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Altor W.
Altor W.

Inserting images  en

Autor: Altor W.
Besucht 3717, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  


As per thread I am also very worry about the upgrade from v9 to v10.  Version 10 looks great with their set of new tools but in some way I am feeling very disappointed with v10.  Unfortunately I made the mistake of upgrading from v9 to v10 instead of purchasing version 10 as standalone product.  Well, now I am really stuck because I can no longer use v9 and my new v10 is having serious problems.  More particularly, as per attached screenshot, if I choose object TEXT in page creation,  every time I insert an image either alone or accompanied by text I receive the enclosed error message.  At first I thought it was only happening with projects originally built with v9 that I have been trying to upgrade.  Not really! the same happens even if I start a project from scratch in version 10.  Please help as I urgently need to be able to insert both text and images after choosing the object TEXT.

Thank you!

Gepostet am
Claudio D.

Hello Altor,

Can you please tell m from where you add the image? Is it from your C:/ drive, an external hard disk or a network?

If it's from an external source, have you tried to move the image on your C:/ drive  and then import it?

You can always, alternatively choose to use the image object, and use the rows and columns in the layout of step 3 to create the structure.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Altor W.
Altor W.


I download the images from the C:/drive of my computer and keeps happening even if I use jpg, gif or png.  By the way, I had to change my computer because it crash and bought a new one this week.  So what I did was download version 10 from Web5x website and then registered it with the code I was vien at the time of buying v10.  Please help me as I was so so so happy with your software and this is the only time I have encountered difficulties.

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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Altor W.
Altor W.

Hi Claudio

Please read my comments on the attached file.  I removed the programme completely and have just reinstalled.  Unfortunately, the problem persists.  Please note the images retrieved and inserted in Text Object are on my compuer hard drive.  Also, this is a brand new computer bought last week.  I have installed other programmes in the last few days and all of them are working perfectly.  Ahh!! I am not sure you got my email sent from the error message notification because, as shown on screenshot_2, I think it was also blocked.  Luckily, I took the precaution of copying both my comments and the details of error message (attached).  Thank you for your help that I really need.  I am afraid of going bankrupt and need to make this stuff works as soon as possible. 

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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Altor W.
Altor W.

This is a follow up to the serious problem I am experiencing with v10.  As per attachment (addendum), I got back the computer that was being repaired.  It was on that computer I installed and used v9 and started using v10 after upgrading from v9 to v10. Today it asked me again to activate v10 what I did without any difficulties.  However and very unfortunately, when I tried to insert an image again the problem started happening.  Am I mistaken if I say the whole thing could be due to the type of licence I got?  At first I thought the problem was probably linked to the new computer I bought last week but this is not the case as it is being showing up in the old one in which v9 worked brilliantly.  Conclusion: now I have proof the problem resides in the software and not in the computer where it is installed. To be honest with you, I am feeling so stressed about this that I even wouldn't mind to buy a new v10 (standalone) even if I have to pay the whole fee.  However, as software designers and programmers, I don't believe you should be pleased with this option as it would be an admission from you that you are unable to help me out to solve a technical problem.  Even more, I have no guarantee the problem would necessarily go away by purchasing a standalone full licence of v10.  Thank you in advance for your help.  

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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hi Altor,

I was reading this thread last night, and as you are still awaiting a reply I will comment in the meantime.

The computer that was repaired...  it appears that you installed X5 to a fresh system/clean hard drive, as the programme asked you to activate once again?  If that is the case then you would also need to once again install all software which you used previously and successfully in conjunction with version 9.

The error log which you posted in the zip file to Claudio is referencing missing Shockwave components.  As a starting point I would advise ensuring that the two computers on which you are trying to use version 10 have all necessary software, plugins, and components installed as per the configuration in which you successfully used version 9.

Frustrating as your issue is, I don't think it has anything to do with X5 alone.  I have v10 on an upgrade licence from v9 and have tried repeatedly but without success to replicate your issue.  Cold comfort I know, but may be of some use in helping to track this problem down.

What operating system are you using on both the computers in question?

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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Altor W.
Altor W.

Thank you.  In fact, I had already upgraded from v9 to v10 in the computer that was repaired as it took place before crashing.  It's a DELL and was returned to me the day before yesterday.  This morning, due to the fact of encountering difficulties with v10 on the new computer,  I went back to the old computer (the repaired one) and opened v10.  What I did was quickly create a new project and managed to insert the images in TEXT OBJECT and saved it without any problem.  I was so happy and decided to create the websites on the old one until proved otherwise.  However, once I switched the computer on again and opened v10 for the second time (on the old computer) then I saw a message advising to download the latest update just released on 30/05/2013.  Strangely enough, when I came back to the project and logged into TEXT OBJECT again I had the unsavoury surprise of getting the same error message asking me to exit and close the programme.  For the records, the old computer has ALL the software and programmes that were there before crashing.    The engineer from DELL who repaired it told me the fault was at the motherboard but nothing happened to data on hard drive or software installed.  I thought the problem was linked to AVG antivirus but after doing the test with AVG off the problem persisted.  In short, your advise below in brackets makes no sense because all software installed on the old computer remain unchanged.

"{As a starting point I would advise ensuring that the two computers on which you are trying to use version 10 have all necessary software, plugins, and components installed as per the configuration in which you successfully used version 9.}".

On both computers I am using Windows 7 Home Premium Edition (same system I had v9 for many months and everything went excellent).

I also have the feeling that it has anything to do with X5 alone.  There seem to be something else.  However, why then is happening on both computers when one is old and the new one was just bought last week (very powerful with 30 GB ram, i7 CPU, giant 1100 case tower, 2 TB data, and so forth).  

Can I make a suggestion?  I would be happy if someone from X5 could try to instal the program from scratch on one of their computers and activate it using my licence (upgrade from v9 to v10).  By the way, are you Paul from X5 or just one of the guro of the public who knows everything?  I hope Claudio will go through the error message and cast some light with his proverbal wisdom.

Anyway, as things go it looks like my software is useless because the combinaton of text and image at TEXT OBJECT is one of the tools I use the most for my websites.

Thank you anyway.  In the meantime, I go to bed as here in New Zealand is almost 9.30pm.  I will wake up like a zombie at 2.00am or 3.00am to see if someone could provide me with a lifeboat to save X5's life.


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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Claudio D.

Hello Altor,

This is not depending on the licence since it' only a code to activate the program.

I passed the informations to the programmers so they can check it.

Please try to uninstall the program completely. Delete also the installation folder in program files and then uninstall the .NET 4 Framework 4.0 by using the following cleanup tool:

Once done reinstall the .NET 4.0 Framework from following link:

When the Framework is reinstalled, verify if windows has all updates installed and then download the latest installer of WebSite X5 which you find in your Profile and install this one.

Once done try to create a new project and check if the same issue happens again.

If the program works normally, then try to open the existing project and check if it happens on the project.

Please keep me updated.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Altor W.
Altor W.

Hi Claudio

Thank you very much for your instructions and good will, but the problem remains unsolved.  I have followed up very meticulously and step by step all your instructions regarding uninstall and reinstall of .NET 4 Framework, Windows update verification and clean installation from scratch of WebSite X5 version 10 downloaded from the link on my profile.  In fact, in order to be sure before contacting you again, I did it last night and repeated again this afternoon.  Unfortunately, the bug is hitting hard as the problem persists as follows:

REMINDER: If I choose Text Object at Page Content, I can write text and insert images.  However, when I click okay or try to save then I receive the attached error message (details in Wordpad).  I have also taken two screenshots of the errors.

Please note the same happens on my two computers (both of them running Windows 7): an old one and a brand new recently purchased.  WebSite X5 v9 always run excellently on the old computer and have not installed any new software for a long while.  On the new one I have just installed very basic programs such as MS Office.

I would beg you to do your best as I am currently under big financial pressure and need to release some basic pages as part of my business.  To give you an idea, in v9 I was able to create very easily in Text Object content like the one on the attached file called "webpage".

By the way, another thing, in some occasions during the last few days when I insert images in Text Object they don't look normal with nice colours but shrinked and fuzzy.  If I see that then I am sure the error message will be popping up soon.  In any case, even if the images look normal I cannot save them as I did before in v9.  I would dare saying that after following up your instructions, inserted images look more normal (most of the time) but I cannot save them anyway.  For example, on the attached screenshot the image of the painting came up with normal colours, form and shape.

It is my understanding there is a serious bug acting on two fronts: (1) at times inserted images in Text Object may look distorted, fuzzy and shrinked, and (2) they can never be saved and previewed because when I attempt to do so I receive immediately the attached error message.

I will be crossing my fingers while waiting for your help and support.  This is a problem that must be solved because something is definitely happening that need attention by programmers. I have always been so impressed with your software but now start having doubts.  Anyway, I also understand there is no perfect software and all need to be reviewed constantly in order to get their best performance.

Thank you

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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Claudio D.

Hello Altor,

Thank you very much for your informations. I sent them to the developers so they can check the program and in case fix it.

I'm also trying to reproduce it so I can gather more informations but it doesn't happens. Do you copy the text from office?

Is the image on your computer? Do you add it with the image button in the text editor?

In the meanwhile, until we find a solution, you can try to use the image object by adding it near the text object, if this works and so we can continue to find the cause and you can publish the working website.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Altor W.
Altor W.

Hello Claudio

In response to your first question, I have a folder under 'C\My Documents\' dedicated to WebSiteX5 projects.  The first thing I do before starting any project is to have the images I wish to insert in WebSiteX5 (including favicon) located in a subfolder created for each one of my projects.  The name of the subfolder is identical to project's name. Most of my images are .jpg but on occasions I use .png but I would like to point out that error message at text object systematically occurs regardless if I use .jpg or .png.  Then, when I am inside a text object for editing purposes, I insert the image of my choice previously uploaded on my computer hard drive as aforementioned.  Error messagea immediately and constantly come up and I must exit the program once I click "ok" or try to save the image inserted in text object.

As for your second question: YES. I add images in text object by clicking the image button in the text editor.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you.

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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Claudio D.

Hello Altor,

Can you please try to copy the images directly in C:\ and then add these from C:\ directly in the text object and then check if you get the same issue.

Does the images appear fuzzy from every location you add them and also if you add these in the image object?

Please keep me updated.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Altor W.
Altor W.

Hello Claudio

It looks like as if you have hit the nail with the right hammer.  As per your suggestion, I am not getting the error message and WebSiteX5 seems to be working perfectly if hen I placed the images directly under C:\ (please see attached screenshot "C-Drive").  In any case, I would rather prefer to keep testing later today with old and newly created projects before treating this issue as "solved".

By the way, as shown on attached screenshot "Altor", so far all project folders created (with corresponding images inside) were located under a folder called "+++ ABC WEB5X = ABC WEB5X = ABC WEB5X +++".  The reason for such a name is because on my old computer I had plenty of folders under documents and by starting the folder name with either ++ or ++ then I wouldn't habe to scroll down to find the folder "WebSiteX5" because with those characters folders are automatically placed on top.  However, becasue WebSiteX5 starts with "W" then it will be located at the bottom of the list.  Perhaps the combination of all this characters created conflict of directory with images at the time of pick them up from text object. I suppose the learning curve for all WebSiteX5 users is that we should try to name foldes with simple words (not with characters like +, =, etc.).  Perhaps we should try to name folders with all letters in small case.  As a matter of fact, some servers have difficulties managing images if they are names with words starting with a capital letter.

Please let me add that it appears WebSiteX5 works fine without having to place images directly under "C\images". The reason is because I created a subfolder under My Documents called "Altor" (red box on the screenshot).  Then I create the project subfolder under "Altor" and, during my last few attempts, images are being inserted from there into WebSiteX5 wihout any error message.  For example, as per attached "projectfolder_directory" screenshot, I created a new project from scratch called "Siteproof" and I manage to insert the images without problem as you can see on screenshot "Siteproof".

By the way, I have noticed images inserted at Text Object tend to be displayed at a smaller size compared to when they are inserted using Image Object.  You can view this on screenshot "Siteproof".  Both images are the same one located at C:\My Documents\Altorweb\Siteproof but the one on the left was inserted using Text Object and the one on the right was inserted using Image Object.

PS: With regard to your question about fuzzy images, this event has occurred in a few instances but as far as I recall not after you asked me to update .NET 4 Framework 4.0.  I think Framework 4.0 has been useful in some way, perhaps more than I could actually guess, but it did not solve the problems. Finally, I have not encountered any problem at all when adding images at the image object content.

I will contact you later by the end of the day to let you know if things keep working well.


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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Claudio D.

Hello Altor,

It seems that it was the folder name causing the issue and the developers are working on it. In any case it's preferable, for any program to not use these characters in the folder names since they are not always read correctly.

I will try to see what happens with the image size in the different objects.

Please let me know if you encounter any other issue.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Altor W.
Altor W.

Hello Claudio

Sorry for failing to come back to you much earlier but I have been very busy from yesterday.

I can now safely say the problem has been fixed.  The attached screenshot corresponds to a new project I created a short while ago to show you what happens at Text Object level (image and letters inserted without any problem). As you said, it looks like everything was linked to folder's name.  From now on all my foldes and images will bear simple names only with letters and numbers and separate by undescore (_) if I have to write words separated, ie no leaving space in between words.  Also, from now on I will never start folder and file names with capital letters (all letters in small case).  I think this would avoid conflicts not only at WebSiteX5 level but also at server's end.

Tomorrow I will download WebSiteX5 again on my old computer to see if everything is fine by changing folder's name.

However, the issue of image size hasn't changed.  It looks exactly as the screenshot I sent you on my latest post ("looking smaller in TEXT OBJECT in comparison with IMAGE OBJECT).  Please keep me informed if you manage to find an explanation for this.

Thank you again for your support!!

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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Altor W.
Altor W.

I just forgot mentioning that image problem has also disappeared when I insert images in Text Object in old projects created with v9.


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Gepostet am von Altor W.
Claudio D.

Hello Altor,

Please let me know if on the other computer it works too.

About the difference of the images in the text object and image object, I tested it in Version 9 too but it depends on the size of the image since in the image object it cann occcupy all the available space, but in the text object the image is reduced to leave space also for the text.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Altor W.
Altor W.

Hello Claudio

Sorry for my late reply.  I just wanted to inform you that WebX5 is working without problems on the old computer as well.  The whole story sounds weird but it happened.  Thanks a lot for your assistance.

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Gepostet am von Altor W.