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Floyd Downer
Floyd Downer

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Autor: Floyd Downer
Besucht 3838, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

I am new to the webpage design world. I would like to know something. I'm creating a site that requires users to sign up providing their email, username and stuff. All that info is stored on my web hosting server. Iv also integrated the access management unto the website to act as the log in, but i don't see how the forms i created for signing up can possibly be linked to the access management of Website X5. I need some help because signing up and signing in is a integral part of the site.

Gepostet am
Claudio D.

Hello Floyd,

The data you you get from the form during the registration has to be added manually in the access management section of the project and then it has to be uploaded to update the login informations. Only the creation of new accounts for the logins needs to be added manually.

If you require any further information, please feel free to write back.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Floyd Downer
Floyd Downer

Funny enough I figured that out for myself, but it’s not what I’m looking for. I’ve come to the realization that I’ll have to find some other means to get what I need done, more than likely I would have to get someone to write some code for me.

What I wanted was for users to sign up, then receive their conformation email, then sign in then start browsing immediately, basically what you do on any other site like Facebook, etc. But with what is available in Website X5 I would have to personally add the data to the access management system. That’s not what I’m looking for.

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Gepostet am von Floyd Downer