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Andrew  M.
Andrew M.

Picture in shopping basket??  en

Autor: Andrew M.
Besucht 845, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

Hello. I have just bought Evo 8. Nice and easy to work with, but when setting the baskets I browse for a picture and import a jpg from my computer but no picture comes up. Help says to make an image file or list, but I cannot find out where to do it. Any ideas on how to get pictures into the basket please??       Many thanks.        Andrew

Gepostet am
Andrew  M.
Andrew M.

Hi Again, Have just fathomed out to open settings in the products list and then check " image "for it to display.  Don't understand why I never found it before.

Thanks anyway.

I'm off to have fun creating shopping baskets !!

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Gepostet am von Andrew M.