Nordic letters 
Autor: Einar W.
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The New Evolution 10 does not have the option to have Norwegian content. This is not good for me because when I make a webiste With Norwegian letters they all come out as messed up letters in the Product.
Please update with the option to make the content Norwegian as it was possible to do in Evolution 9
Gepostet am
Hello Einar,
Can you please tell me where does they are not shown correctly? It's in the preview or once online?
If it's online can you please also write the link to the website?
The program generates the code in UTF-8 format like Version 9 and with this encoding all characters are visible.
Many thanks!
Hello again
The letters turn up OK in the preview but not when the site is uploaded to the internet.
Here is an example of what happens when I use the norwegian letters:
æ ø and å
The problem is the same in both IE and Chrome
Hello Einar,
The Nordic letters are not shown correctly because your webhosting provider shows the Websites in following encoding system "windows-1252" and the Website uses the UTF-8 format.
You need to contact your hosting provider to ask how to activate the UTF-8 encoding format and then it will be rendered correctly.
Please feel free to write back if you need more information.
I have a similar problem with some sites I have written. I live in France, and my ISP here (where I use the webspace as a test area) has made suggestions, but the problem was solved. In the UK however (where the final sites are hosted), the ISP says it is my problem, and that they do not specify a language. I am not asking the,\m to specify a language, only to activate UTF-8 on the pages uploaded. Can I force this, by adding some code to the project start page?
Hello Dale,
I already answered you at you can follow that post to find the solution.
Many thanks!
I have questions.
1. When I use Evolution 9 and upload the site everything looks correct. Why cannot Evolution10 work the same way?
2. Can you add "Norwegian" as an option when you choose language for content? Evolution 9 have this option, why was it removed in Evolution 10?
Hello Einar,
Version 9 and 10 uses as charset UTF-8 but it seems that the server is using for your upload the wrong charset. You need to ask your hosting provider if they can set as standard charset UTF-8 so it will always work correctly.
About the norvegian language, this option in Version 9 was for the automatic generated text, and at the moment it's not present.
Many thanks!
Hello again
Thank you for your answer.
I do understand what you are saying but you are still wrong.
I have made two web-pages for you on the very same server, same ISP, everything is the same, to prove for you that your explanation is not correct.
Please do not be a bot and repeat your previous answer, the pages speak for themselves.
To me Evolution 10 is useless until you fix this error.
Go here and look for yourself:
Many thanks
Hello Einar,
We tested the packets sent by the hosting server and it is sending following instructions:
text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
And the program generates UTF-8 encoded pages. Did you contact your hosting provider to ask if it can be set as UTF-8 since on providers with this settings all characters works perfectly?
As alternative you can add following code to force the UTF-8 encoding in step 1 - Expert - in the section "before closing </HEAD>":
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
Or force it with an .htaccess file.
Many thanks!
Thank you.
This helped.
But even if I did this there IS a difference between evo9 and evo10, but this fixes it so I shall rant no more :-)
There is one odd thing more I want to tell you.
To make ALL letters look correct I had to kopy the english CONTENT in the content-list and call it NO istead of EN.
Together with the advice from you that did the trick.
Hello Einar,
Thank you very much for the information.
Many thanks!