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Esther Flückiger
Esther Flückiger

Slideshow Auf Ipad/iphone  de

Autor: Esther Flückiger
Besucht 2868, Followers 2, Geteilt 45  

Meine Slideshows erscheinen auf IPad und IPhone nicht. Woran liegt das, wie kann ich das beheben?

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Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . an Apple wenden, damit sie endlich *kompatibel* werden . . . Wink

Apple verfolgt eine *eigene* Strategie der Anzeige - mit anderen *Marken* (Android usw.) gibt es weniger Probleme, da Java und Flash *erlaubt* sind . . .

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Gepostet am von Pcssa .
Jacques V.
Jacques V.

In the not so near future of HTLM5 there will be no place for flash and java-applets because there  will be browser-integrated HTLM5 players. A mixure of javascript and flash (like the one in X5 version 9) won't do then .... I think.

For the time being Flash , Ogg, Silver, Quick players are used- some in combination with javascript. Apple has put aside FLash and java-applets. They use to much battery-power according to there opinion.

Only pure javascript will work in the future (supported with jacquery and more sub-javascripts). The millions of ipad-users won't see the X5-galleries or slideshows in FLash..

One can place a slide-show-plugin , made in javascript, from another maker  in the X5-website. This will work in the ipad. But then you must have some knowledge of HTLM-scripting.... If you don't, you can't fix it.... helas


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Gepostet am von Jacques V.