Version 10 bugs 
Autor: Pierre F.
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I bought the new version 10, 2 bugs that bugs me the first one is when you are in advance paramater/main menu, if you choose the icon to get the buttom you have with the program you are stuck with it, this mean you can not get ride of it even if you try to use the 3d option may be you should have a none button added in this section to cancel. the second bug is when you use the google translation the background doesn't move but the header and the rest of the page move down this give for effect that if you have boxes in your page everything is kapout nothing is streated
thanks Pierre Foucher
Gepostet am
Hello Pierre,
Can you please explain me better your first issue?
About the google translate it depends on the translation because it the text becomes longer and you made a graphic based on a precise height this will change it. If you decide to use google translate keep in menid to give more space to the design because the lenght of the text could change.
Many thanks!
Hi heres some screne capture of 3 problems so far
thanks Pierre
Salut Pierre (do you speak french ?
) Pour tes captures 1 et 3 il faut faire un clic droit sur l'objet, puis "Supprimer". Pour l'autre problème je ne sais pas...
Inyour captures1 and 3must to do a right clickon the object,then"Delete". For the other problem I don't know. Expect support...
@+, J.P.
ok probleme 1 et 3 solved, merci J.P. l'habitude du piton gauche de la souris :)
Hello Pierre,
This depends on the google translate plugin that modifies the lenght of the text according to the translation. You should leave enough space if you use this plugin becase every language has a different lenght and the design is fixed to the space you give and the google plugin is changing the content but the space remains the same.
Many thanks!
checke the new screen capture texte is on you should see what I'm talking about
Hello Pierre,
This behaviour is not caused by the program but by the google translate toolbar that is included in the code and cannot be controlled by the program. The toolbar is adding own content once it is added and it cannot be changed by us.
Many thanks!
thanks :)