Mobile devices, a greater challenge now a days 
Autor: Billy Rippe
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As all of you guys know, every day we encounter more and more users with tablets and smart phones. We as developers need to really fulfill their needs as well as our client's. Is it possible for website x5 and the community to generate some kind of general guidances to create some sort of general best practices so we can deliver tood websites? Today I visited a client to show him his new website, unfortunatelly he had a brand new ipad so he went on and opened the site, basically, he said to me we had to recreat the site so it works well on those devices, a big time loss for us. Then I looked into the forums but there isn't much info around, what can we do guys?
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Hi Billy,
With Website X5, there is nothing to do. That's it. It doesn't produce responsive design. It is a fixed layout.
Two options by the way : you can create a dedicated site for each screen resolution (tedious) and redirect visitors using javascript or php.
Or you can change the software and learn RWD (Ethan Marcotte published an e-book about).
Sorry but we made the choice of an old software unable to adapt to new concept.
Check version 10 guys..
@ Henrik : Wow, you mean version 10 is able to generate mobile sites. If yes, this is a really good news. For the moment, I enrolled for the beta but don't have it. Thanks for the good news, Henrik
You're welcome!
I am really looking forwards, can't wait!!! hopefully it won't take too long... i'll keep you posted!!
Hey guys, one quick question... we are still working with version 9 but already thinking with the v10, the question is, once we have this version, can we use it with the websites we created we v9? or need to start from scratch once again?
You can easy Import the project to version 10.
Is enyone try V10 - I still waiting Incomedia mail !?
I´ve got it and it looks much better. I haven´t really looed at it in depth but there are more options and more ways of doing things