Problem whit text 
Autor: Alex R.
Besucht 2053,
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helloI have a problemwithusinga particular type oftextwritten inwebsitex5and whenin publicon the Internetwritingis notjustwhat can be done?I will givean exampleBrushScriptMT,16 andsoisnot shownTahomathink? on mycomputer isokbuttheothercomputeris notjustwritingyougotthe idea
Gepostet am
If the webpage visitor does not have that font on their computer they cannot display it. The easiest way to ensure they see your preferred font is to create the test in as a graphic.
Hi Alex, not all computers have installed all the fonts. Try to use fonts that are common to all, such as "Arial" or "Times New Roman" or others of this type, otherwise, if you doesn't have special needs, but want to use a nice font, write the text and save it with another software as picture.
I hope to be helpful