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Angelo Giuseppe A.
Angelo Giuseppe A.

Fixed distance  en

Autor: Angelo Giuseppe A.
Besucht 1423, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  
Tags:: distance,fixed

Hi everyone,

I would like to fix a distance of a particular cell from the footer of the page.

How can I do this? These cells are in some of the pages and not in all of them, so I don't want to have them script in the footer, but I want they have a fixed distance from it.


Gepostet am
Angelo Giuseppe A.
Angelo Giuseppe A.

This is what happens in the published website:

These two cells going up related to what is inside the page, and not related to the footer as I would.

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Gepostet am von Angelo Giuseppe A.
Claudio D.

Hello Angelo,

This behaviour could depend on the minimum height of the website template.

you have two options: or you change the height of the template and make it smaller or you proceed with <br> tags until the element reaches the footer. If you choose the second option keep in mind to activate the html option.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Andre E
Andre E

Try this:

Align your 2nd text boxes at bottom.

add a 1 text cell (row3) give here enters as much as needed to space from your footer. (the second text cell in row3 in my example is not needed)

Dont use HTML box in cell 3 (this will disable your enters)

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Gepostet am von Andre E
Angelo Giuseppe A.
Angelo Giuseppe A.

Thanks all,

I'll try these solutions and I think I can solve the problem.

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Gepostet am von Angelo Giuseppe A.
Angelo Giuseppe A.
Angelo Giuseppe A.

it works quite perfecly, but somethimes I got some minimum misalignment.

Have you got any other idea or possible solutions?


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Gepostet am von Angelo Giuseppe A.
Claudio D.

Hello Angelo,

It could depend on the different height of the pages.

Which solution you used?

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Angelo Giuseppe A.
Angelo Giuseppe A.

Thank you for responding so quickly,

I added several cells to obtain the distance I wanted. I state that I used a script in the html expert section to get the footer at a fixed distance.

I attach here the script:

<style> #imContent{ min-height:480px; } </style>

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Gepostet am von Angelo Giuseppe A.
Claudio D.

Hello Angelo,

With this code the website will have a minimum height of 480px but it can also be bigger and if you made all cell sizes according to this height this could cause the misalignement.

If the sixe of the content is always the same try also with max-height to make sure that the content is not gonna be bigger and cause this issue.

Hope this helps.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.