Seo And Incomedia Html Files 
Autor: Rene B.Hi guys,
hope that someone can help me with this: We have made our website in Incomedia Evolution 7 and would like to have an SEO done to this, as we are no proper web designers and dont have the time to deeply get into this. Now, we have one guy doing this for us. But the problem is the following:
He will correct the html code of our files, which he downloads from our domain via ftp. When he is finished he uploads them again. BUT: When I update my webpage, i.e. change some information in the project in Incomedia, it will create NEW html files which I need to upload...and obviously overwrite the old html files which had the SEO done to them. So basically the adjusting of the html code is then useless.
What can be done about this? Has anyone of you guys ever had an SEO done to their website?
The other idea I had is to copy the SEO´ed html files and then use their html code to paste into the project (I have seen that insted of pictures or text I can use an "html field"...would that work then?
Thanks for your answers!!!
Rene I am a SEO expert (Retired) and still have many friends in the field......
I did the self same thing last night with an X5er who paid a company to do his SEO in X5. We ended up deleting their stuff and inserting ours, so his £100's was not a good investment after all!!
I have written an E-Book on SEO for X5 and will gladly share my secrets if you have proof of ownership of X5 V7. Contact me below for more info: