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Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

CMS for X5 is here!  en

Autor: Henrik Hansen
Besucht 27116, Followers 33, Geteilt 0  

Hello fellow X5 lovers!

I have been waiting for Incomedia to make a online CMS system for us, and my impatience has grown very large.

Therefore, I have decided to develop a CMS system, that fits projects created with Website X5 perfectly!


* Edit texts online, very simple, directly on the pages

* Edit products / Add products with more than one option!

* Edit pictures / Add pictures with effects

* Edit all information in the Shopping cart

* Edit menu structure (Add pages, levels, or edit consisting pages/levels)

* Edit Dropdown menu

* Add exclusive slideshows, with different effects

If you think, that I have missed something important, please add your idea bellow.

The price for all this, will be around 20€ pr. licens. Then you can use the system for all the projects you want.

Please tell me what you think of the price, and would you guys be willing to pay that for this feature?

I am making a SignUp page tonight, where you guys can insert your e-mail, and then I will send a newsletter when the CMS is ready for you.


Henrik Hansen

Gepostet am
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

20 Euros for as many projects as we want, for our clients to access and make changes?? 

I'll pay no problem. 

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Samuel V.
Samuel V.

Hi Henrik, 

€ 20 for all of this is very cheap. Nice you found the way to develop those features. Customers will delight. Have you thought about the security please ? 

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Gepostet am von Samuel V.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Samuel

Yes. There will be a Admin section like all other CMS systems, where you have to login. Futhermore I am thinking of making a "backup plan", where you download the whole page to your desktop. This can also be set to "automatic" then the system will automaticly download the newest version to your desktop, when you are done editing your pages.

All the standard features like "forgot password" and so on, will of course also be a part of the system.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Maybe I will also make Responsive Design a part of it. 

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Samuel V.
Samuel V.
Henrik Hansen

I am signed and excited to buy one for my tests. It is promising. About the form : perhaps could you install a page to confirm the registration. Excuse me I submitted twice because I wasn't sure if the information were sent.

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Gepostet am von Samuel V.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Yes I see. Will make a page for that tomorrow. 

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

When is it coming out?

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Anton G.
Anton G.

Возможна ли рускоязычная версия?

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Gepostet am von Anton G.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Yes, you can translate the system the way you want, and use different languages.

Google translate:

Да, Выможете перевестисистему так, каквы хотите, ииспользовать различныеязыки.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Jorge: I think it will be out in a month. Maybe less. I have other stuff to fo besides this Smile

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Anton G.
Anton G.

У вас очень интересное предложение. Может Вам стоит создать какое то онлайн средство, для того чтобы другие смогли опробовать вашу CMS

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Gepostet am von Anton G.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Это придетпозже.Следуйте впередв этой темеи зарегистрироватьпо почте

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Anton G.
Anton G.

Спасибо, заявку по почте уже отправил. Жду от Вас новостей, лично готов протестировать данный продукт, и так сказать внести свою помошь в данной теме теми возможностями, которыми смогу

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Gepostet am von Anton G.
Theresia H.
Theresia H.

Thank you so much for your work. I'm on your mailing list!

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Gepostet am von Theresia H.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Andreoli

I don't understand the language at that page, could you please make a link at that topic to this post?

Theresia, You're welcome, happy to know that Wink

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Gorg ..
Gorg ..

Great +1 for this, I submited for waiting this CMS !!!

If you can, add accordion widget for text field , more modern effect for image mouseover, gallery wich can be used for online catalog, pricing table....add option for pagination, into blog settings for disable time into post...and you rock !!!

This is all that Incomedia shoul add into new version, but....

All the best, we waiting your mail!

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Gepostet am von Gorg ..
E. Andreoli
E. Andreoli
Henrik Hansen
Ciao Andreoli Non capisco la lingua in quella pagina, la prego di creare un link a questo argomento di questo post?

Ok, Wink

What do you think about Drag & Drop CMS? ( for example Sitecake...)

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Gepostet am von E. Andreoli
Jan Van Den Berg
Jan Van Den Berg

I think it's a fair price.

I will buy it.

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Gepostet am von Jan Van Den Berg
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
E. Andreoli
What do you think about Drag & Drop CMS? ( for example Sitecake...)

It's very userfriendly, and maybe I will make it work that way. That is, if it is easy enough, and works with Internet Explorer - I want the system to run perfect in all browsers.. Smile

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Danila M.
Danila M.


I will buy it.

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Gepostet am von Danila M.
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva

Just waiting for it, Henrik! Would be great if you use an .ini file that we could use to translate it easily, you could reach many more people with the localization of the software.

If you implement it, I will do the translation to Brazilian Portuguese (I translate several software to PT-BR, including those from Piriform - CCleaner and others -, VSO - ConvertX and others -, Revo Uninstaller Pro and many more. Cool

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Gepostet am von Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Anton G.
Anton G.
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Просто жду его, Хенрик! Будет здорово, если вы используете. INI-файл, который мы могли бы использовать, чтобы перевести его легко, вы могли бы достичь гораздо больше людей с локализацией программного обеспечения. Если вы реализуете это, я сделаю перевод на бразильский португальский (я перевести несколько программ для PT-BR, в том числе от Piriform - CCleaner и другие -, VSO - ConvertX и другие -, Revo Uninstaller Pro и многое другое. 

Поддерживаю, сам лично готов сделать русский перевод

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Gepostet am von Anton G.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Thanks Marcus! I want the system to be easy translatable, and if .ini is one of the best ways to do this, it will be made this way Wink Normally I keep all the translations in a backend, where you can change it. Sort of like X5 does it. This could, however, generate an .ini file. 

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

СпасибоА.!Это оченьлюбезно с вашей стороны.Я не ожидаю, что естьтак много, чтобыбыть переведены.Но это можетоказатьсябольшой системы, со всемисвоими идеями Wink

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen


I have made mockups for the system, and a plan for development. I am looking forward to give you all more information.

More than 25 people have already signed up for the system. Great!

Please keep posting ideas here, or send me an e-mail.

Thank you all for your time! Wink



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

Very interesting:

  1. is there a trial version?
  2. does it need a db or it stocks data into a .xml (or both case)?
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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Fabio

I don't think there will be a trial. I will make som videos of the system, and then there will be free support.

Yes, this will need a database. But the system will come with a very easy installer. The novice users will therefore have no problem at all.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
#ABCD WebAgency
#ABCD WebAgency

Hi Henrik! Is the cms is alson in italian?

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Gepostet am von #ABCD WebAgency
#ABCD WebAgency
#ABCD WebAgency


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Gepostet am von #ABCD WebAgency
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello X5 Templates

In the beginning the system will be in English. Then there will be oppertunity to translate the system into e.g. Italian. I don't know excatly how the translations are going to be made, but as you see Marcus have been polite to offer translations into Brazilian & Portuguese. So let's see what happens!

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

I can't wait!!!!!!

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

So it will be possible to create easely also customized query in a web-page as GUI?

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

...I want mean about the value of the email forms; also doing mathematical operation on this?

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Fabio Bevilacqua
So it will be possible to create easely also customized query in a web-page as GUI?


Fabio Bevilacqua

...I want mean about the value of the email forms; also doing mathematical operation on this?

I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Can you explain?

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

for example: calculating an estimation of a work by inserting the values in m2 of a surface that i need (referring to the price/m2 inserted into cart settings), ecc...

other case: a scientific/tecnical website where visitors can insert custom data to process from a formula (that i must preview) to calculate a new mesure that they need (for example to know how much of my product they need to buy),ecc...

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

...with formula i mean a mathematical function.

But it could be also a logical function: for example if field A=option1 and field B=option1 then you link me to the page 1.html else you link me to page 2.html

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

I understand. This would be no problem at all. I have already developped a special form maker, that calculates different prices with different choices.

Look here:

It's in danish, but I think you get the idea..

But Yes! That can be a part of the system.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Anton G.
Anton G.
Henrik Hansen
Я понимаю.Это было бы никакой проблемы вообще.Я уже разработали специальный производитель форме, которая вычисляет различные цены с различным выбором. Посмотрите здесь: Это на датском языке, но я думаю, вы поняли .. Но да!Это может быть частью системы.

Очень интересное решение... 

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Gepostet am von Anton G.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

Is it possible, also, to automatize the submits? Is it possible to distinguish the privileges (administrator/moderator/guest)?

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

That is some "nice to have" features, that I will concider, when I have worked with the "Need to have" features.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
#ABCD WebAgency
#ABCD WebAgency

where is this CMS???

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Gepostet am von #ABCD WebAgency
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

It's on it's way, X5 Templates Wink


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

In your example i see the calculate. What about the logical functin for creating a navigation algoritm?

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Haven't thought about that yet, but yes, that would be awesome!

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

I know; I often have great ideas but I don't have the technical know-how to realize it.

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Know how it feels. It's hard to get the hang of coding.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

my purpose is to convert a site from linear to "intelligent"

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Know how it feels. It's hard to get the hang of coding.

No, if I could study I think it was not too hard for me; but I could'nt!

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.
Fabio Bevilacqua
my purpose is to convert a site from linear to "intelligent"

I whish explain better: normally, until today, it's the user who make interrogation to the db; I'ld like the site become a kind of wizard interroging the user about his need.

I hope my english is enough clear.

PS: thanks for your usefull suggest!

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Sounds interestig!

You're welcome Smile

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Peter S.
Peter S.

Thanks, Just waiting for it and sign in !


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Gepostet am von Peter S.
Joaquim Lima
Joaquim Lima

HejHenrik. Jeg brugeronlineoversætter, og jeg håber, at jeg har compreenda.Euen computerbutik: www.servinformá Jeg har gjortregistreringen ogjeg virkelig ønsker atgå ind i denneordningi minWebsitex5. Jeg venter. Tak.JoaquimLima

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Gepostet am von Joaquim Lima
Preben C.
Preben C.

Henrik du er genial Wink

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Gepostet am von Preben C.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

Hi Henrik, i'm reading your first newsletter about. I want to ask you: can we change css stile after translation of the project in php? Or we should keep always updated our .iwzip original (while our clients update the same contents into the site online by themselves througth WaveCMS), so we can change stile with X5 and export as new without losing new contents?

Is there a feature in Wave for export at least the updated catalog of products of the cart in a compatible format for import it back in a X5 project (and so the related img obviously)?

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva

Henrik, I would like to support you. Please tell me as soon the software is released, I want to be the first to buy a license! Wink

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Gepostet am von Marcus Vinicius Rocha Da Silva
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Fabio

Yes, It will be possible to export the new CSS files to the project online. What you can't do, is export the whole site to the domain, because that would overwrite the changes made with WaveCMS.

There will be an export/import function for your products in WaveCMS. So you can make products in X5, export them, and import them online. 

However, it will also be possible to make products online in WaveCMS. So you actually don't need X5 for that, when the site is up and running.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Marcus

Thank you very much, I will keep you updated! Wink

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Hello Fabio Yes, It will be possible to export the new CSS files to the project online. What you can't do, is export the whole site to the domain, because that would overwrite the changes made with WaveCMS. There will be an export/import function for your products in WaveCMS. So you can make products in X5, export them, and import them online.  However, it will also be possible to make products online in WaveCMS. So you actually don't need X5 for that, when the site is up and running. Henrik

I have not explainedwell.
I do not wantto updatetheproduct catalogfor mypotentialcustomers, butgive themthe ability to manageon their ownthis contentonlinecontrol panel, reserving tomyselfthe managementof stylesof the site.

I know thata new exportandconversionwill overwritethe changes made; that's whyI want tokeep updated theoriginal project.

SoI wish it werepossible to export thecart or other contents added bythe client from cmsin csv formatto import it intooriginal projectin order tokeep it updated.In fact,we may need toexportand convertagain the project .iwzip, especially afterbeing correcteda bugin the new version.About this, do you thinkanybugsof the project canbringsignificantconsequencesin translation?

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

Please Henrik, would you like also to create an english version for the official website of the cms? It would be better for your businness to have also an italian version because the most part of Incomedia clients maybe is italian (and the most part of 'em don't speaks english too).

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Fabio Bevilacqua
I have not explained well. I do not want to update the product catalog for my potential customers, but give them the ability to manage on their own this content online control panel, reserving to myself the management of styles of the site. I know that a new export and conversion will overwrite the changes made; that's why I want to keep updated the original project. So I wish it were possible to export the cart or other contents added by the client from cms in csv format to import it into original project in order to keep it updated. In fact, we may need to export and convert again the project .iwzip, especially after being corrected a bug in the new version. About this, do you think any bugs of the project can bring significant consequences in translation?

This will be a oppertunity. You can always replace CSS files, because they are not touched when the translate is done. So you can still design your page as you want.

There will be a shop module, with the oppertunity for export/import AND generation of new products online. So you actually don't need X5 for that after the export. Your Clients will have the possibility to make their own products online, easy Wink

Fabio Bevilacqua

Please Henrik, would you like also to create an english version for the official website of the cms? It would be better for your businness to have also an italian version because the most part of Incomedia clients maybe is italian (and the most part of 'em don't speaks english too).

The system will be easy to translate. So yes, there will be English/Italian/German/Russian/Brazilian/Portuguese/Danish language, so the most of you can use it. Unfortunately I only speak english, german and danish, so I need people like Marcus to help me. Else I will find someone that know Italian in my town, and have him/her translate the system.

Thanks Fabio!

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Oh, and btw. the bugs that may be in X5, will be sorted out by the system. So you don't need to worry about that.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Angel Luis C.
Angel Luis C.

Hola Henrik si necesitas ayuda en traducciones para el CMS, yo puedo ayudarte a traducirla al español si quieres, espero tu respuesta.

Un saludo


Hello Henrik if you need help in translations for the CMS, I can help her translate the Spanish if you want, wait for your response. A greeting

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Gepostet am von Angel Luis C.
Mark M.
Mark M.

Hello Henrik,

I have a few questions/ suggestions regarding the project - will it work with Xammp? also will the shopping cart etc. be backed up to a database? and finally will the site layout be responsive in order to seamlessly change to tablet and phone sizes?



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Mark M.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Angel Luis C.
Hello Henrik if you need help in translations for the CMS, I can help her translate the Spanish if you want, wait for your response. A greeting

Hello Angel!

Thank you very much for your interest! It would be very nice if you would help me translate the system into Spanish. You will be updated when the first version is ready for translate.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Mark M.
Hello Henrik, I have a few questions/ suggestions regarding the project - will it work with Xammp? also will the shopping cart etc. be backed up to a database? and finally will the site layout be responsive in order to seamlessly change to tablet and phone sizes? Regards, Mark.

Hello Mark

Actually Yes to all of your questions. We are planning on making modules for the system, that can be installed. E.g. a bookingsystem for rooms/restaurant tables, and as you say the responsive design is something we indeed plan on making, but we have to start from scratch, and there are other features that must be made before that.

But yes. You can use it in Xammp, the whole site will be backed up in MySql databases, and the responsive design is something we really want to put into the system.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Angel Luis C.
Angel Luis C.

Hola Henrik, de acuerdo, quedo a la espera de su aviso cuando termine la primera versión del programa y así poder traducirsela al español.
Un saludo


Hello Henrik, of agreement, I wait for his notice when it finishes the first version of the program and this way she to be able to be translated into the Spanish.

A greeting

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Gepostet am von Angel Luis C.
Gorg ..
Gorg ..

Hi again, I can translate to Serbian final version ! I waiting for final realise !

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Gepostet am von Gorg ..
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

I am patiently waiting for this awesome release!!

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Otgoo N.
Otgoo N.

Is the any good news?

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Gepostet am von Otgoo N.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Otogoo

Yes, there will be more news this monday.

Remember to sign up for the newsletter, to get updated.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Let us now here too please!!

I can't wait for your release! :D 

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Sure! - I will put the next update here.

You have something to look forward to! There will be a lot of modules you all need (I have read some posts from the forum)


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Eugene Quinn
Eugene Quinn

Hello Eugene Here

i am based in ireland i currently am developing websites using WS x5 V10

i have been using v9 for last 12 months and i am creating mobile sites using go mobi

the only problem i see with x5 v10 is you have to pinch and zoom to view some of the text this is not a good feature in mobile devices

i be interested i becoming a re seller so my customers  can manage their own sites i send you links to my sites if you send your email address

eugene q

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Gepostet am von Eugene Quinn
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Finallysomethingstartedfor usprofessional userswhohave morethan one websiteto administer.I commendyou, and I hopethat thisinitiativeIncomediato developapplications thatare soldbecauseof thesources informthat the salev10versiondoes not goas expectedbecause theCMSsystemis requiredat the present time.Buying alicenseimmediatelyforIncomedianolongermeetsmy needsfor theadministration ofa number of projects(andI do not wantmy clientsto talkto buyX5becauseitdoes not need.) Myusers needa simple interfacefor chargingcontent.I registereditand waitfor further instructions.Thank you.

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Gepostet am von X5 Croatia
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Eugene Quinn
Hello Eugene Here i am based in ireland i currently am developing websites using WS x5 V10 i have been using v9 for last 12 months and i am creating mobile sites using go mobi the only problem i see with x5 v10 is you have to pinch and zoom to view some of the text this is not a good feature in mobile devices i be interested i becoming a re seller so my customers  can manage their own sites i send you links to my sites if you send your email address eugene q

Website X5 lacks a lot of features. Just try making a decent webshop. That's very hard.

WaveCMS will contain responsive design, which will be editable from a backend, so you don't have to use a thirdparty for this. You will only have to edit the page one place.

There will be some major changes to the E-commerce part. Introducing databases, amount-control, more options for one product etc.

More about this in the newsletter tonight Smile


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Nigel P.
Nigel P.

Henrick, this looks good.

Will bewatching for updates and sounds like good value for 20 Euro.

Thanks Nigel

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Gepostet am von Nigel P.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
X5 Croatia
Finally something started for us professional users who have more than one website to administer. I commend you, and I hope that this initiative Incomedia to develop applications that are sold because of the sources inform that the sale v10 version does not go as expected because the CMS system is required at the present time. Buying a license immediately for Incomedia no longer meets my needs for the administration of a number of projects (and I do not want my clients to talk to buy X5 because it does not need.) My users need a simple interface for charging content. I registered it and wait for further instructions. Thank you.

I agree with you. That's also one of the reasons that I have started all this. Now X5 will live up to it's full potential - Easy website making/maintenance.

Thank you for your support! Cool

Nigel P.
Henrick, this looks good. Will bewatching for updates and sounds like good value for 20 Euro. Thanks Nigel

Thank you Smile

Have a nice day!

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

Hi Henrik. Did you already send the newsletter?

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Fabio

Not yet! I am Working on the system, and want to give you more news. Maybe this friday. 


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

btw: can you implement an easy translate module for the system in the admin features (just like in JCow, Pligg, ...)? Or at least a .po file (Poedit)? Thank you.

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Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Yes. There are plans about a easy translate module. Atm. I don't know excatly how it's going to be.

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Please make sure that you remove the meta-tag that says generated on website x5 v9 or v10, when our clients make changes on the website It would be really usefull if your CMS would automatically remove the meta tag of the generator! 

I hope the CMS comes out soon :P 

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Andre Feyaerts
Andre Feyaerts

Is it compatible with version10??

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Gepostet am von Andre Feyaerts
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
It would be really usefull if your CMS would automatically remove the meta tag of the generator!  I hope the CMS comes out soon :P 

I will make an option for that. 

I am doing all I can to get the first version ready for you guys! Smile

Keep an eye on your mailbox. I will personally invite some of you to the closed beta.

Andre F.
Is it compatible with version10??

To start with, version 9 and 10 will be supported. If version 8 is requested by many, I will make it run with that version too Cool


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Relive F.
Relive F.

We have done many CMS for websitex5 project . If you have developed your website from websitex5 than we will developed fully dynamic CMS for that existing site in just 24 hr for single project.

Features includes :

  1. Home      
  2. Admin Manager
  3. Change Password
  4. Logout
  5. CMS Tasks
  6. Manage CMS Page
  7. Manage Banner
  8. Form Message Details
  9. Contact Details

If you need CMS or Demo you can mail us at : ***

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Relive F.
Relive F.
Relive F.

CMS for every websitex5 version no problem .

We have done many CMS for websitex5 project . If you have developed your website from websitex5 than we will developed fully dynamic CMS for that existing site in just 24 hr for single project.

Features includes :

  1. Home      
  2. Admin Manager
  3. Change Password
  4. Logout
  5. CMS Tasks
  6. Manage CMS Page
  7. Manage Banner
  8. Form Message Details
  9. Contact Details
Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Relive F.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hi Relive

Maybe you could open your own post for this, instead of posting your ads on mine?

What you are doning, has nothing to do with this post.

Regards, Henrik

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Gorg ..
Gorg ..

Just you work Henrik, we waiting for your project, and I want to translate to Serbian CMS when you finish your work !

All the best, and hurry up Smile !!!

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Gorg ..
Andre Feyaerts
Andre Feyaerts

Ok seems more than usefull, I will pay the 20€

send me a mail to ***


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Gepostet am von Andre Feyaerts
Piotr S.
Piotr S.

Hi Henrik,

Impatiently to ;)
When the additive is gorowy?
Send me an email.


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Gepostet am von Piotr S.
Piotr S.
Piotr S.

Sorry ;)

When theadditionisfinished?


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Gepostet am von Piotr S.
Federico F.
Federico F.

In attesa, email inserita.... 

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Gepostet am von Federico F.
Jan Van Den Berg
Jan Van Den Berg

Hello Henrik,

I can help you with the Dutch translation.

Kind regards,

Jan van den Berg - Holland

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Gepostet am von Jan Van Den Berg
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Piotr S.
Sorry ;) When the addition is finished? :)

It will be out for beta testing soon! Smile

The exact date for release is not discussed yet.

Jan Van Den Berg
Hello Henrik, I can help you with the Dutch translation. Kind regards, Jan van den Berg - Holland

Hello Jan

Thank you very much! I would appreciate that a lot.

You will get noticed when the system is ready for translation.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

Hi henrik, I am a web designer and i also use website x5 v10 along with dreamweaver to create websites, one of the other major drawbacks with website x5 is the lack of other alternative payment processors, will you be adding a option for more payment processors as well to the cms.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

just one more quick question, will you be also intergrating the use of jquery, as i always put jquery sliders into the headers of clients websites its something that i don't want to lose if we use your cms.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jamie

I agree, and yes. With time we will look into what payment solutions that are needed, and listnen to what you guys think Smile

To start with, the shop module is going to have paypal/bank transfer. But include alot of other features, such as adding products to the cart whitout getting transfered to the checkout page. More options for one product. (Color, size etc.) and much more.

But the answer is yes. We want to make the CMS as good as possible, and add the things that are requested.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

thanks henrik, another thing would be a intergrated blog, once we put things on the blog it should post automatcally on the home page (check client) at the moment we use html and manual posting, would this be another possible feature.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

sorry wrong what about jquery will that be intergrated.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Sounds like a great idea Smile I will note that in the development.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

I also run a web design company and we would be interested in testing out the cms if possible.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

You will get the possibility to test the beta when it's ready Smile


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

wow genius.i just signed in.when will you release it?im willing to pay.cant wait for it.btw can you restrict the editing tools that will be used by the client in the front end?for example, i can disable the  uploading of images or the changing effects of the image.. etc...

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jenny

Sounds like a great idea! I have already thought about making different user logins: Super admin/admin/novice admin..

Super Admin can then controll what the other admins can do.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

When is this going to become available? I would love to buy it right now! :D

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

I am working as fast as I can. I made a demo last week for some friends to test. You can test it if you want - But remember that this was the first version (0.1) Wink - So don't expect too much of that demo.

I am releasing the beta this month, and if there are not too many bugs, you can all buy it before june starts Smile


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

is it possible to edit photos from the gallery and upload new photos,pdfs, and change some images or content on a slideshow?if you could include that too.ahm 20 euro is really affordable for everyone,you helped us websitex users,in behalf of everyone id like to thank you for creating such project that is affordable and very very much usefull to all of us.may you ba blessed more and more

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jenny

Yes the features you are mentioning are all included in the final version Smile

All the features from Website X5 9 and 10 are going to be supported in the CMS system, with more standalone features.  We are making a WaveCMS-Slider and Gallery that users can choose to use, or not.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

oh gee great i cant wait for the release of this awesome product.thanks thanks thanks.i tried the demo but cant understand coz its not in EnglishLaughing but i tried and loved the product you made.genius.nice

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Thanks Jenny! Happy to know you are appreciating my work! Cool

The final version will of course be in english too Wink

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

can client add new articles also? coz some of my clients want to add news,articles,blogs every now and then.anyway hope youll release the product soon.hope we colud test it on our sites.cant waitSmile

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Yes, the idea is to make the system so simple, that anyone can update and make changes to the webpage. Soon I will send a newsletter, then the system will be open for beta testing with your pages Smile

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

thanks.well wait for the beta testing.more blessing to ya.nice work Henrick

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Can the admin edit the shopping cart on the website, like adding new products etc? I am building a store and my client would like to add the products himself, is this possible?

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jorge

All products made in X5 will be editable online with new functions. Stock control/management, more choices for one product e.g. color, size, you name it. Also a standard cart icon on every shopping page, so you don't get transferred to the checkout page when adding a product to the cart (User can choose between X5 setup and WaveCMS setup) + Much more. Full overview will be released in the next newsletter


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Awesome Henrik, I can't wait until the release!

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Relive F.
Relive F.

CMS admin for websitex5 is launched now ! You can update your content , images , seo , from your admin and more features.........
CMS ( Content Management System ) for Websitex5 is ready now . 
Try Demo Now 
Main Website :
Admin site -
User ID - admin
Pw - admin123

Order Now only $ 150 dollar - upto to 5 to 10 pages 
Developemnt duration - 24 hrs
For order mail us - ***

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Relive F.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

^ Why don't you go open up your own POST instead of advertising on someone else's?

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
S. Lozhkin
S. Lozhkin

Thanks, Henrik. I'll definitely buy it. And I could help to translate it into Russian.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von S. Lozhkin
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Thanks! That would be great Smile

You will recieve a invitation like the other translaters.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Andrew Macken
Andrew Macken

Will it be compatible with Evolution 9? 

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Gepostet am von Andrew Macken
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Andrew

Yes, version 9 and 10 to begin with. 


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

The webpage is now under construction, we are nearing us a release.

In the futher the newsletter subscription is going to be here:

This formular gives you the oppertunity to remove your mail from the newsletter as well as subscribing.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Денис С.
Денис С.

Подписался! жду с нетерпением! готов купить! Удачи Вам Хенрик!

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Gepostet am von Денис С.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

will the cms be available as a direct download or do we have to import the file to the cms before download, is the price for the cms per project or can we download the cms and use it for many projects.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jamie

Your questions will be answered in the next newsletter Wink


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

Cheers henrik, very much appreciated, any chance you could include your email address in the newsletter.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

You can find my e-mail adress on my answers profile - Just click on my picture Smile 

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

Hi Henrik. It would be awesome if you insert the possibility for the internal search engine to choose witch site's directorys to analyse.

In other words: if i have a main site related to many minisites like in this case:

il'd like if the search engine was centralized in the main site but can search also into the minisites (view Links).

With this tool a webmaster can create an his own search engine indexing only the URL he wants (for ex. the sites of his clients and no others).

Can you?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Fabio

That's actually a great idea. I will talk it over with my Associates Smile


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Huveneers

I have nothing to do with that system. You have to ask Relive F. - I think it's him who have made this.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Piotr D.
Piotr D.

Hi Henrik I can translate into Polish if You wish.

Best Regards


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Piotr D.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Piotd!

Thank you very much. You will get an message when the system is ready for translation Smile


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.
Henrik Hansen
Hello Jorge All products made in X5 will be editable online with new functions. Stock control/management, more choices for one product e.g. color, size, you name it. Also a standard cart icon on every shopping page, so you don't get transferred to the checkout page when adding a product to the cart (User can choose between X5 setup and WaveCMS setup) + Much more. Full overview will be released in the next newsletter Regards

when should be the new newsletter released?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Ahmed E.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Ahmed

Tomorrow I will send out a newsletter to all of you.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.
Henrik Hansen
Hello Ahmed Tomorrow I will send out a newsletter to all of you. Regards

OK waiting!

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Ahmed E.
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hello great initiative, I can't wait, the price is no problem!

Will using the editor itself overwrite what has been done by the online CMS I wonder?

What if changes on lay-out are in order and this needs to be done with the editor itself?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von LogoLogics A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Beta is now live!

Go to to register. We will give out 10 beta keys to start with - first in line gets the first key.

Feel free to write back with your oppinion!

Thank you all for your interest.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
#ABCD WebAgency
#ABCD WebAgency
User is ERROR!!!

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Gepostet am von #ABCD WebAgency
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

If the link doesn't work, please use (Without adding www)


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

NOTE: If you don't recieve any registration e-mail, just try to log in anyways. We are having some mail issues that we are working on Smile

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hello Henrik,

I am trying to make an account atwww.beta.wavecms.dkbut this page is never available?


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

oeps...ok I tried this and I get the login page

Moving on hahaEmbarassed

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von LogoLogics A.
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

...also .rar upload don't work in ; only .zip

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Yes Fabio Smile

.rar will be availble when the beta is done.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

Winkno problem! It's not so important for me. It's enougth .zip

I only tell you this because of what i read  about in the page

That's not correct and necessary too.

Think to other problems before, thanks.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

I'd love a beta key, if possible ;)

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

What can I do after I download the files? how can my client edit them?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
S. Lozhkin
S. Lozhkin

Hi, Henrik

I can't create an account at It says my e-mail is already registered. But when I signed up for newsletters I don't remember if there was password required. So I couldn't log in using my e-mail. How can I restore my password?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von S. Lozhkin
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
What can I do after I download the files? how can my client edit them?

You will have to log in via the key-picture in the bottom right corner, using the username and the password you choose during the converting process at

Let me know if you need more help Smile

S. Lozhkin
Hi, Henrik I can't create an account at It says my e-mail is already registered. But when I signed up for newsletters I don't remember if there was password required. So I couldn't log in using my e-mail. How can I restore my password?

Can I please have you e-mail address? I will check it for you.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Fabio: The PHP version on your page is below 5.3 - 5.2 is not supported yet. We are working on other PHP versions, so WaveCMS will support all webhotels.

Thank you for reporting it.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.

OK! Now i have inverted the servers. Look...

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Please run your project through the engine again to get latest update, Thanks!

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fabio B.
Fabio B.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fabio B.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.What can I do after I download the files? how can my client edit them? You will have to log in via the key-picture in the bottom right corner, using the username and the password you choose during the converting process at Let me know if you need more help

Henrik I am already logged in, I upload my files to the website, and I download the files (.zip file called final) what do I do with this .zip called final?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

You unpack it at your pc, and upload it to your domain Wink

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
S. Lozhkin
S. Lozhkin
Henrik Hansen
S. LozhkinHi, Henrik I can't create an account at It says my e-mail is already registered. But when I signed up for newsletters I don't remember if there was password required. So I couldn't log in using my e-mail. How can I restore my password? Can I please have you e-mail address? I will check it for you.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von S. Lozhkin
S. Lozhkin
S. Lozhkin

Ups... It doesn't allow to post an e-mail address. I sent it directly to your address.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von S. Lozhkin
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

I have answered you on e-mail Smile

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen

Hi Henrik,

Will your CMS address this problem on WS5 V10 and variants. Found there is a limitation of 39 items that can be ordered using the shopping cart to standard script and mail. Are you aware of this limitation and would your CMS system override this limitation. According to Inconmedia it has something to do with cookies of 4Kb limitation.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von FLAGSA ™
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Flagsa

Yes, the webshop for WaveCMS will be a huge upgrade from the X5 store.

More about that in the next newsletter.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Sander K.
Sander K.

hi Henrik,

Nice work !!

I have also some interest in your CMS system. if you need any translation in dutch maybe i can help.


Sander ( Netherlands )

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Sander K.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Sander

Thank you very much! Smile

You will get a message from me, when the system is ready for translation.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
V. Lazzaro
V. Lazzaro

Hallo Henrik,

i don't speak English, but German or Italian.

I am very interested in this solution. I might try the beta version?


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von V. Lazzaro
V. Lazzaro
V. Lazzaro

Hallo Henrik,

okay, I've signed up and wait for the email to activate.


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Gepostet am von V. Lazzaro
Ingo F.
Ingo F.

I have this not understood. Please explain:

Drag and drop your zipped project. (.zip/.rar) The file must contain the exported project (index.html, CSS files etc.)

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Ingo F.
V. Lazzaro
V. Lazzaro

Hallo Henrik,

I've signed up and... i can login without activation link, but I want to test it before I pay, does it?

Thanks for your answer 


V. Lazzaro

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Gepostet am von V. Lazzaro
V. Lazzaro
V. Lazzaro

German: Ich habe trotzdem versucht ein Zip-testprojekt zu uploaden und downloaden (beta).
Aber das Resultat ist negativ.
Was kann es sein?

Habe die dateiberechtigung auch auf 777 umgestellt.


You don't have permission to access /mycms/public/index.php on this server.
Apache/1.3.36 Server at Port 80


English: I havea zip-testprojecttriesto uploadand download(beta).
But the resultis negative.
What can it be?

Ialso switchedto 777theauthorization (server-permission)file.


You do not havepermission to access/myCMS/ public /index.php onthis server.
Apache/1.3.36Server atnellys-nails.chPort80

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von V. Lazzaro
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Ingo F.
I have this not understood. Please explain: Drag and drop your zipped project. (.zip/.rar) The file must contain the exported project (index.html, CSS files etc.)

To get WaveCMS installed on you site, you will have to export your page from Website X5 (Evo 9 or 10) NOTE:  Choose step 5 in Website X5, then choose option number 2: "Export website to disk"

After exporting your page, you need to compress it to a .zip file - including all html, CSS, script etc. files. Now you're ready to go! Open - drag your .zip file into the page, and watch the magic!

When the project is ready, the system will ask you if you want to download the new .zip file - you download this file, and extract it to the folder you perfer. 

The final step is to upload the system to your domain - We recommend using filezilla for this. It's 100 % free: the client download)

Tip: To drag element on the same line, hold ctrl, and drag. This way you can drag one element at a time.    

Please get back to me, if you need more help Smile

V. Lazzaro
German: Ich habe trotzdem versucht ein Zip-testprojekt zu uploaden und downloaden (beta). Aber das Resultat ist negativ. Was kann es sein? Habe die dateiberechtigung auch auf 777 umgestellt. siehe: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /mycms/public/index.php on this server. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache/1.3.36 Server at Port 80 ************************************************************************* English: I have a zip-test project tries to upload and download (beta). But the result is negative. What can it be? I also switched to 777 the authorization (server-permission) file. see: Forbidden You do not have permission to access / myCMS / public / index.php on this server. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Apache/1.3.36 Server at Port 80

Hello V. Lazzaro

I will look into your problem. I think it's because you're php version is 5.2 - We are working on making the system compatible with this version too.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Ok - I will get back to you Smile

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

V. Lazzaro

Could we get access to your server, to see whats wrong?

Please answer me at mail: master(at)


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Ingo F.
Ingo F.

@ V. Lazzaro

Wie funktionier das mit der ZIP. Verstehe nicht, wie ich diese importieren soll bzw, was überhaupt gezippt wird.

Kann Du mir das mal deteiliert erklären?

Danke schon mal.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Ingo F.
Johannes B.
Johannes B.

Hello Henrik, the price sounds very nice. Will buy. 

Thank you for doing this.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Johannes B.
V. Lazzaro
V. Lazzaro

Hallo Ingo,

1. Du musst dein Projekt zuerst exportieren: Export > Export der Website auf ein Laufwerk

2. Danach musst du diesen Projekt (Hauptverzeichnis) zippen.

3.  ...und Zip-File per drag and drop importieren.

4. Den generierte wavecms-'' herunterladen, entzippen und alle Daten auf den Server hochladen.


V. Lazzaro

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Gepostet am von V. Lazzaro
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

When is the full version going to be released, for my clients? 

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jorge

About one week from now. Maybe 2 weeks. We are putting something special in the system for you guys! Wink


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Okay thank you for your quick response. :)

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Massimo Bonanomi
Massimo Bonanomi

Hello, need a CMS for upload used cars on my site done with V9, from anywhere directly by login from the homepage of it. Ok for that? When?

Thanks, Massimo

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Massimo Bonanomi
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Massimo

Yes that's no problem with the CMS solution.

He can upload new pictures, texts and so on with it.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Massimo Bonanomi
Massimo Bonanomi

Ok, waiting for the release...


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Gepostet am von Massimo Bonanomi
Steppas D.
Steppas D.

How much will this be in US dollar?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Steppas D.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Steppas

It will be 26,52 dollars.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Ingo F.
Ingo F.

@ V. Lazzaro

Vielen lieben Dank.
Was man zippen muss, hatte ich nicht verstanden.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Ingo F.
jose cordoba
jose cordoba

Hola henrik un gusto, te consulto, esta actulizacion o plugin va a estar disponible en la pagina de website? o es algo aparte? 

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Gepostet am von jose cordoba
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

Hello Henrik when will it be released?thanks

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Ingo F.
@ V. Lazzaro Vielen lieben Dank. Was man zippen muss, hatte ich nicht verstanden.

Hola Jose

No entiendosu mensaje -googletranslatetraducirloa esto:

Hihenrika taste,youconsult,thisactulizacionorpluginwillbe available on thewebsitepage?orsomething other?

¿Se puedereformularsu mensaje?

Jenny A.
Hello Henrik when will it be released?thanks

Hello Jenny

It will be released near the end of this month. We have put something special into it for you guys Wink


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

that's nice to know Henrik.One more question,will the client know that the editor is from wave cms or the website is built in wx5?in joomla we can let the client edit via front end without accessing the back end or the admin area and they wont know that its made in joomla,every client can be assigned to a specific page to edit im sure wave cms have this a joomla user but when i saw websitex5 i got interested especially when i read your forum.ill be waiting for your product.thanks

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jenny

Atm. your clients will know that it's WaveCMS, because the Toolbar has WaveCMS stamped on it. However, this may change over time, if a lot of users wishes it. For now, the WaveCMS logo stays on the toolbar Smile

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.
Jenny A.
that's nice to know Henrik.One more question,will the client know that the editor is from wave cms or the website is built in wx5?in joomla we can let the client edit via front end without accessing the back end or the admin area and they wont know that its made in joomla,every client can be assigned to a specific page to edit im sure wave cms have this a joomla user but when i saw websitex5 i got interested especially when i read your forum.ill be waiting for your product.thanks

 I would really love to have this feature, I wouldn't mind paying a little bit extra. For example you should have the normal wave cms (with the stamp on it) and the Re-seller CMS (Without the stamp on it) That way we can resell the CMS to our clients... 

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Ok - I will make such an option Smile


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Massimo Bonanomi
Massimo Bonanomi

You wrote..." I have already thought about making different user logins: Super admin/admin/novice admin..

Super Admin can then controll what the other admins can do.

Yes, important that we decide with the super admin what our customer can change, for example only 1 or 2 pages not the entire site,  or to fix the structure of the page in order they can change only fotos and text...

URGENT to have a CMS...Laughing

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Gepostet am von Massimo Bonanomi
Pietro B.
Pietro B.

ok ma quando diventa operativo ?


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Gepostet am von Pietro B.
John T.
John T.

Hi Henrik, will you be addressing tha lack of postal options for the UK users? We have different prices for 1st class, 2nd class, large letter. Then it goes to small packet, medium packet and large packet. Also Airmail to Europe, World Zone 1, World Zone 2.

It all looks too good to be true.


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Gepostet am von John T.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Pietro B.
ok ma quando diventa operativo ? GRAZIE


Ilsistemaè quasi finito, ci aspettiamoche ci sia chiarezzacircail 20giugno.


John T.
Hi Henrik, will you be addressing tha lack of postal options for the UK users? We have different prices for 1st class, 2nd class, large letter. Then it goes to small packet, medium packet and large packet. Also Airmail to Europe, World Zone 1, World Zone 2. It all looks too good to be true. Regards

Hello John

I assume you're talking about the webshop, right?

We have decided to separate the features, so the Webshop will be a module, and not a part of WaveCMS standard - It's was getting too big, and then it would take much longer before we could give you a working CMS.

We haven't started working on this module just yet, but there will be A LOT of features that the X5 Shop dosen't have. We are planning on making a voting system at, where all our users can post their idea, and then vote. I think the feature you're mentioning, is very important (I sometimes need it too here in Denmark when making shops for my customers) so yes, that will be made. How and when, I can't tell you atm. while we need to gather more information about this issue before programming it.

First of all, we also need to release the first version of WaveCMS, so we can get some feedback from you guys Wink

Remember to subscribe to the newsletter, so you get the latest news.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Ok - I will make such an option Regards

Awecome, thank you. I can't wait :) 

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Steppas D.
Steppas D.

Is that $26.52 or $52 US

Henrik Hansen
Hello Steppas It will be 26,52 dollars. Regards
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Gepostet am von Steppas D.
Steppas D.
Steppas D.

I tried signing up for the newsletter and got this

Not Found

The requested URL /amlcb35425501ce47fc.php was not found on this server.

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Gepostet am von Steppas D.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Steppas

It is $26, 52 cents atm.

Thank you for reporting it! We are so busy getting the last things finished up, so there are places that need improvement. Thanks again!

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen

Senza nulla togliere all'autore del topic in questione, ma non faceva prima Incomedia a studiare ed integrare un widget di propietá?

Lo si richiede da una vita un prodotto editabile!!

Qui si pensa solo a notificare bugs su aspetta ancora da 2 mesi un rilascio della 9 che sistemi un problema giá evidenziatovi.

Una volta, "quando si era una piccola famiglia e si abitava in una piccola casetta", c'era molta più attenzione negli utenti finali.....adesso sará ma vedo molta disaffezione.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von GDR ©
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Senza nulla togliere all'autore del topic in questione, ma non faceva prima Incomedia a studiare ed integrare un widget di propietá? Lo si richiede da una vita un prodotto editabile!! Qui si pensa solo a notificare bugs su aspetta ancora da 2 mesi un rilascio della 9 che sistemi un problema giá evidenziatovi. Una volta, "quando si era una piccola famiglia e si abitava in una piccola casetta", c'era molta più attenzione negli utenti finali.....adesso sará ma vedo molta disaffezione.


Io nonsono sicuro di avercapito bene,mavi assicuro cheilCMSsaràvalsa lavostra attesa.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen

Infatti non hai capito, ormai sei accecato dalle 20 euro....Laughing

la mia era un'osservazione diretta alla fonte e non a chi come te si è dovuto attrezzare.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von GDR ©
Pietro B.
Pietro B.
Infatti non hai capito, balenottere boreali Ormai accecato Dalle 20 € .... La mia era un'osservazione Diretta Alla Fonte e non un chi come te SI E dovuto attrezzare.

Alla fonte non gle ne può fregar di meno, sono anni che chiediamo questa cosa senza mai aver ricevuto una risposta concreta.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Pietro B.
Rick De Rooij
Rick De Rooij

I am trying to use the wavecms. How do I operate it? I am especially interested in the stock control function. How can I operate it?



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Gepostet am von Rick De Rooij
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Rick

Atm. it's only the beta version that's online. You will get notification when the first stable version is out.

The stock control will be availble in the Webshop module, that we are also working on this time.

Thank you!

Regards, Henrik

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Gerrit D.
Gerrit D.

hello hendrik I am also in for a license,

Gerrit de la rey


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Gepostet am von Gerrit D.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Gerrit

I will add your email to the newsletter, if it's okay with you? Smile

Then you will get a newsletter when the final version is out.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Andre Feyaerts
Andre Feyaerts

Hi Hendrik

please put me on the list for your newsletter

I am in for a license


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Gepostet am von Andre Feyaerts
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Andre

I have added you to the mailing list Smile


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

hi henrik,will wave cms make websites mobile friendly?/responsive? in joomla 3 every website made with it now are all about here in wave?hope you included this also thanks

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jenny

There will be a module for this, yes Smile

All webpages will work on smartphones/tablets though. Responsive design isn't a standard feature.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Eugene Quinn
Eugene Quinn

i contacted you a while back when do you hope to have this up and running so i can provide this sewrvice to my clients 

eugene quinn

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Gepostet am von Eugene Quinn
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

i may have misunderstood what you mean henrik,coz even unresponsive websites can be viewed in smart phones/tablets but the website wont fit on those screens,scrolling is in wave,will the websites made in websitex5  be responsive with the help of wave in a sense that they will fit on every screens?thanks much

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Eugene Quinn
i contacted you a while back when do you hope to have this up and running so i can provide this sewrvice to my clients  eugene quinn

Hello Eugene

Acutally it's right around the corner. We are finishing the last things up atm. and will soon open up for all of you. You will get an newsletter when it happens Smile

Jenny A.
i may have misunderstood what you mean henrik,coz even unresponsive websites can be viewed in smart phones/tablets but the website wont fit on those screens,scrolling is in wave,will the websites made in websitex5  be responsive with the help of wave in a sense that they will fit on every screens?thanks much

Hello Jenny

The webpages made with Website X5 will be responsive, if you get the Responsive module for your WaveCMS page. 

Regards, Henrik

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Rick De Rooij
Rick De Rooij

Hi Henrik, please put me on the newsletter list as well.

Is there some functional description on how the cms is going to work? I still do not understand how it is going to work with X5V10. The beta version I tried looked like a classical black box to me and I do not have a clue on how I could get it to work the way I want it.



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Gepostet am von Rick De Rooij
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Rick

Please go to and use the formular in the bottom, to subscribe to the newsletter.

You can also create an account, while you're at it Wink

When you have installed WaveCMS on your page, there will be a guided tour, so you know how to do.

If you need further help when the system releases, feel free to submit a ticket at

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

hello again henrik,is the slideshow that wave has can solve the incomedia problem wherein the images wont fit on the cell and even the thumbnails cant even be resized to the desired size.i want a slideshow or the pictures to fully fit on the cell no margin or space which cant be achieved in website x.thanks

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jenny

We are actually developping a whole new Thumbnail gallery for you guys. This way, you can make the pictures fit like you're saying.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

wow nice to know bout that.but how about the wave slideshow,will it fit on the whole cell?on the classic slideshow of websitex,there is a space on the sides of the cell which is not good to look at on my design,im trying to fit the whole image on that particular cell which im used to on joomla with no spaces.sorry if im asking too much you just dont know how excited am i on your cms.thanks for developing such product.thanks for your replies

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jenny

Thats totally OK! Wink

The WaveSlider fits on a whole cell. We are making more options for customizing of the slideshow, so you actually can scale the slider so it fits the page just the way you want it to.

Please feel free to write back if you got more questions!


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

thats nice henrik hope you will make the slider responsive also or it will be also responsive if we will integrate your module about responsive that you said.another thing is the "back to top" plugin that joomla has,a floating one not an anchor made by static websites.this would be very helpful for people having long articles on their page and it would also look nice having it on your website.hope you could make a module like this im sure people will buy it too.try checking my site,it has this plug in that im talking about if you check on the long articles that it has,when scrolling down the plug in appears on the side.ive been using it for a long time and i hope it could be also integrated in website x coz its very useful and helpful.great work for you guys.hope youll be able to make more modules.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
thats nice henrik hope you will make the slider responsive also or it will be also responsive if we will integrate your module about responsive that you said.another thing is the "back to top" plugin that joomla has,a floating one not an anchor made by static websites.this would be very helpful for people having long articles on their page and it would also look nice having it on your website.hope you could make a module like this im sure people will buy it too.try checking my site,it has this plug in that im talking about if you check on the long articles that it has,when scrolling down the plug in appears on the side.ive been using it for a long time and i hope it could be also integrated in website x coz its very useful and helpful.great work for you guys.hope youll be able to make more modules.

Hello Jenny

Actually we are developping the "Back to top" feature as a part of the basic module. But we want to release the first version as soon as possible, so we're considering which features that are "need to have" in the first version, and which that are "nice to have". 

However, we will add functionality for free over time to WaveCMS. You can download patches and fixes from when it's ready.


Aleksandar P.
how to log in in the admin area? here is the link from the project

Hello Aleksandar

In the bottom right corner, theres a little key, that you can click on.

Then just put in your Username and Password.


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

wow cant wait.thanks for making the life of websitex5 users unloaded with so much burdens.well wait then for the release of the products

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Rick De Rooij
Rick De Rooij

Any news yet on the release date?


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Gepostet am von Rick De Rooij
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Rick

Unfortunately I can't give you the excat date for the relase. However, we are finishing up the first version, so I would say soon.

We want the system to work perfect, so nobody gets disappointed.



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Is okay Henrik just take your time. I would rather have my clients wait for a good version than a buggy one. Please remember to make a commercial version of your cms without the branding logo so people like me can re-sell at any price. (I wouldn't mind paying a little bit extra) :)

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Papa Johns
Papa Johns

Давно небыло сообщений. CMS появится или нет?  Henrik мы ждем.

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Gepostet am von Papa Johns
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Vlad B.
Давно небыло сообщений. CMS появится или нет?  Henrik мы ждем.

Мы работаем так быстро, как это возможно. Я обещаю вам, что это будет стоить ожидание

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Excited yet? Smile

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Woops, the picture didn't attach - see this post Wink

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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Steve  Samoska
Steve Samoska

I was hoping we could do a CMS for Service company's with a estimator and built in calculator for my potential customers and then later repeat customers coming back to sign in and choose there services before or new ones basically they cann look at all past orders afters signing in. My main goal is to have a CMS with built in carpet cleaning , upholstery and etc so my potential customers can get a solid estimate right on the page and have the option to schedule my service with one button with there quote.

Dont know if you are going to have this but seems all CMS software now a days is missing the best feature which is a price up front calculator with out talking to anyone. Now a days people want a price now!    here are my examples

Hope you can help 

Best Regards

Steve Samoska

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Gepostet am von Steve Samoska
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Steve

Actually we are working on a module that can do what you wish. If I understand you correctly, your clients should choose their ZipCode, and then get an price directly on the page, for whatever service they choose.

I will talk it over with my collegue, but I think we meight have the product just for you.



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Steve  Samoska
Steve Samoska

Can I pay you to do this for me and I will have all the data setup for you? 

I have tried to sign up on your site but yet to receive activation link and also I did check my spam box.

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Gepostet am von Steve Samoska
Dekker Q.
Dekker Q.

is it already working ??

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Gepostet am von Dekker Q.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hi Dekker

It's working, but we don't want to release anything before we are sure that there aren't any major bugs.

I can tell you that theres a lot of fancy stuff packed in the final release!


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Rick De Rooij
Rick De Rooij

When is the release sceduled?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Rick De Rooij
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Rick

This month - we are just finishing up Smile 


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Gorg ..
Gorg ..

We waiting Cool !!!

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Gepostet am von Gorg ..
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

ya were waiting,can't actually waitLaughing really problem on website x is if inserting aslide showin the headerof the sitein the modificationof the model its not visiblewithiPhone, iPad anddoes not goso well because the format of thisslide showisflash  if oneopens the sitewithone of theseis not seenand the sitegets ugly.Because the programdoes not givein this casethe ability toinsert aslideshowformathtml5 hope that you can add this feature on the standard module.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jenny!

Actually this feature already excists with the waveslider - its made with jQuery, and visible on all devices Wink


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.
User really are a blessing..Laughing.cant wait for your products.God bless you and your team.I and the rest of the website x users will be waiting for the release.thanks again Henrik

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
George G.
George G.

Hello, it is my first comment in this blog, sorry about my English not so well as wanted.

Ok, I'd like to add what I’m missing in the X5 itself and I hope possible to add to online CSM. Maybe some ideas are already where in the post sorry I double them.

  1. CSM and X5 on your PC have to be fully synchronized.

1.1   X5 has option upload all data to site

1.2   X5 should to known if some files where changed on site directly with CSM and should be option to download all changes from site to X5 project

  • Option to show price without TAX and add TAX just in final bill this is more usable in Canada.
  • Options to give discount to all products at same time.
  • Show MSRP price and discount price on shopping card together.
  • Add compare function when customer can see 5 products on same page and compare it.
  • Add option for customer to send offer if product mark as “open for offer”
  • Option to see all products in one table and possible to change if from one place but not open product one by one
  • Make shipping price more flexible, today we can use weight or fixed price, good to have option to use zip code too for each product or country names.  

Please let me know if it is relevant.



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Gepostet am von George G.
Steppas D.
Steppas D.

2 question?

1. After purchase, will I be able to use the 1 cms for all my clients?

2. Will there be branding removal and can I pay you to install the cms for me on clients website?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Steppas D.
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

o ya that is my question also,with that cms,will we be able to use it all to our projects?coz some cms is just for one client,and for another website you will have to purchase another again,i hope that is not the wave cms is.and is it possible that the client will edit and add articles via front end,no need to go to the back end or admin area just like the cms joomla without the client knowing that it is made from joomla.thanks

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Rick De Rooij
Rick De Rooij

Hi Henrik, keep up the good work. I am very anxious to see it all work together with X5.

I am not sure it has been asked before, but the most important feature for me would be a stock control function. Will this cms keep track of the items and amounts in stock? So when my customer orders some item, that item is subtracted from the amount in stock. When the amount drops to zero, the site is informed to display an 'out of stock' message and further orders of that item are blocked. Is this part of your cms?



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Rick De Rooij
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
George G.
Hello, it is my first comment in this blog, sorry about my English not so well as wanted. Ok, I'd like to add what I’m missing in the X5 itself and I hope possible to add to online CSM. Maybe some ideas are already where in the post sorry I double them. CSM and X5 on your PC have to be fully synchronized. 1.1   X5 has option upload all data to site 1.2   X5 should to known if some files where changed on site directly with CSM and should be option to download all changes from site to X5 project Option to show price without TAX and add TAX just in final bill this is more usable in Canada. Options to give discount to all products at same time. Show MSRP price and discount price on shopping card together. Add compare function when customer can see 5 products on same page and compare it. Add option for customer to send offer if product mark as “open for offer” Option to see all products in one table and possible to change if from one place but not open product one by one Make shipping price more flexible, today we can use weight or fixed price, good to have option to use zip code too for each product or country names.   Please let me know if it is relevant. Thanks George

Hello George

Unfortunately, we can't do what you want, because it would take a lot of coding in the X5 software, and that is not ours. We can only edit the CMS. All your wishes are totally reasonable and actually part of my wishes too. But it would be up to Incomedia to decide if they want to do this or not.

So yes, its relevant, but we can't do it on our own.



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Steppas D.
2 question? 1. After purchase, will I be able to use the 1 cms for all my clients? 2. Will there be branding removal and can I pay you to install the cms for me on clients website?
Jenny A.
o ya that is my question also,with that cms,will we be able to use it all to our projects?coz some cms is just for one client,and for another website you will have to purchase another again,i hope that is not the wave cms is.and is it possible that the client will edit and add articles via front end,no need to go to the back end or admin area just like the cms joomla without the client knowing that it is made from joomla.thanks

Hello Steppas and Jenny

One licens is only wokring with one webpage, thats how we manage to keep the price at 20€

Yes, we are making an OEM version, which dosen't have the WaveCMS logo on it. Here you can upload your own logo/brand instead. This version will however cost a bit more than the standard version.

I will gladly assist you installing the CMS, we are actually thinking about making an package which includes installation. However I think you will manage to do it yourself, when the toturial videos are coming up. It's very easy!



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Rick De Rooij
Hi Henrik, keep up the good work. I am very anxious to see it all work together with X5. I am not sure it has been asked before, but the most important feature for me would be a stock control function. Will this cms keep track of the items and amounts in stock? So when my customer orders some item, that item is subtracted from the amount in stock. When the amount drops to zero, the site is informed to display an 'out of stock' message and further orders of that item are blocked. Is this part of your cms? Regards, Rick

Hello Rick

Thank you very much! We are also looking forward to the release date, so we can get some feedback from you guys! Wink

Yes to all your questions.

In the webshop module there will be both stock management, and automatic "out of stock" signs. There will be added a lot of functionality that is missing in the X5 cart.

When the module is ready, you will have a complete overview of features here:



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hi Henrik,

Thx for your update, can't wait! Cool


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Gepostet am von LogoLogics A.
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

thanks henrick,so every time we make a website we are going to purchase a wave license?how about the webshop will it be the same?one license for one website?thanks

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jenny

Atm. yes.

However, we are thinking about making a quantity discount. Our main goal with the low prices is to make it easy for you guys to resell with profit.

So now we will start with this policy, and then listnen to the users, and see what they have to say Smile


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Cesar Alejandro Brizzio
Cesar Alejandro Brizzio

I try to createan accounton their websitebutit is not clearformof writing.

Redfieldsdo not indicate thatI write.
You havepreparedademofor productWaveCMS???.

It will workwith InternetExplorer, Chrome,FireFox???.
Thanksand success.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Cesar Alejandro Brizzio
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

i see,very much clear then,Sorry i have been asking a lot of questions and been bothering you with just so excited cant wait.btw i forgot my password with my email that i registered in wave,i want to try on my projects,but theres no forgot password there,i tried making a new account with new email but didnt have an activation link until now.well be waiting and hope youll make the ERP and human resource management for the webshop.ill stop by again for more questions.lolLaughing.thanks again Henrik

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Cesar Alejandro Brizzio
Hi Henrik I try to create an account on their website but it is not clear form of writing. Red fields do not indicate that I write. You have prepared a demo for product WaveCMS???. It will work with Internet Explorer, Chrome, FireFox???. Thanks and success.

Hello Cesar

Your problem sounds strange - What fields do you have trouble filling?

The official demo will be released the same day as the first version - 26. this month.

Yes, it will work with all browsers Wink

Thank you!



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
i see,very much clear then,Sorry i have been asking a lot of questions and been bothering you with just so excited cant wait.btw i forgot my password with my email that i registered in wave,i want to try on my projects,but theres no forgot password there,i tried making a new account with new email but didnt have an activation link until now.well be waiting and hope youll make the ERP and human resource management for the webshop.ill stop by again for more again Henrik

You don't have to apologize for that! I want to answer as many questions as possible! You just ask Wink 

The "Forgot password" feature will be released when the system airs. (We didn't think it would be needed before Wink)

If you have trouble accessing the system the 26. just send me an e-mail and I will assist you in resetting your password.

Btw. I would like you to send me some of your projects for testing, if you would be so kind? I will store them on my server, and then you can also test them if you like. What do you say?



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

Hi henrik,thats great id love to but atm im redesigning all my sites to the demo version.i wanted to make a site tru the free version and try to wave but its ok ill wait for its release and ill ask for your help if that would be ok..actually i design my websites with artisteer and photoshop then integrate it to joomla.but when i stumbled at website x 5 i got interested coz it can make my work faster and easy to get the positioning of modules that i wanted unlike in joomla positions are just based on the templates and if you want to get the right position you want you have to dig to the coding and it is time consuming specially when you have lots of costumers waiting on the same schedule,cant get the job done at the exact schedule.i got frustrated knowing at first that website x has no cms but when i saw your forum i got excited and actually i did not yet buy the website x just using the free and demo,ill be buying website x when you will release the cms.atm im making my sites on the demo with the custom html coz ill be transfering and redesign all my sites on website x while waiting for your cms.the reason that i keep on asking lot of questions is that i have 12 government website done and i want to redesign it with website x and cms is needed.bdw youve been using website x a long time i think,would you mind if i ask,can website x handle a lot of webpages because governments would be having a lot to put and update every now and then.thanks

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

Henrik are you going to include the option to resell your product to our clients? We would pay more for the wave CMS in order to resell, and the client would not see the branding. Will you be including this upon release?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Hi henrik,thats great id love to but atm im redesigning all my sites to the demo version.i wanted to make a site tru the free version and try to wave but its ok ill wait for its release and ill ask for your help if that would be ok..actually i design my websites with artisteer and photoshop then integrate it to joomla.but when i stumbled at website x 5 i got interested coz it can make my work faster and easy to get the positioning of modules that i wanted unlike in joomla positions are just based on the templates and if you want to get the right position you want you have to dig to the coding and it is time consuming specially when you have lots of costumers waiting on the same schedule,cant get the job done at the exact schedule.i got frustrated knowing at first that website x has no cms but when i saw your forum i got excited and actually i did not yet buy the website x just using the free and demo,ill be buying website x when you will release the cms.atm im making my sites on the demo with the custom html coz ill be transfering and redesign all my sites on website x while waiting for your cms.the reason that i keep on asking lot of questions is that i have 12 government website done and i want to redesign it with website x and cms is needed.bdw youve been using website x a long time i think,would you mind if i ask,can website x handle a lot of webpages because governments would be having a lot to put and update every now and then.thanks

Hello Jenny

I understand Smile

The X5 software can sure handle a lot of pages. One of my projects got over 2000 pages.. So nothing to worry about there.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Henrik are you going to include the option to resell your product to our clients? We would pay more for the wave CMS in order to resell, and the client would not see the branding. Will you be including this upon release?

Hello Jorge

Yes that is planned. The feature meight be ready the 26. and if not, it will be soon after the release.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen

Mr Henrik Hansen,

Good afternoon.I want to knowone thing;WaveCMSyiforeachsitetobe able to applyfor the site,orunlimited.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Enver ÖZAYDIN
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Enver

You will have to pay pr. site you want to have the CMS integrated with.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Steppas D.
Steppas D.

I don't mind paying per site. I appreciate you Henrik.

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Gepostet am von Steppas D.
Jorge L.
Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.Henrik are you going to include the option to resell your product to our clients? We would pay more for the wave CMS in order to resell, and the client would not see the branding. Will you be including this upon release? Hello Jorge Yes that is planned. The feature meight be ready the 26. and if not, it will be soon after the release. Thanks!

Thank you!

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Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Angel B.
Angel B.

Hello henrik

I would like to know how much will it cost for the branding/the wave cms without the wave on it.i hope it wont cost us much knowing that it would be purchased per site.Thanks

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Gepostet am von Angel B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Angel

Perhaps 40€ - I will let you know when we have finished that version. It depends a little on how much work there is to it.



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Angel B.
Angel B.

thanks henrik but seems  expensive its like having the webshop module.and we cant offer to individuals who just wanted a blogging site and personal sites doesnt cost that much then if we buy that cms then nothing wll be left.anyway im just hoping its not that a joomla user and wanted to buy website x but my problem is website x has no cms.thanks to your work and hoping and praying you wont give a price as 40 thanks.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Angel B.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Actually I think that 20€ is very affordable for all users, even 40€ is. So if the OEM version (The version without the WaveCMS logo) is going to cost 40€, all will still have good chances to make back the money on their clients.

The main difference between WaveCMS and joomla, is that your clients guaranteed will love WaveCMS much more than joomla, because WaveCMS is so simple, that anybody can edit their page.

I know that joomla is freeware, but with WaveCMS you get support from us, the creators, for free when you need it. Thats also an significant difference.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Angel B.
Angel B.

its ok for clients to know about the wave cms,but if they will search for your site they will know that we created their site in website x.we dont want people will just say that its that easy we creatd their site.yes indeed website x makes the work of designers faster and easier but clients wont understand that especially here in my place,philippines where i already had experience of people degrading my ability when they knew that their site is made from website x.thanks Henrik

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Angel B.
Angel B.
Angel B.

its ok as i have said that people will know about wave cms but if they will chek your facebook they will see that its made from website x 5 coz its there in your fb about incomedia.hope you understand what i mean thanks again henrik

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Gepostet am von Angel B.
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

Hi henrik

I think i understand what angel means and wanted.Well for me 20 is ok ill go with it even there is the wave on it.but if they will know that their site is really made from website x well thats a disaster on my part as a designer.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Angel B.
its ok as i have said that people will know about wave cms but if they will chek your facebook they will see that its made from website x 5 coz its there in your fb about incomedia.hope you understand what i mean thanks again henrik

I understand, and that's why we are making the OEM version with no logo, so you guys can put your own logos on it instead Smile

Jenny A.
Hi henrik I think i understand what angel means and wanted.Well for me 20 is ok ill go with it even there is the wave on it.but if they will know that their site is really made from website x well thats a disaster on my part as a designer.

I had the same problem with some clients. However it will be up to you as a designer to somehow hide it from your clients, if you think it will get you in trouble. I am only trying to make the life of X5 easier. I still think that X5 is an great program, and it would be bad karma for me not to mention them in some way, e.g. on the facebook page. 

Let's bring this issue back when the system releases, then we will see how it goes Wink


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jenny A.
Jenny A.

Thanks Henrik, anyway glad you were able to have the wave for all website x users.Hope you wont forget the back to top feature for the standard module.I'm also looking forward on the webshop specially on the human resource and ERP.Keep it up and were all excited for the release of the product

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Gepostet am von Jenny A.
Gorg ..
Gorg ..

[quote="Henrik Hansen"] Hello Enver You will have to pay pr. site you want to have the CMS integrated with. Regards [/quote][quote="Henrik Hansen"]

[quote="Henrik Hansen"]

Actually I think that 20€ is very affordable for all users, even 40€ is. So if the OEM version (The version without the WaveCMS logo) is going to cost 40€, all will still have good chances to make back the money on their clients.



Is the difference between the standard CMS and OEM from 40 € only that OEM not have logo !?
Or is this OEM Pro version, with more advanced features!? 

I appreciate the effort you put in this CMS, but I think that double price for difference just in the logo is too much !

And one more, if I undersand well, if I want to put CMS into all my 25 sites, I must to pay 25x40€ for OEM version, or 25x20€ for standard CMS !?

Allso, I must to ask this questions; are you think about some discount for translators ?

We waiting final realize ( and video presentation for CMS too ) !!

All the best, 


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Gepostet am von Gorg ..
Julio B.
Julio B.

estoy asombrado de lo que ustedes saben y como hablan del website , estoy intentando hacer unos trabajos y no acabo de hacerlos debido a que no manejo bien el programa, pero yo tambien apuesto por lo que usted dice, me suena bien... yo tambien pago los 20 Euros , ya me diran algo.gracias.

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Gepostet am von Julio B.
Fred D.
Fred D.

im new to website x and i switched from wordpress and joomla.i am redesigning now my 30 websites and planning to buy website x but unfortunately got dis appointed because its like i am buying a new web builder software cos it will cost me per site especially the 40 euro x 30 gee what a pain and what a business.yes you helped users but it seems you took the oppurtunity to make business not to help by making a price too much.why not sell it make a litte bit higher but for unlimited use not per site.hoping youll consider your future clients.thanks

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fred D.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

[quote="Gorg .."] [quote="Henrik Hansen"] Hello Enver You will have to pay pr. site you want to have the CMS integrated with. Regards [/quote][quote="Henrik Hansen"]

[quote="Henrik Hansen"]

Actually I think that 20€ is very affordable for all users, even 40€ is. So if the OEM version (The version without the WaveCMS logo) is going to cost 40€, all will still have good chances to make back the money on their clients.



Is the difference between the standard CMS and OEM from 40 € only that OEM not have logo !?
Or is this OEM Pro version, with more advanced features!? 

I appreciate the effort you put in this CMS, but I think that double price for difference just in the logo is too much !

And one more, if I undersand well, if I want to put CMS into all my 25 sites, I must to pay 25x40€ for OEM version, or 25x20€ for standard CMS !?

Allso, I must to ask this questions; are you think about some discount for translators ?

We waiting final realize ( and video presentation for CMS too ) !!

All the best, 



Hello Gorg

No there will be some more advanced features in the OEM verison - Again, 40€ was just something that I said because I don't know what the OEM version will cost - we haven't decided that yet.

That's correct - and we are thinking of making percentage discounts if you got a lot of pages. Also translators will not be forgottenWink

Don't worry, I am sure that you will find the system worth the 20€.



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Julio B.
estoy asombrado de lo que ustedes saben y como hablan del website , estoy intentando hacer unos trabajos y no acabo de hacerlos debido a que no manejo bien el programa, pero yo tambien apuesto por lo que usted dice, me suena bien... yo tambien pago los 20 Euros , ya me diran algo.gracias.


Muchas gracias.Estoy seguro deque va a tenerun tiempofácil conWaveCMS- es muyfácil de usarWink



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Fred D.
im new to website x and i switched from wordpress and joomla.i am redesigning now my 30 websites and planning to buy website x but unfortunately got dis appointed because its like i am buying a new web builder software cos it will cost me per site especially the 40 euro x 30 gee what a pain and what a business.yes you helped users but it seems you took the oppurtunity to make business not to help by making a price too much.why not sell it make a litte bit higher but for unlimited use not per site.hoping youll consider your future clients.thanks

Hello Fred

Of course it have to cost something, and I have to earn something, if I am to keep working on it. The difference between this, and Joomla/Wordpress is that you will get support from the guys you're paying - Us the developpers.

You're saying it like, "Henrik is just a man that's trying to take your money" - but remember what you get in return:

  • Admin interface
  • Drag and drop module
  • X5 gallery editor
  • Image editor
  • Text editor
  • CSS3 Buttons
  • HTML Editor
  • WOW-Slider integration – Drag and drop a slideshow
  • Trashcan – Delete content by drag and drop
  • Free updates w/ new features/functionality
  • Free support

It's has been an long trip, but we are opening this friday, so you can just wait and see what the other users have to say.



Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fred D.
Fred D.

ya but im suggesting that youd lower the oem version.just having sympathy with others coz i know how much burden with having 25 sites x suggesting that you have a oem without the logo with no advance feature then lower that 40 then have a oem with advance feature leave it to 40 that you wanted.dont get me wrong henrik im happy for your effort for website x i really do and ill be buying your standard version for sure just suggesting for more clients for you.thanks henrik

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fred D.
FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin

I agree with Fred. Pricing it per website is a huge business mistake. No one who runs multiple websites is going to pay 40 euro - that adds up into hundreds and hundreds of dollars quick. Henrik needs to look at the long term and not the 'give me a bunch of money' short term.

He keeps stressing the support given unlike WordPress, Joomla, etc. That's a big price to pay for support on a per website basis. In fact - if his WaveCMS is so user friendly as he claims - no one should need involved support that cost that much, right? Furthermore, WordPress, Joomla, etc - all have major resources for you to learn anything you need to do. There's video tutorials for FREE on YouTube, and elsewhere. Not to mention that if you need an expert to help you fix a problem you can hire one on for a mere $5 to help you.

The bottom line is that if his price is gonna be 40 euro per website he is going to miss out on a bunch of business due to people thinking that price is unreasonable and totally rediculous.

There are other simple CMS systems out there that are much more affordable. No, they may not be built for x5, though you can make them work for you with a little effort - and save yourself big money doing so. is a prime example. For $19 US per month you can have 50 sites and your own branding, custom login screen for your clients etc.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von FHWD Admin
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Fred D.
ya but im suggesting that youd lower the oem version.just having sympathy with others coz i know how much burden with having 25 sites x suggesting that you have a oem without the logo with no advance feature then lower that 40 then have a oem with advance feature leave it to 40 that you wanted.dont get me wrong henrik im happy for your effort for website x i really do and ill be buying your standard version for sure just suggesting for more clients for you.thanks henrik

The price of the OEM version is not yet decided - I am listning to you, and I will take it to consideration when the OEM version is finishedSmile


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
FHWD Admin
I agree with Fred. Pricing it per website is a huge business mistake. No one who runs multiple websites is going to pay 40 euro - that adds up into hundreds and hundreds of dollars quick. Henrik needs to look at the long term and not the 'give me a bunch of money' short term. He keeps stressing the support given unlike WordPress, Joomla, etc. That's a big price to pay for support on a per website basis. In fact - if his WaveCMS is so user friendly as he claims - no one should need involved support that cost that much, right? Furthermore, WordPress, Joomla, etc - all have major resources for you to learn anything you need to do. There's video tutorials for FREE on YouTube, and elsewhere. Not to mention that if you need an expert to help you fix a problem you can hire one on for a mere $5 to help you. The bottom line is that if his price is gonna be 40 euro per website he is going to miss out on a bunch of business due to people thinking that price is unreasonable and totally rediculous. There are other simple CMS systems out there that are much more affordable. No, they may not be built for x5, though you can make them work for you with a little effort - and save yourself big money doing so. is a prime example. For $19 US per month you can have 50 sites and your own branding, custom login screen for your clients etc.


I don't think that we are making any mistakes. The WaveCMS service is 100% novice firendly - the other solutions you're mentioning, is still quite demanding towards coding skills. 

The whole idea with WaveCMS is to make it as simple as possible for the X5 users to provide their clients the necessary maintenance tools, without haveing to code all pages wich is very timeconsuming (especially if you're not an codegenius) - I've been there too. 

I can see how the $19 solution pr. month is worth it for you, and maybe some others, but that is not our business policy. Moreover I think that you'll love WaveCMS when you try it! It's really great actually. 

Thank you for your suggetions Smile


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Fred D.
Fred D.

hello henrik, does wave has the responsive thing for website? because clients are asking now for responsive lay out hope youll include this thanks

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fred D.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Fred

It's currently under development Wink

You'll get an newsletter when it's ready.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.


I just registered and account for one of my clients, but we are not getting an e-mail...

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Jorge

I have just activated your account. All accounts will be activated around 17:00 today Wink


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
Jorge L.

I got this error when I click on the confirm purchase button

An error happened during the transaction, please try again or contact support

I already deposited funds for one of my clients. 

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Jorge L.
Mi Lux
Mi Lux

until this CMS is under development, it's not possibile to see some screenshot of the application?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Mi Lux
FHWD Admin
FHWD Admin



This guy Henrik is trying to get rich off of you. He's charging PER WEBSITE PROJECT - so if you design and manage several sites for clients you're looking at a seriously unreasonable amount of money for this. Henrik knows it too.

Henrik is basically hoping to get rich off of your ignorance. Think about it. He thinks that he can provide a barebones CMS alternative for those of you who use X5 who don't or just can't learn WordPress, Joomla, etc - and charge you excessive fees for doing so... Doe's that sound like someone REALLY trying to be helpful?


There are other alternatives out there. All it takes is a little research and time learning on your part. Don't let Henrik scare you with his talk about coding difficulties and all that other manipulative sales talk. WordPress for instance has come a long way. There are so many programs and plugins out there now that you can easily have a website up running with an awesome CMS system for your client in no time at all.


Until X5 Incorporates One for You - This is a new DMS (Design Management System) that is hot. It offers everything you need and more. You want responsive - you got responsive. Ease of use is amazing. Go see the videos and everything you can do for your websites here. A mere $24 US per month gives you UNLIMITED WEBSITES TO USE WITH IT. You owe it to yourself to at least go see what this is and what it offers before buying in to Henrik's get rich quick at your expense scheme.

There are other solutions out there as well. Search, research. - is another for instance that makes editing your WordPress site easy while still giving you everything your client wants in a responsive design and more.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von FHWD Admin
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Jorge L.
I got this error when I click on the confirm purchase button An error happened during the transaction, please try again or contact support I already deposited funds for one of my clients. 

Hello Jorge

I will look into your problem - It's sounds strange though Smile


Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Mi Lux
until this CMS is under development, it's not possibile to see some screenshot of the application?

If you want an testpage, please send me your project, and I will run it through the engine Smile

Then you can test your own page before you buy anything. 



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Mithat Vural
Mithat Vural

can be usedwithout problemson websiteswritten inTurkish

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Mithat Vural
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

FHWD Admin, Sir. 

If you don't like it, then don't buy it Smile



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen
Mithat Vural
can be used without problems on websites written in Turkish

Yes the content is no matter Wink

However the language modules are under development, so the system is on english for now.

Thank you! 


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

@ FHWD Admin:

Your post seems to be SPAM.

Complaining about € 20 or € 40 per licence and then advertising software that asks that amount per month...???Frown

People who need 25 or more licences are making money out of it as well and can charge this easely to their clients, if they prefer an online cms. Its only fair this will cost a bit more for commercial use. If the author wants to make money with this CMS and it works like he promisses, more power to him.

Thats my humble opinion...


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Gepostet am von LogoLogics A.
Fred D.
Fred D.

Hi henrik im going to buy now website x 5 and as soon as i got to finish my projects ill buy many wave cms to buy to get a discount?thanks.hope even with two cms we will have a discount thanks againWink

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Fred D.
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Fred

The dicount calculator is not finished yet - We haven't decided what the discounts should be.


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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Rick De Rooij
Rick De Rooij

Henrik, congratulations with the release!

I am a little confused by the price model. I primarily need a stock control function. From your features list I understand stock control will be part of the € 40 web shop version that is still to be released. The basic version (€ 20) states that it is necessary to run the other modules. Would that mean I need both, meaning I have to purchase both for € 60?

Furthermore, do I need to run my project/website through WaveCMS every time I make a minor adaption to my site using X5 and do I have to pay for it as well every time, because that is going to be costly?

When will the stock control option be available?

Is it possible to test it before actually purchasing it?

Rergards, Rick

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Gepostet am von Rick De Rooij
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hello Rick

Thank you very much! It's very exciting Wink

First of all, yes. You will have to buy both modules to get the system running with the webshop. It's very powerfull though, with alot of new stuff.

We are still working on a solution that makes it easier to work with both X5 and the CMS. Atm. it's not possible to change the page in X5 after you have installed WaveCMS on it - It would delete all changes made with the CMS. We are hoping for Incomedia to make an plugin, so that WaveCMS and X5 could run together, and recognize changes made in both programs, but I can't promise anything yet when it comes to that.

We are however working on a backup database, that keeps track on all your pages, which makes it easier to work between X5 and WaveCMS. Also an design backend that makes it possible to change the layout directly on the page.

Moreover, it wouldn't be fair to charge you for the same page, just because you made a few changes to it with X5 - just send me an e-mail and we will sort it out if/when it happens Smile

The webshop module will be ready to september, maybe sooner if WaveCMS sales goes well. Else I need to work on other projects too.. Smile



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Rick De Rooij
Rick De Rooij

Well, I am on the brink of two solutions: On one side there is X5 where I can make the design I like quite easyly, but it lacks stock control. On the other side I have Prestashop installed, which has a very powerfull backend, but forces me to learn html, css to program the design. I am not sure yet what my best option is.



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Gepostet am von Rick De Rooij
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Hi Rick

Well I think Prestashop is a quite good program, but also has it's issues - like all freeware has. 

I can't tell you what you should choose, but I hope you find the right solution! 



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Template By Silver™
Template By Silver™

ero molto curioso di vedere questo cms che veniva presentato come un fantastico strumento da abbinare a x5...
ora che ho visto di cosa si tratta posso affermare senza alcun dubbio che non me ne servirò mai.

I was very curious to see this cms which was presented as a fantastic tool to combine with x5 ...
now I've seen what it is I can say without a doubt that I will use it ever.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Template By Silver™
Mi Lux
Mi Lux
ero molto curioso di vedere questo cms che veniva presentato come un fantastico strumento da abbinare a x5... ora che ho visto di cosa si tratta posso affermare senza alcun dubbio che non me ne servirò mai.

ma per vedere come funziona è necessario registrarsi?

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Mi Lux
Template By Silver™
Template By Silver™
Mi Lux
  Silver™ero molto curioso di vedere questo cms che veniva presentato come un fantastico strumento da abbinare a x5... ora che ho visto di cosa si tratta posso affermare senza alcun dubbio che non me ne servirò mai. ma per vedere come funziona è necessario registrarsi?

si ti devi registrare

in pratica uppi il sito fatto con x5, paghi, e scarichi il sito convertiti con le aree editabili, da quel momento non puoi piu usare x5 per le modifiche, se vuoi aggiungere qualche nuovo blocco, una pagina o cambiarne il layout tutta la parte cms verra eliminata. Per ripristinarlo dipendi da loro in quanto, in poche parole, con l'aquisto non viene fornito un software ma un servizio di conversione.

In pratica è un cms piu statico di un sito statico,

nulla che non si possa gia ottenere con altri cms col vantaggio di essere indipendenti.

Mehr lesen
Gepostet am von Template By Silver™
CRG Grafica E Webdesign
CRG Grafica E Webdesign
in pratica uppi il sito fatto con x5, paghi, e scarichi il sito convertiti con le aree editabili, da quel momento non puoi piu usare x5 per le modifiche, se vuoi aggiungere qualche nuovo blocco, una pagina o cambiarne il layout tutta la parte cms verra eliminata. Per ripristinarlo dipendi da loro in quanto, in poche parole, con l'aquisto non viene fornito un software ma un servizio di conversione. In pratica è un cms piu statico di un sito statico, nulla che non si possa gia ottenere con altri cms col vantaggio di essere indipendenti.

Cioè questo ha intavoltato sta serie di 130 commenti e poi non è un CMS??.......a però :D

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Gepostet am von CRG Grafica E Webdesign
Mi Lux
Mi Lux
in pratica uppi il sito fatto con x5, paghi, e scarichi il sito convertiti con le aree editabili, da quel momento non puoi piu usare x5 per le modifiche, se vuoi aggiungere qualche nuovo blocco, una pagina o cambiarne il layout tutta la parte cms verra eliminata. Per ripristinarlo dipendi da loro in quanto, in poche parole, con l'aquisto non viene fornito un software ma un servizio di conversione. In pratica è un cms piu statico di un sito statico, nulla che non si possa gia ottenere con altri cms col vantaggio di essere indipendenti.

ok grazie , sei stato molto gentile. In effetti da come l'hai descritto non si può neanche definire un CMS, dove tutti i dati solitamente sono memorizzati in un database.
A questo punto non capisco quale possa essere l'utilità visto che in giro ci sono centinaia di CMS free che hanno alle spalle anni di sviluppo e una quantità notevole di plugin..

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Gepostet am von Mi Lux
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

Ciao ragazzi

Stiamo effettivamente lavorando a una soluzione per l'utilizzo tra X5 e il CMS. In questo modo sarà possibile caricare diversi temi alla tua pagina.


Si progetta una pagina per il vostro cliente, e installato WaveCMS su di esso. Poi, dopo qualche tempo il cliente vuole un nuovo design.

Poi fate il disegno in Website X5, e caricarlo alla pagina web, e quindi basta selezionare il nuovo design.

In questo modo tutte le modifiche effettuate online nel CMS rimarrà intatto.



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Gepostet am von Henrik Hansen
Michele C.

Hello everybody,
I'd like to inform you that we decided to close this topic because it's not about WebSite X5 nor it provides support for any of its funcionality.
For any information about WaveCMS please refer to the author's site.

Thank you

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Gepostet am von Michele C.