Add Vote Section To Website 
Autor: Chris M.
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I would like to add a section to my website that allows customers to vote for their favorite product. Also would like them to be able to add there own favorite by writing it in. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks!
Gepostet am
You need athird party software(HTML,cgi, php, etc.) thattheycan integrateappropriately, forexampleas an object amongHTMLundwidget.
Searchon Googleforvotehomepage
Hi, I must inplement vote page for 12 logo ideas ( 12 pictures)!!
How to do that, I search google, but didnt find way to do that! If any of you have idea, or link to code for taht, please post it here !!!
Thanks Der Zwoemti ! That is what I nead!!
How to translate this script to Serbian, and, if you have little time, can you explane step by step method for inplementation into wsx5v9 !?
Google realy bad translate German into my native lang.!!! Thanks in advance !
Послао сам вам емаил.
I didnt receive your mail Der Zwoemti ?!