell you that in html the "a" tag need some more attributes in order to work such as the href's one.
hope this helps, thank you
sir, i m very sorry to say, but i do not agree with you, bccause that is the correct "a" tag..
for reference please sir, checkout following link and kinly update me:
Hello Kamrul,
the website made with WebsiteX5 are in Html5 that doesn't support the NAME attribute in the "a" tag, see http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/single-page.html#the-a-element for details.
If you want to reach an element inside your page you need to create a element with the id that you want: for instance instead of using <a name="purchase"></a> you need to use <div id="purchase"></div>.
Hope this helps
thanks but then how can i go to that div position?
will it still work. like www.exmaple.com/abc.html#purcahse
please sir, help me out
Hello Kamrul,
yes, it should works in the same way :)
i m very sorry to say.. but div tag is not do the works :(
hello? sir?
Support is closed on weekends...
Hello Kamrul,
I'm afraid I cannot assist you very much with this kind of problem, I can assure you that assign an ID attribute to a div element (ie: <div id="myId">My text </div>) will work if you write in the url www.sitename.com#myId. The only thing could be that your div element doesn't have any text inside it or is not visible beacuse of CSS (ie display:none).
I suggest you to make some search about this topic in google where you can find much better help with html issues, thank you for understanding.