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Elvis Rodrigues S.
Elvis Rodrigues S.

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Autor: Elvis Rodrigues S.
Besucht 1802, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Olá , quando vai sair a versão 10 do programa ?

Gepostet am
Michele C.

Hello Elvis,

unfortunately I cannot tell you anything about this topic, sure you understand Wink

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Gepostet am von Michele C.
Elvis Rodrigues S.
Elvis Rodrigues S.

Ola Michele,

Comprei um notebook essa semana,posso instalar meu website x5 nele também ?

faço site para clientes e preciso levar as vezes o projeto para o cliente ver e no computador não da para fazer isso entao tenho que instalar o programa em ou maquina.

A instalação em outro computador é igual? 

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Gepostet am von Elvis Rodrigues S.
Michele C.

Hello Elvis,
you can have two active installation of the software using your two pcs, you only need to install the software using the same email / password you already used fot the first installation.
Hope this helps

***** Google Translation:

Hello Elvis,
you can have two active installation of the software using your two pcs, you only need to install the software using the same email / password you already used fot the first installation.
Hope this helps

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Gepostet am von Michele C.