It's important
Autor: ALI U.
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You bought a license. Order number: 46318458. When editing photos and add something from the library or do I change the cell style, the page is viewed the cell itself becomes black and white and appears heading "Unregistered version". I'll lose my scrip tell me what to do?
Gepostet am
And why the program Web site 10 evolyushshon I downloaded with the link provided in the purchase of a license does not require any key I have no license. Strange is I do not use a registered version of the program. But how to fix because I have letsenziya.
Hi Ali,
This post may help you:
They find theirlicense keyherein yourprofile under "Licenses" and the currentversion of thesoftware under "Download".The menu withthese pointsin the lowerrightwindowofherprofile.
As I can not delete all the files of pirated copies of the software. Why? In the program there is no button activation. What do I do?
Uninstallthewrong programin Windows(whenit is no longercompletely reinstallit)and thennew installation.
Объясните по подробнее из каких папок мне удалить копию. Я пытался, полностью удалил из панели управления и из документов папку icomedia. Что мне еще сделать?
Hello Ali,
I already answered you at you can follow that post to find the solution.
Many thanks!
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