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Pavol B.
Pavol B.

Muliti language in evolution 9  en

Autor: Pavol B.
Besucht 1549, Followers 2, Geteilt 37  
Tags:: language

i have problem with my evolution 9. i created website mostly from pictures, so it does not recocnized text ....and i need to do multi lenguage site. so how can i translate whole website ?

Gepostet am
Samantha M.

Hi Pavol,

we have created a F.A.Q. especially to help you thruogh this process, please read it and follow the instructions carefully.
Hope this helps!

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Gepostet am von Samantha M.
Pavol B.
Pavol B.

Hi Samantha,

I tried many times follow the text from F.A.Q. how to create multi-language website, but no results. I created website  - just from pictures no text. I created then new pictures for new languages and put it in ex.... form, but seems to no results. 

I thing this instructions are from the older version of Evolution.

(In order to create a multi-language website, you need to follow these steps:

1- Create your 1st website in (ex.english) with a welcome page (in step 4) where you decide the languages you wish to build your website in: ex.

Language:                                               Path:

English                                                    en

French                                                    fr

2- Complete the project and export it (in step 5).

3- Start a new project (adjust the english if you wish) without the welcome page, set the general settings - content language into fr, for example, and change all the english text into French

4- Once you are finished, go into Step 5 (''WebSite Export to Internet'') and create a new folder. Please add exactly the same file name as the one you created previously in the language list (ex. fr) and export that file.)

Please can u answer me what should be a problem in my case???

I like this software and I would like ti use it also for my next websites, but I need to solve the problem how canI create multi-languages website. Without that it is useless.

Looking forward your answer.

Thank you very much

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Gepostet am von Pavol B.
Jose M.
Jose M.


I have a problem with the welcome page, i did all the steps described above, the only difference is the second lenguage I used Spanish (ES).

After i uploaded both versions (EN and ES) and i tried to review from the browser. i can see the welcome page but when i select EN, still show me the welcome page, never go to EN homepage but if i Select ES works properly.

I tried to review it in 5 differents computer in different locations.

How i can fix this???

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Gepostet am von Jose M.
Samantha M.

Dear Pavol,

you need to create a different website project for each language. You state that ''I created website  - just from pictures no text. I created then new pictures for new languages and put it in ex.... form, but seems to no results. '' .
You must create a project let's say project 1 with pictures+no text+welcome page and export it then start a new project and add new pictures for your new languages.Once this second project is complete, you need to go into Step 5  select the ''upload the website on the internet'' option and create a new folder in the page that will open after that and export your project.

@Jose: did you follow correctly steps 3 and 4? Please open your second project and make sure that you have followed them correctly. Make sure that the file name is the same. 

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Gepostet am von Samantha M.
Jose M.
Jose M.

hello Samantha

Yes i did all the steps, 

I cleaned the server and upload again only the EN version with the Welcome Page. If I select EN I still have the same problem. did not show me the EN homepage.

the is link if you want to see it.


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Gepostet am von Jose M.
Pavol B.
Pavol B.

dear samantha M.

you said :You must create a project let's say project 1 with pictures+no text+welcome page and export it -(but witch option you tought?  - uploud website to internet? or - export the project?)

than you said: Once this second project is complete, you need to go into Step 5  select the ''upload the website on the internet'' option and create a new folder in the page that will open after that and export your project.

what folder do you mean? you mean destination folder? there is "www" folder. in this folder is allready upluaded website in my current lenguage...

sorry but your explenation is very brief. try to explain me steps : click by click ...

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Gepostet am von Pavol B.
Pavol B.
Pavol B.

Dear Samantha M.

I'm very sorry that I asked so much but I really can't move forward and need your answer. Please could you explain me the following steps? 

Have a nice day.

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Gepostet am von Pavol B.
Samantha M.


You need to export the first project on the internet then you have to create your second project.
You have to create your folder in the step after the one you pointed out in your screenshot. There you have all your deatils, but if you go forward, you will see several folders with the possibility to create a new one. Please try and let me know.

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Gepostet am von Samantha M.
Pavol B.
Pavol B.

hi samantha.

yes i have it... so, my first folder si www (in slovak lenguage)  , so now i have to create new one for deutch ( ) ok?  and a have to create it outside or inside of this first project?

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Gepostet am von Pavol B.
Samantha M.

Hello Pavol,

please call your second file only ''de'' not '''' (it needs to have the same name as the language you have created in your first project, please see this step:

1- Create your 1st website in (ex.english) with a welcome page (in step 4) where you decide the languages you wish to build your website in: ex.

Language:                                               Path:

English                                                    en

French                                                    fr

Now make sure you have disabled your welcome page from the second project (de) then export it into ''www (in slovak lenguage)''.

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Gepostet am von Samantha M.
Pavol B.
Pavol B.

samantha ... i have no idea what im doing wrong... i did exactly what you said...

is it possible to call you ? or skype? please it would be much easyer for me and for you ass well.or schould i  print screen all my steps and send it? it is too complicated... im desperate

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Gepostet am von Pavol B.
Samantha M.

Dear Pavol,

let's try it this way:

Please create your first project with no wecome page, and add two different flags in your header: the de and the slovak. Create your second project and upload it then link it to your slovak flag. 

Have you already seen our manual? You can download it from the ''download'' section in the top right corner of this page. You will find futher instructions on multilanguage websites there. 

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Gepostet am von Samantha M.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


The staff haven't time to Skype or remote:

Read my guestbook below I do remotes for X5 users.....

I can show you EXACTLY what to do!!



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Gepostet am von Cheeky Man