FTP upload 
Autor: Enid G.
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Hi, I cannot upload to my website. I have used passive FTP, no Gzip, Win firewall out, antivirus program out, what can I do next? See encl
Thank you.
Gepostet am
UsetheinternalFTPfromWEbsitex5or?There is anerror messageorredwarning signsinFTPbyWX5?Pleaseifpossiblemore detailedspecifications,whatis happening.aretheFTP access informationandthedirectoryfortheserverok?
bing translation
Verwenden Sie das interne FTP von WEbsitex5 oder ? Gibt es eine Fehlermeldung oder rote Warnzeichen in FTP von WX5? Bitte wenn möglich genauere Angaben, was geschieht. Sind die FTP-Zugangsdaten und das Verzeichnis für den Server ok?
Gruss JJ
You can also check the FTP access information and the right folder for export with a ftp client (FileZilla, Core FTP...).
My problem is "Unable to connect to server - incorrect destination folder". I've tried destination folder as listed by my host. What is correct format for destination folder?
destination folder:
or html, htdocs etc.
without /
can anyone help me? i've tried to publish a website but it's not letting me do it
Hello Bobby,
I already answered you at http://answers.websitex5.com/post/68547 you can follow that post to find the solution.
Many thanks!