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Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Blog Does Not Appear As In Preview  en

Autor: Marta Q.
Besucht 1557, Followers 3, Geteilt 34  

I added a new box to my blog, and when a preview everything looks perfect, the boxes with the widht and style I have chosen, but after export the boxes designe is mixed, the ones without stlye appear with it, the ones with style appear with none, the widht is different and it looks ugly.

Also the tags with two words (P.e.: "Las Provincias", "Mundo literario") in preview they look like that, but after upload every word appears by its own ("Las, Literario", Provincias", "Mundo)

I attache a picture and I hope you understand what I mean. My blog is now a mess

Gepostet am
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . should be easier to find the *problem* if adding a link . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

The link:

Bat the picture I attach shows the problem much better as you cannot guess what I intended to do just looking at the page

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . a mi parece correcto . . - for me it seems correct . . . FF8b2

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . seems you put the articles not correct into the *clouds* - some are *separated* so you can click onto *"Las* as well as *Provincias"*. Check your data entered into *clouds* . . .

Every *reload* is changing lines within *clouds* - so it might be the problem reloading . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Have you seen my attachment? The picture you hace put has nothing to do with mine.

In your picture (and in my preview) the box containing Blogs I follow (Blogs que sigo) has the blue pattern I created. If you go to my blog in explorer or firefox it is white, no pattern at all. It is not the same for you?

And the other box that has the problem is the first one, the upper one. It should not have any pattern at all, and it has the blue pattern backwards.

About the "clouds", it is written "Las Provincias", it is shown in the preview in the "Cloud box" as "Las Provincias" and it shown in the real thing as "Las,     Prvoncias" like two diferent tags.

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . seems something is wrong with the clouds - or browser ? As i told - each reload is changing lines in the clouds . . .

So sometimes it *matches* to get "Las Provincias" together - just an idea try to put as 'Las Provincias' instead of "Las Provincias" and we can check if it works . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

One thing. Now it appears ok in Firefox but no in Explorer. Is it possible?

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

IE9 ? - in compatibility-mode (IE7) ?

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . i just checked with IE9 - same changes every *reload* as in FF8b2 . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

IE9. I do not know if there is a special feature to compatibility-mode

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . it wont work - changes are coming with every reloadSurprised

IE9 with cm IE7 will not work correct either . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Sorry, I do not understand. What won't work? Do I have a solution?

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . how did you enter the expressions for the *clouds* - separated by *,* or *;* ?

If i remember correct there has been a problem in the beta also . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . every reload is changing the lines in *clouds* - so the problem has to be somewhere else (separation, *,*, *;* or a *bug* ? . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Well, lets separate the two problems.

About the "cloud", I wrote the tags just like this: "Despedia", "Las Provincias", "Mundo Literario", ...

Afterwards, as every word was dancing by its own, I changes to "Mundo_literario" to prevent going appart, but it doesn't look nice.

About the boxes designe... Any suggestion?

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I am going to upload again with the tags between simple commas 'Las Provincias' instead of "Las Provincias" Ok?

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Oh, Oh, my blog does not appear at all Cry

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . keep calm - servers need some minutes to *get sorted* - normally in between 10 to 30 minutes and then all should be OK . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Things are wors. The contact page (contacto) has lost the template Cry i Just have seen it.

I am going to upload the whole thing. I will wait a couple of minutes just in case you say it is better not to.

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

But it is not logical that the Contact page has changed. I have made no changes in there.

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . how did you *upload* to the server ? Via x5 or FTP ?

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

ALways via X5. I am going to upload the whole thing, it will take a while and I have to go to sleep. Tomorrow I will see if I have to jump through my window or not.

Thank you for helping at this ours

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . if you cant solve the problems we can have a TeamViewer connection - but i only do when having phone contact.

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Ok. Lets see what happens after the full  loading (but tomorrow, now I cannot stand up anymore), and if things are still wrong you tell me what to do.

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

coming back with a Smile - hopefully

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Hopefully... Good night (is still loading)

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

No blog. Everything has desappeared and the concat page is corrupted, no template and no guest book

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I removed the guest book from the contact page, revised all the blog contents, checked with preview that everything was on place and uploaded adain.

Now the contact page looks fine, but THE BLOG HAS DESAPPEARED. NO BLOG AT ALL.

Neither in Mozilla Firefox nor on Explorer9. Really I need help

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . i am back - if you want to try with TeamViewer just send me a mail to pcssa@ so i can call you or i will send you my phone number for contact . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Read the guestbook on my website below then:

Contact me @

Lets get it working again..........

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Gepostet am von Cheeky Man
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . seems to be a PHP-problem - contact-form does not work either . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I am back. I will contact by email.

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Thank you cheeky man. I am trying to solve it with PCSSA Denia as he speaks spanish, but if we do no arrive to good port I will visit you

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Steve J.

Hello Marta, have you changed the settings for Access Management? We fixed a  problem related to some characthers (" / ') that cause PHP to do not work... and as I can see PHP is not working.

I suggest you try download the beta version and see if this could be the problem and solve it. Let me know.

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Gepostet am von Steve J.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . I did test with the Beta 1684 - but same *problem(s)*. I am just revising the whole project but i did not find the problem yet. Fact is - on three different servers - PHP seems not to *work* any more (since last week) . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Steve J.

We're testing the project I downloaded from your server...

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Gepostet am von Steve J.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

I downloded the project PCSSA left for me in the server but there is no way to open it as I already informed him.

Is it possible to reload one of the old uploads that worked before all this mess? Would it be a suitable solution? I need to have the page working...

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Steve J.

Hi Marta, I tested your project Pcssa send me. All you have to do to solve is

  • remove the ' from the tags you entered in all the  post of your blog
  • leave only one Admin in User Management in Step 4 

 I tested it and it works. Let me know...

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Gepostet am von Steve J.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

The one you have tested is the one modified by Pcssa or my project? I need to know where to make the changes.

Two considerations: de ' from the tags was introduced after the problems appeared because I was told that the problem was the double ones (") and I needed some way to keep together tags with more than one word, and no, the commas (,) are not enough as the program identifys every word as a different tag.

Second: My project has always had a unic Admin. The new admin is pcssa to let him investigate the problems. So it has nothing to do (either) with the previous problems.

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Steve J.

Hi Marta, I tested the project pcssa send me (I don't know which version it is). I can assure that to solve I simply removed the ' and use the , for the blog tags and just leave one Admin.

I tested your project using the updated beta version and it works. I think that the problem could be related to something else and that it is also solved using the beta version.

I just suggest you to

  • create a backup copy if you don't have it
  • switch to beta from and install the updates
  • remove the ' and the 2 Admins. 
  • Upload and test.

Let me know.Wink

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Gepostet am von Steve J.
Marta Q.
Marta Q.

Well, I started by the end. I changed the ' and I restored the original Admin.

ALso changed the video that was too heavy as Pcssa suggested and then Uploaded. It seems it works, eventhough the tags do not remain the two or three words together. It is not enough to separate with a comma. ANy alternative.

Thanks for your help

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Gepostet am von Marta Q.
Steve J.

Hi Marta, actually you cannot use tags that contains a blank space, so the ',' and the ' ' are used as separator now. We'll check if it's possibile to add this feature in the next update. Wink

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Gepostet am von Steve J.